
Floating app on Android (Windowed app)

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-02-04 12:44:32
问题 Does anyone know how I can create a floating window? (Image below shows what I mean) - source code I've read on various websites that in order to do so an app must be running as a service which should in turn be running as an activity using 'TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT'. If the above is or isn't true ... I still don't know how to implement the code. Can someone write some code showing how a simple app (click button and do something) can be made into a floating window, Thank You :) This may also help -

Kafka Streams (Suppress): Closing a TimeWindow by timeout

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-06 04:40:07
问题 I have the following piece of code to aggregate data hourly based on event time KStream<Windowed<String>, SomeUserDefinedClass> windowedResults = inputStream .groupByKey(Grouped.with(Serdes.String(), new SomeUserDefinedSerde<>())) .windowedBy(TimeWindows.of(Duration.ofMinutes(60)).grace(Duration.ofMinutes(15))) .aggregate ( // do some aggregation ) .suppress(Suppressed.untilTimeLimit(Duration.ofMinutes(75), Suppressed.BufferConfig.unbounded())) .toStream(); The issue is that I am unable to

Can a plugin(for safari on mac) be made windowed or windowless programmatically?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-25 16:09:11
问题 We are making a plugin for safari browser on mac. After browsing over internet, i found that generally plugins on mac are windowless but i want a windowed plugin. Even in function NPP_SetWindow i tried to print the value of variable type (which is of type NPWindowType ) as following: NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow * pNPWindow) { ... printf("....: %d",pNPWindow->type); ... } It prints 2 i.e its value is NPWindowTypeDrawable means windowless. Moreover, I read the following code

DirectX full screen window to windowed by window handle with use Windows API functions

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-13 02:38:56
问题 Short story A game is started fullscreen but is a fullscreen directX window. The game supports windowed but I have to do it manually. I made a program in Delphi that stretch/resize any window to fit the screen (with use of a system-wide hotkey) without border and caption so it looks like a fullscreen but doesn't trigger direct hardware access. This is important because I'm using a DisplayLink adapter that doesn't support the tricks used by direct hardware access but want to play it full

PreferenceActivity works properly on Android 2.1, but not 4.1 (padded)

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-10 15:11:45
问题 I'm writing an application. It needs to run on old android OS's to be useful. I have written the preferences screen using a PreferencesActivity that populates with a options.xml file that contains PreferenceScreen. It has no submenu for preferences (so PreferenceFragment provides no real benefits). In Android 2.1 (2.2 and 2.3, haven't tested on ICS yet) the screen displays properly like so in landscape: But on Jellybean, it looks like this: It looks terrible. I have nothing defined as a

Is there an equivalent to the F# Seq.windowed in C#?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-05 23:48:14
问题 I am working on some C# code dealing with problems like moving averages, where I often need to take a List / IEnumerable and work on chunks of consecutive data. The F# Seq module has a great function, windowed, which taking in a Sequence, returns a sequence of chunks of consecutive elements. Does C# have an equivalent function out-of-the-box with LINQ? 回答1: You can always just call SeqModule.Windowed from C#, you just need to reference FSharp.Core.Dll . The function names are also slightly

Is there an equivalent to the F# Seq.windowed in C#?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-04 05:12:15
I am working on some C# code dealing with problems like moving averages, where I often need to take a List / IEnumerable and work on chunks of consecutive data. The F# Seq module has a great function, windowed, which taking in a Sequence, returns a sequence of chunks of consecutive elements. Does C# have an equivalent function out-of-the-box with LINQ? John Palmer You can always just call SeqModule.Windowed from C#, you just need to reference FSharp.Core.Dll . The function names are also slightly mangled, so you call Windowed rather than windowed , so that it fits with the C# capitalisation

XNA losing title bar theme on fullscreen->windowed transition

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-02 07:11:51
问题 (I think Aero is the term). When I start my XNA program in Windowed mode, I have the glossy bar as seen on Win7/Vista programs. When I set to fullscreen and then revert, I will have a plain blue 'basic' title border. How can I set the theme or style of this back to the Aero style? 回答1: If you call the following before switching back to windowed mode, you will get the Aero style, but it requires you reference System.Windows.Forms . System.Windows.Forms.Application.EnableVisualStyles(); I'm not

Kafka Stream Suppress session-windowed-aggregation

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-11-26 21:53:07
问题 I have written this code in a Kafka stream application: KGroupedStream<String, foo> groupedStream = stream.groupByKey(); groupedStream.windowedBy( SessionWindows.with(Duration.ofSeconds(3)).grace(Duration.ofSeconds(3))) .aggregate(() -> {...}) .suppress(Suppressed.untilWindowCloses(unbounded())) .toStream()... which should (if i understood it correctly) emit records per Key after the window is closed. Somehow the behavior is the following: The stream doesn't emit the first record and only