
C# NUnrar library (extracting password protected rar files without password)

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-02 04:39:42
问题 I am using this library in C# to extract RAR files. Is it able to extract a file even if it is password protected? It doesn't even ask for password. How is that possible? I am creating RAR files using WinRar and putting password on them. 回答1: I'm the author of nunrar and I am making decryption of password protected rar archives my next item to do as I thought I had already done it (zip files blurred my memory). As another comment

C# NUnrar library (extracting password protected rar files without password)

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-02 02:01:35
I am using this library in C# to extract RAR files. Is it able to extract a file even if it is password protected? It doesn't even ask for password. How is that possible? I am creating RAR files using WinRar and putting password on them. I'm the author of nunrar and I am making decryption of password protected rar archives my next item to do as I thought I had already done it (zip files blurred my memory). As another comment said, I am always looking for help but hopefully I'll get this done soon. Игорь Орлов (End of Year 2018.)

How to archive files older than 7 days with creating one archive for all files with same date?

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-01 21:11:25
I am looking for someone who can help me make a scheduled task to automatically move log files into RAR archives. It does not have to be a batch file solution, if you have other ideas please share. I got the basic code for it. This is the batch file code I have so far: "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -ag -ms "D:\tet\Web3811\Web3811\LogsBackup\" @backup.txt That line in the batch file runs RAR to create an archive with all files in the folder specified in list file backup.txt containing: D:\tet\Web3811\Web3811\log The RAR archive is created in D:\tet\Web3811\Web3811\LogsBackup\ with yyyy-mm

extract ISO with winrar automatically with c# or batch

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-01 20:15:36
I'm trying to extract an ISO to a folder with the same name without .iso on the end. I'm having a problem with winrar as it will not start the extract when I start up with the seach starting in the folder with the ISO. UPDATED with answer code private void ExtractISO(string toExtract, string folderName) { // reads the ISO CDReader Reader = new CDReader(File.Open(toExtract, FileMode.Open), true); // passes the root directory the folder name and the folder to extract ExtractDirectory(Reader.Root, folderName /*+ Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(toExtract)*/ + "\\", ""); // clears reader and frees

Packing (WinRAR) with a password on a group of files

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-01 18:31:24
I'll try and make this as short as i can. I'm looking for a .bat file to rar up and password folders with files in them, but the problem is a little more tricky than i thought, each folder can have anything from 1 to 400 files in it, i have two .txt files, one with the desired number of.rar file names and one with the desired number of .rar passwords, so txt doc's look like this, first is filenames.txt : FAD01 FAD02 FAD03 and so on up to FAD110 and another .txt file GAP01 GAP02 GAP03 GAP04 GAP05 and so on upto GAP50 the 1st password .txt file look like this vF2RiQMof6HSWy8MSEIO


爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-01 05:06:37
漏洞介绍 WinRAR 是一款流行的解压缩工具,据其官网上发布的数据,全球有超过5亿的用户在使用 2019年2月20日,安全厂商 checkpoint 发布了名为《Extracting a 19 Year old code Execution from WinRAR》的文章,文章披露了一个存在于 winRAR 中用于 ace 文件解析的 DLL 模块中的绝对路径穿越漏洞,可导致远程代码执行。 漏洞类型:代码执行 漏洞利用条件:将压缩包解压到当前文件夹,同时释放恶意文件到指定目录,重启机器便会触发漏洞(解压到自启动目录 or 解压dll文件进行劫持) 受影响版本:WinRAR 5.7 之前含有UNACEV2.dll模块的压缩程序 产生原因:ace处理相关的DLL在对解压目标的相对路径进行解析时,CleanPath函数过滤不严导致 修复方案:升级到winrar5.7.1、 漏洞复现 环境准备: 吾爱破解上找的winrar 5.60版本 靶机: 简体中文64位: 简体中文32位:

How can I create an auto-executing, WinRar SFX file from a batch file?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-30 13:21:37
问题 I have a 3rd-party installer program that I would like for my users to be able to download and run as a pre-requisite to an application that I have written. The installer can take parameters that allows for a passive installation, where the user can watch the progress of the process but doesn't have to interact with the installation. Previously, I've accomplished this behavior by creating an SFX file in WinRar. From within the options of the WinRAR GUI, you can specify a file to launch after

How can I create an auto-executing, WinRar SFX file from a batch file?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-11-30 07:11:42
I have a 3rd-party installer program that I would like for my users to be able to download and run as a pre-requisite to an application that I have written. The installer can take parameters that allows for a passive installation, where the user can watch the progress of the process but doesn't have to interact with the installation. Previously, I've accomplished this behavior by creating an SFX file in WinRar. From within the options of the WinRAR GUI, you can specify a file to launch after the archive has been decompressed, as well as parameters to the application. Is there a way to create

WinRAR 去广告的尝试

故事扮演 提交于 2019-11-29 13:44:31
一直在使用WinRAR解压压缩文件,感觉非常的好用,可是近期WinRAR添加了广告,每次打开压缩包都会弹出广告,有时候甚至在解压的时候弹出来,而每次弹出广告都会卡顿一下子,忍了很长时间今天实在是受不了了,准备尝试去广告,故把过程记录下来,这里我使用的是最新版 5.71. 通过 CreateWindowExW 函数去广告 通过F12暂停法去广告 通过窗口句柄去广告 (x64位) 来源:

How can I automate the building of this Winrar Sfx File

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-11-29 07:30:24
After building my appplication on Windows using maven (and a little bit of ant) I manually create a Winrar Sfx Installer as follows: Select files, right click and select Add to Archive Use Browse.. to create the archive in the folder above Change Archive Format to Zip Enable Create Archive Format Select Advanced tab Select SFX Options Select Setup tab Enter setup.exe into the Run after Extraction field Select Modes tab Enable Unpack to temporary folder Select text and Icon tab Enter new title Select setup.ico from the same folder that we invoked winrar from Select OK Select OK But can I