

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-29 22:02:48
XEN 虚拟化 Xen 虚拟化概述 Xen 是业界速度最快、 最安全的基础设施虚拟 化软件技术,并已得到 20 多家业界主要供应 商的支持,其中包括 Novell。 XEN 简介 XEN 是一个基于X86架构、发展最快、性能最稳定、占用资源最少的开源虚拟化技术。Xen可以在一套物理硬件上安全的执行多个虚拟机,与 Linux 是一个完美的开源组合,Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 最先采用了XEN虚拟技术。它特别适用于服务器应用整合,可有效节省运营成本,提高设备利用率,最大化利用数据中心的IT基础架构。 XEN 是英国剑桥大学计算机实验室开发的一个虚拟化开源项目,XEN 可以在一套物理硬件上安全的执行多个虚拟机,它和操作平台结合的极为密切,占用的资源最少。目前稳定版本为XEN3.0。支持万贯虚拟化和超虚拟化。以高性能、占用资源少著称,赢得了IBM、AMD、HP、Red Hat和Novell等众多世界级软硬件厂商的高度认可和大力支持,已被国内外众多企事业用户用来搭建高性能的虚拟化平台。 XEN与SUSE LINUX Novell是第一个采用XEN开源虚拟化技术的厂家,比其他Linux厂商要早。最先把Xen虚拟化技术集成在Novell Suse Linux平台上,XEN为广大用户提供了目前Linux 上最佳的免费虚拟化解决方案


亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-29 22:02:29
---vent 一.虚拟化技术的类型 1.全虚拟化 全虚拟化(Full virtualization), 也称为原始虚拟化技术,全虚拟化是指虚拟机模拟了完整的底层硬件,包括处理器、物理内存、时钟、外设等,使得为原始硬件设计的操作系统或其它系统软件完全不做任何修改就可以在虚拟机中运行。该技术架构图如图1-1所示: 图 1-1. 全虚拟化 : 使用 Hypervisor 分享底层硬件 由于计算机硬件化资源被抽象化,必须需要一个机制来管理抽象化之后的资源。这个机制一般称作Hypervisor或者Virtual Machine Monitor(VMM)。该模型使用虚拟机协调客户操作系统和原始硬件.因为VMM在客户操作系统和裸硬件之间用于工作协调. 一些受保护的指令必须由Hypervisor(虚拟机管理程序)来捕获和处理. 因为操作系统是通过Hypervisor来分享底层硬件。全虚拟化的运行速度要快于硬件模拟, 但是性能方面不如裸机, 因为Hypervisor需要占用一些资源.它的唯一限制是操作系统必须能够支持底层硬件(比如, PowerPC) 代表项目;VMWare 闭源/ z/VM(IBM) 闭源 2.半虚拟化 半虚拟化(Paravirtualization)是另一种类似于全虚拟化的热门技术. 它使用Hypervisor(虚拟机管理程序)分享存取底层的硬件


喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-29 11:36:18
回想两年前刚入职那会,真是“志得意满”,心想自己大学时由于着迷于当时 流行的flash动漫,大部分业余时间基本耗在自学计算机之路的摸爬滚打上了,而且 毕业后还不惜又耗一年的时间考取了华科的计算机研究生,为的是换个专业证书, 接着熬过了所谓的硕士生涯然后就进入了国内口碑最好的安全厂商奇虎360;努力总 没白费,正式踏上了曾“朝思暮想”的安全行业,可以继续做我的“黑客梦”了。 应届生入职时,会例行的培训3个月。说是培训,其实是一次“再面试”,也就 是趁机考察下大家的动手解决问题的能力。从独立完成RSS阅读器、小组合作完成 类似微软的计算器到小组合作完成网络五子棋,这个过程中确实让人比较有成就感 ,让我发现了自己的动手编码能力和快速学习解决问题的能力并不比科班出身的人 差,甚至还可能比大多数人强那么一点点。而且正是当时小组的导师也发现了我这 一点,收留我进入他所在的部门“主动防御”,去做后台。后台,这个词对于当时 的我而言还是比较神秘和向往的,于是,我更加“意气风发”,决心一定要认真对 待这次机会让自己也能正式踏入“安全圈”。 入部门之后,导师所在小组连我在内其实就3个人,导师、我、还一个社招的, 下面就分别以张、我、颜代称吧。张负责哪块,当时我还真不清楚,毕竟是直属上 级吧,他吩咐什么我照办就行了,其他的不在我该了解的范围;颜负责后台的数据 统计和交互页面的开发;我嘛

How do I setup Android Continuous Integration on a VM?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-25 16:51:54
问题 I'm creating an Android project. For CI, I am using Bamboo but can easily switch to Jenkins. That CI system lives on a VM via Xen, which cannot be easily changed. I have no problem running the Java Unit tests, but when I try to run the Android unit tests, I need either an emulator or a device. But The emulator will not run on Xen because that would create a VM-within-a-VM issue (See S/O question) A device cannot connect over USB ( adb usb ) to the VM because Xen cannot forward USB devices to

Carrying and Working on an Entire Development Box from a USB Stick. Feasible?

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-21 23:17:17
问题 Lately I have been thinking about investing in a worthy USB pen drive (something along the lines of this), and install Operating Systems on Virtual Machines and start developing on them. What I have in mind is that I want to be able to carry my development boxes, being a Windows Distribution for .Net development and a Linux Distribution for stuff like RoR, Perl and whatnot, so that I would be able to carry them around where need be...be it work, school, different computers at home etc... I am


人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-21 08:47:45
一、选择系统平台 a) Ubuntu-11.10-server-amd64 二、Xen安装 a) Xen安装 # apt-get -y install xen-hypervisor-4.1-amd64 xen-docs-4.1 xen-tools xen-utils-4.1 xen-utils-common xenstore-utils b) 更改启动顺序(Xen要先于内核启动) i. # cd /etc/grub.d/ ii. # mv 10_linux 20_linux&&mv 20_linux_xen 10_linux_xen iii. # update-grub2 * 修改dom0占用的内存 # vi /etc/grub.d/10_linux_xen xen_args="$6" --> xen_args="dom0_mem=1024M" c) 配置网桥 i. # vi /etc/network/interfaces ii. 按如下方式配置 #auto eth0 #iface eth0 inet static auto br0 iface br0 inet static address netmask gateway bridge_ports eth0 bridge_hello 2 bridge

What are “non-virtualizable” instructions in x86 architecture?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-20 10:32:41
问题 Before the advent of hardware assisted virtualization there were instructions that could not be virtualized due to various reasons. Can somebody please explain what those instructions are and why they cannot be virtualized? 回答1: To virtualize an ISA, certain requirements must be met. Popek and Goldberg used something like the following: A machine has at least two modes (a) user mode and (b) system mode . Typically, applications run in user mode and the operating system runs in system mode .


心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-18 11:55:43
问题 I'm writing a a very small daemon that must remain responsive even when a system is under severe stress. I'm looking at the differences between SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR in regards to scheduling, as well as trying to determine a sensible priority. Which scheduler would be appropriate for a small but critical monitoring daemon, what priority would be reasonably safe? I'm still coming up a little fuzzy when trying to understand the differences between the two. My program is allocating under 3k

Java VMs that do not require an operating system?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-17 23:07:25
问题 I know that BEA was working on LiquidVM which didn't require an underlying operating system, but would like to know if anyone in the open source community is working on something similar. Ideally I would like to find an implementation where the VM is directly loaded by the OS boot loader. 回答1: What is it you need? Perhaps Sanos can give you a small chunk of code between the hardware and the JVM which you can use? http://www.jbox.dk/sanos/ 回答2: Unlike SANOS, the JNode operating system is a

How can I keep the UI responsive and updated with progress while all the work is done in a background job on the local computer?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-14 03:03:22
问题 I have a program that displays a UI , allows the user to pick virtual machine names obtained by querying the Xen pool master server, and then creates snapshots for the selected virtual machines. I want the snapshots to be created in the background so I can keep the UI responsive and update the UI with progress as each snapshot is created. Originally, I connected to the Xen pool master server and then executed the Xen create snapshot cmdlet once per selected VM in the UI thread. As such, the