

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-11-29 06:04:16
1. 问题描述   WinRAR每次弹出的广告真的令人厌烦至极,虽然软件公司也得恰饭,免费给你用总得看俩广告吧,但是像我这样经常用WinRAR的人来说广告弹出频率未免也太过分了。一开始还只是用火绒的弹窗拦截关掉,虽然火绒关的很快,但是还是能看到一闪而过的广告窗口。终于我痛下觉醒一定要消灭掉广告弹窗。 2. 解决方案   (1) 下载安装     首先得有一个WinRAR,在官网 选择合适自己系统的版本下载安装就可以了。安装一路无脑同意下一步就可以,软件很小没必要装到其它路径。   (2) 注册软件     32位默认安装路径: C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR     64位默认安装路径: C:\Program Files\WinRAR     打开安装目录,在安装目录新建文件 rarreg.key 。用文本编辑器打开后,输入以下字符串(有可能没权限创建,在桌面创建写完了以后复制粘贴到文件夹中即可。不要拖动到文件夹,那样只会创建一个快捷方式)。 RAR registration data 100 PC usage license UID=220d3db605000308573f


淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-11-28 14:23:03
这篇文章主要介绍了用winrar和ftp命令实现自动备份文件并自动上传到指定的ftp服务器的方法,需要的朋友可以参考下。 1.利用winrar建立压缩包 首先将要备份的文件路径收集到一个文本文件里 如我的rat.txt里内容如下: "C:\Documents and Settings\EvanZhang\Desktop\untitled.JPG" "C:\Documents and Settings\EvanZhang\Desktop\文具用品领用确认表.xls" "C:\Documents and Settings\EvanZhang\Desktop\test.exe" 建立backup.bat文件,内容如下 "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -m5 -k -t -ag[YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS] c:\backup-.rar @c:\rar.txt -a 添加文件到压缩文件中 -m5 设置压缩比 -k 锁定压缩文件不允许编辑 -t 压缩后测试 -ag 以当前日期生成文件名 c:\backup-rar 生成压缩包前缀 @c:\rar.txt 要压缩的文件 2.建立ftp命令批处理 添加如下行到 backup.bat ftp -s:c:\ftp

How to create self-extracting RAR archive not showing anything on execution?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-28 01:06:52
I am trying to create a self-extracting archive that extracts to "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" with WinRar. However, when I run it, it extracts to the SFX's current directory, not my desktop. Does the path to extract option work at all? I'm using the 32-bit command line module. I also checked the 'hide all' box for silent mode which appears to do absolutely nothing and the command prompt window still appears with showing information on what is extracted. I want that SFX archive extracts the .exe and the folder contained in the SFX file to the desktop without any messages popping up. Any suggestions?

How can I automate the building of this Winrar Sfx File

随声附和 提交于 2019-11-28 01:01:48
问题 After building my appplication on Windows using maven (and a little bit of ant) I manually create a Winrar Sfx Installer as follows: Select files, right click and select Add to Archive Use Browse.. to create the archive in the folder above Change Archive Format to Zip Enable Create Archive Format Select Advanced tab Select SFX Options Select Setup tab Enter setup.exe into the Run after Extraction field Select Modes tab Enable Unpack to temporary folder Select text and Icon tab Enter new title

Simply compress 1 folder in batch with WinRAR command line?

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-11-27 04:33:51
Using the WinRAR command line (C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe) , all I'm trying to do is compress a single folder (C:\Users\%username%\desktop\someFolder) and possibly change the name of the .zip file created. I've tried just "rar.exe a " C:\Users\%username%\desktop\someFile " and it works, but it compresses another folder (not the one I put). What am I doing wrong? Can you also provide explanation (and maybe tell me what recursion is because I'm unfamiliar with it)? Thanks Use either "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a -ep1 -idq -r -y "Name of RAR file with path" "%UserProfile%\Desktop

How do I make a self extract and running installer

不问归期 提交于 2019-11-26 19:32:37
So currently my users download a zipfile, unzip it and then run setup.exe - I would like them to do this with one click. Using i can make a self-extracting exe, but it doesn't actually run the installer. From this question Why does 7zip Ignore my InstallPath when making a SFX installer? it seems I also need an .sfx file so I copied from the other question and created one with the following contents ;!@Install@!UTF-8! InstallPath="C:\\test" GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe" ;!@InstallEnd@! and called setup.sfx and add this to

Simply compress 1 folder in batch with WinRAR command line?

Deadly 提交于 2019-11-26 11:16:59
问题 Using the WinRAR command line (C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\rar.exe) , all I\'m trying to do is compress a single folder (C:\\Users\\%username%\\desktop\\someFolder) and possibly change the name of the .zip file created. I\'ve tried just \"rar.exe a \" C:\\Users\\%username%\\desktop\\someFile \" and it works, but it compresses another folder (not the one I put). What am I doing wrong? Can you also provide explanation (and maybe tell me what recursion is because I\'m unfamiliar with it)? Thanks

How do I make a self extract and running installer

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-11-26 07:00:02
问题 So currently my users download a zipfile, unzip it and then run setup.exe - I would like them to do this with one click. Using i can make a self-extracting exe, but it doesn\'t actually run the installer. From this question Why does 7zip Ignore my InstallPath when making a SFX installer? it seems I also need an .sfx file so I copied from the other question and created one with the following contents ;!@Install@!UTF-8!