
How to get unique ID of a Citrix XenServer VM from the guest OS?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-12 19:16:20
问题 Let's say I have multiple Citrix XenServer VMs with the same name. Or, the names are garbage, doesn't matter. From the guest OS on one of those VMs, how can I programatically determine the ID of the VM? I was hoping the UUID of the VM would should as the guest OS's BIOS serial number, but it doesn't. Have looked everywhere, registry, WMI, you name it. Now, the reason I won't just use the hostname, is that I might have multiple machines with same hostname (e.g. a full lab with copies of VMs).

git shell on Windows reports “sh.exe has stopped working (APPCRASH)”

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-12 15:12:50
问题 I have tried both the Git shell installed by GitHub and that provided by Git for Windows on my Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machine on XenServer 6.20 With each, git command line calls fail with the message sh.exe has stopped working (APPCRASH) This is a recent problem. Can anyone advise me of a solution? 回答1: The issue appears to be caused by the XenServer 6.20 Guest tools I installed after first installing git. There is an update for Windows Server 2012 R2. Alternatively, you can uninstall

Is there an OS command I can run to determine if running inside a Xen based virtual machine

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-12 09:29:44
问题 Is there an OS command I can run from within a Xen based virtual machine to tell me that it is a virtual box rather than a physical box - I heard that the kernel had some self awareness smarts about it. e.g. like an extra column in "ps" output or something? [I know vmstat provides the "st" column but I have seen this on physical host boxes running Linux Kernel 2.6.11 and greater as well]. Many Thanks, Paul 回答1: Dmesg may give some hints from the kernel message buffer, here is output on a

Live migrate local XenServer VM's not working - XenAPI

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-11 19:55:49
问题 I want to use python and the xenserver API to live migrate locally stored VM's, within a pool. I am using the xenapi.VM.Pool_Migrate($vm, $host, $options) call and when I run it, the icon for the VM in XenCenter turns yellow for a moment, and the script exits cleanly, but the VM does not move. I think this is because the VM is locally stored on the host. But I can manually migrate it to another host within XenCenter, so how do I do this in the API? 回答1: This works for me. Get the vm_ref and

VDI resizing api does not work

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-11 12:32:38
问题 This question was migrated from Server Fault because it can be answered on Stack Overflow. Migrated 6 years ago . I am developing a Xen management webapp with Php. The VDI (virtual disk image) renaming API and resizing APIs usage are very same. I haven't managed to succeed resizing the VDI. Do you think what I am doing wrong here. Renaming function: function xenapi_set_vdi_name($session, $ref, $name) { $conn = $session[0]; $sess = new xmlrpcval($session[1]); $vdi = new xmlrpcval($ref); $name

How do I login to a XEN session from a C# program using a secure string password?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-11 10:57:54
问题 I'm using PowerShell 5.1, Visual Studio 2017, C# , and XenServer SDK 7.1.1. Using Get-Credentials and Export-CliXml in a PowerShell program, I've saved my pool master server login credentials for the root user to an XML credentials file (xml_creds.xml) Now, I want to create and login to a session using C# (see code below). As you can see, I'm forced to convert my secure string to a plain text string to satisfy the signature for the Xen .NET API's login_with_password method. Using the API, how

Weird program latency behavior on VM

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-10 23:56:10
问题 I wrote a program to read 256KB array to get 1ms latency. The program is pretty simple and attached. However, when I run it on VM on Xen, I found that the latency is not stable. It has the following pattern: The time unit is ms. #totalCycle CyclePerLine totalms 22583885 5513 6.452539 3474342 848 0.992669 3208486 783 0.916710 25848572 6310 7.385306 3225768 787 0.921648 3210487 783 0.917282 25974700 6341 7.421343 3244891 792 0.927112 3276027 799 0.936008 25641513 6260 7.326147 3531084 862 1

Collect HostCPU utilisation and disk I/O speed using XenServer Java API

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-10 22:14:22
问题 I would like to use XenServer Java API to collect some performance information from a pool of hosts, but I am having some trouble getting the HostCPU utilisation. For all CPUs the utilisation comes with 0.0 value, and I don't know why. I have not found a way to get the disk I/O speed (read and write in b/s). Has anyone had succeeded in getting this data? 回答1: In XenServer version 5.5, the way these metrics are stored has changed, and it is now recommended to use the XML over HTTP API instead.

Centos 6.4 开启 VNC

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-07 09:08:56
精简版 yum install tigervnc tigervnc-server -y chkconfig vncserver on vncpasswd vncserver #多个用户都到相应用户下生成文件 vi /root/.vnc/xstartup 把最后的 twm & 删掉 加上 gnome-session & vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers VNCSERVERS="1:root 2:drudy" #有几个用户可以直接在后面加 #VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1024x768 -nolisten tcp -nohttpd " /etc/init.d/vncserver start service iptables stop Centos 6.4 开启 VNC 一、查看是否安装 VNC 好像 6.0 以后 VNC 名字 由 vnc 改成 tigervnc [root@xen ~]# rpm -qa|grep tigervnc tigervnc-1.0.90-0.17.20110314svn4359.el6.x86_64 tigervnc-server-1.0.90-0.17.20110314svn4359.el6.x86_64 如果没有就安装下了 [root@xen ~]# yum install tigervnc


依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-06 08:32:46
运维工程师—李晨星 一、虚拟化 1. 什么是虚拟化 虚拟化,是指通过虚拟化技术模拟计算机的硬件,虚拟为多台逻辑计算机。在一台计算机上同时运行多个逻辑计算机,每个逻辑计算机可运行不同的操作系统,并且应用程序都可以在相互独立的空间内运行而互不影响,从而显著提高计算机的工作效率。 虚拟化使用软件的方法重新定义划分IT资源,可以实现IT资源的动态分配、灵活调度、跨域共享,提高IT资源利用率,使IT资源能够真正成为社会基础设施,服务于各行各业中灵活多变的应用需求。 2. 虚拟化软件的差别 Linux虚拟化软件: qemu:软件纯模拟全虚拟化软件,特别慢!AIX,兼容性好! Xen:性能特别好,需要使用专门修改之后的内核,兼容性差! KVM:虚拟机,它有硬件支持CPU,基于Linux内核,而且不需要使用专门的内核!性能较好,兼容较好 VMware:图形界面,虚拟机管理管理软件,同时可运行多个操作系统在主系统的平台上,可以进行虚拟的分区、配置而不影响真实硬盘的数据,可通过网卡将虚拟机连为局域网,极其方便。 virtual box:号称最强的免费虚拟机软件,Oracle已收购,非常小。使用上和VMware差不多,有点耗CPU。 二、XenServer服务器虚拟化平台 1. 首先从Xen开始说起 Xen体系的架构 Xen 的 VMM ( Xen Hypervisor ) 位于操作系统和硬件之间