

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-12-27 10:01:05
一、需求背景 5G网速带来的提升,也带来了两个很大的优势,一个是传输速度更快了,另一个就是网络容量更加大了;这将有效提升实时音视频等多媒体应用的发展速度。在5G视频的未来应用领域里面,例如:无人驾驶、远程看护、远程辅导、金融双录、保险理赔等等,对于网络的要求都很高,但仅仅是网络变的更好,变得像内网,并不代表音视频产品的体验就变的更好。 5G已经开始商用,网络带宽优势变得更大,也不再成为系统性能的瓶颈,公网变成了内网,但这并不能改变传输效果,试想一下,我们在内网测试系统的时候,效果真的有那么流畅吗? 二、RTC的实际应用 我们有时候在研发测试系统的时候,协议的选择也是非常关键的一环,每一种协议的侧重点不一样,比如RTP侧重RealTime,HTTP侧重Web友好,HLS侧重SmoothStreaming,所以,不同的行业应用要选择对应的视频传输协议; WebRTC已经发展了很多年,从早期的网页视频会议,现在几乎可以理解:WebRTC=Web + RTC,RTC也就是即时通信,WebRTC超越Web,可以应用于非常多的应急指挥的场景: 消防领域 消防无人机实时视频具有机动快速、使用成本低、维护操作简单等技术特点,具有对地快速实时巡察监测能力,是一种新型的中低空实时视频成像和红外成像快速获取系统。消防无人机通过摄像头将远程的火灾视频发回到指挥中心,让消防战士了解真实的火灾状况

WebRTC - How to identify the source IDs (device IDs) for a MediaStream(Tracks)

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-12-25 16:30:47
问题 Once I have established a WebRTC connection, I can getLocalStreams and getRemoteStreams . The streams have their own ID. Each stream is made of audio/video tracks MediaStreamTrack . I'd like to be able to identify the device/source (ID) used for each track in order to avoid adding a stream that was already added to the connection. In other word, I was thinking to make a check in connection.onaddstream that the stream track is not already present in my list of local or remote streams. Any

WebRTC - How to identify the source IDs (device IDs) for a MediaStream(Tracks)

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-12-25 16:15:10
问题 Once I have established a WebRTC connection, I can getLocalStreams and getRemoteStreams . The streams have their own ID. Each stream is made of audio/video tracks MediaStreamTrack . I'd like to be able to identify the device/source (ID) used for each track in order to avoid adding a stream that was already added to the connection. In other word, I was thinking to make a check in connection.onaddstream that the stream track is not already present in my list of local or remote streams. Any

WebRTC - How to identify the source IDs (device IDs) for a MediaStream(Tracks)

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-12-25 16:14:54
问题 Once I have established a WebRTC connection, I can getLocalStreams and getRemoteStreams . The streams have their own ID. Each stream is made of audio/video tracks MediaStreamTrack . I'd like to be able to identify the device/source (ID) used for each track in order to avoid adding a stream that was already added to the connection. In other word, I was thinking to make a check in connection.onaddstream that the stream track is not already present in my list of local or remote streams. Any

WebRTC - How to identify the source IDs (device IDs) for a MediaStream(Tracks)

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-12-25 16:14:23
问题 Once I have established a WebRTC connection, I can getLocalStreams and getRemoteStreams . The streams have their own ID. Each stream is made of audio/video tracks MediaStreamTrack . I'd like to be able to identify the device/source (ID) used for each track in order to avoid adding a stream that was already added to the connection. In other word, I was thinking to make a check in connection.onaddstream that the stream track is not already present in my list of local or remote streams. Any

WebRTC - How to identify the source IDs (device IDs) for a MediaStream(Tracks)

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-12-25 16:13:08
问题 Once I have established a WebRTC connection, I can getLocalStreams and getRemoteStreams . The streams have their own ID. Each stream is made of audio/video tracks MediaStreamTrack . I'd like to be able to identify the device/source (ID) used for each track in order to avoid adding a stream that was already added to the connection. In other word, I was thinking to make a check in connection.onaddstream that the stream track is not already present in my list of local or remote streams. Any

How to access Camera and Microphone in Chrome without HTTPS?

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-12-24 23:51:33
问题 Is there any way to access the Microphone and Camera using chrome when the website is http? I tried enabling "Insecure origins treated as secure" flag, however when the browser is closed and opened again, the domain used in this flag disappears and I have to retype and re-enable it again. I also tried starting chrome with "--unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://example.com" argument, however when this was used a message appears on Chrome saying You are using an unsupported command

How to access Camera and Microphone in Chrome without HTTPS?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-12-24 23:49:04
问题 Is there any way to access the Microphone and Camera using chrome when the website is http? I tried enabling "Insecure origins treated as secure" flag, however when the browser is closed and opened again, the domain used in this flag disappears and I have to retype and re-enable it again. I also tried starting chrome with "--unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://example.com" argument, however when this was used a message appears on Chrome saying You are using an unsupported command

UseEffect hook with socket.io state is not persistent in socket handlers

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-12-23 00:50:11
问题 I have the following react component function ConferencingRoom() { const [participants, setParticipants] = useState({}) console.log('Participants -> ', participants) useEffect(() => { // messages handlers socket.on('message', message => { console.log('Message received: ' + message.event) switch (message.event) { case 'newParticipantArrived': receiveVideo(message.userid, message.username) break case 'existingParticipants': onExistingParticipants( message.userid, message.existingUsers ) break


夙愿已清 提交于 2020-12-22 07:55:19
讲到音视频互动通话系统,目前市面上出现比较多的有两种,一种是基于WebRTC的视频互动系统,另一种是RTMP/RTSP的一对一互动。由于近期TSINGSEE青犀视频研发团队在对这个做研究,因此我们也和大家探讨对比一下这两个互动系统。 WebRTC 很多互动系统都是基于webrtc做的,其最大的优点就是方便。现在WebRTC技术内置于浏览器中,用户不需要使用任何插件或者软件就能通过浏览器来实现实时通信。对于开发者来说,在Google将WebRTC开源之前,浏览器之间实现通信的技术是掌握在大企业手中,这项技术的开发是一个很困难的任务,现在开发者使用简单的HTML标签和JavaScript API就能够实现Web音/视频通信的功能。 但是在视频流传输方面,webrtc也有其不可避免的缺陷,其服务器部署非常复杂,不利于私有部署,在一些私密性高的场景下,无法使用,如公安、市政等体系;传输基于UDP,很难保证传输质量,由于UDP是不可靠的传输协议,在复杂的公网网络环境下,各种突发流量、偶尔的传输错误、网络抖动、超时等都会引起丢包异常,都会在一定程度上影响音视频通信的质量;且整个框架体系也不够灵活。 RTMP/RTSP 基于现有RTMP、RTSP推送、或内置RTSP服务、播放成熟的开发包,产品稳定度高,行业内首屈一指的超低延迟特性; 加入噪音抑制、回音消除、自动增益控制等特性,确保通话效果