
Use high resolution local video but limit video size in WebRTC connection

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-01-04 06:48:06
问题 I'm developing a website for a one on one webrtc video call on mobile browsers. I also support the capturing of photos on the local stream. For the photo capture I use ImageCapture api where available, and drawing to canvas elsewhere. The problem is that I want the video to be HD resolution 1280x720 (to reduce the bandwith needed for the call) while I need to capture the photos at 1920x1080. What I do now is that before I capture the photo I apply constraints and set the resolution to Full HD

Use high resolution local video but limit video size in WebRTC connection

大憨熊 提交于 2021-01-04 06:47:26
问题 I'm developing a website for a one on one webrtc video call on mobile browsers. I also support the capturing of photos on the local stream. For the photo capture I use ImageCapture api where available, and drawing to canvas elsewhere. The problem is that I want the video to be HD resolution 1280x720 (to reduce the bandwith needed for the call) while I need to capture the photos at 1920x1080. What I do now is that before I capture the photo I apply constraints and set the resolution to Full HD

Is there any alternative approach to implement WebRTC SFU, to have only 1 upload stream?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-01-04 06:24:14
问题 I have a server which is able to relay the WebRTC media data from A to B. For the video conferencing, if we go with P2P approach then a mesh network is created. Whenever P2P doesn't work, we can have this relay server. The main problem is that in the mesh network, the number of upload link is "N - 1" for N participants. Hence the number of connection goes upto N * (N-1). Usually mesh network allows 5-6 stable connections. Many online sources suggest to implement SFU. If SFU decrypts the media


浪尽此生 提交于 2021-01-03 11:23:09
Python实战社群 Java实战社群 长按识别下方二维码, 按需求添加 扫码关注添加客服 进Python社群▲ 扫码关注添加客服 进Java社群 ▲ 作者 | antranigv 译者 | 张健欣 策划 | 万佳 来源公众号丨InfoQ(ID:infoqchina) 本文不是一篇如何从 macOS 迁移到 FreeBSD 的技术文档。而是从较高的层次,解释我为什么要从 macOS 迁移到 FreeBSD。 不久前,macOS 还是我的日常工作必备之一。我购买了一台 macbook 笔记本,原因是底层的 BSD Unix 和它漂亮的图形界面。另外,我还有一个 iPhone 手机。但是,我放弃 macOS 也是因为这些相同的原因。 我不想在迁移后马下就写这篇文章。我想慢慢来,每天使用 FreeBSD,看看我是否会怀念 macOS。 这是我 8 个月前的一个推文: 1macOS 的槽点 我们可以这样看。macOS 每年都变得越来越没有 Unix 风格, date(1) 已经过时,在系统启动时,有 100 多 Unix 进程运行,其中大部分对于普通用户是没用的,它没有本地的包管理器(至少还有 MacPorts/homebrew/pkgsrc),而对于一个高级用户,没有合适的文档。你看过 FreeBSD 的手册吗?所有的东西都在里面写得很清楚! 关于漂亮的图形界面部分。你看过最新最棒的


跟風遠走 提交于 2020-12-30 14:00:53
以短视频、直播为代表的音视频互动,正成为互联网主流的交互方式。拿直播举例,它从一种娱乐形式,逐渐融合于教育、娱乐、电商、旅游等多种生态中。未来,直播还将成为像水、电一样的基础设施。 然而,仅仅可进行音视频互动是不够的,直播还需要与行业、场景、用户需求结合,实现体验更好、成本更低、扩展性更强的底层能力。而在这些能力中,低延迟是影响用户体验至关重要的一项。 一、即构推出 低延迟直播产品Low-Latency Live 在大规模直播场景中,例如在线大班课、电商直播、秀场直播等,大部分是采用传统的CDN直播技术。CDN直播采用的是基于 TCP 的 RTMP/HTTP-FLV/HLS 等流媒体协议,本身就会引入 「 秒级 」 的系统时延。在这些场景中,观众从评论完到看到主播给出反馈,一般在5-10秒左右,能明显感受到延迟和不同步。 同时,传统 CDN 直播还存在弱网抗性差、观众端内容不同步等弊病,影响了用户的直播体验。 随着大规模直播在越来越多行业的应用,为了让用户获得更优质的直播互动体验,即构科技推出了低延迟直播产品 Low-Latency Live,简称L3。 L3产品具有等同云厂商 CDN 直播的高并发能力,支持千万级并发拉流;同时相比 CDN 直播,能给用户带来 「 毫秒级 」 的直播体验;具有延迟更低、同步性更优、弱网抗性更好的优势。 即构低延迟直播 产品L3,是基于 ZEGO

navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() returns empty labels

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-12-30 06:15:49
问题 Background The machine I am trying to implement this on contains multiple cameras, I want to select the camera in the code. (all machines have the same hardware) Issue I am trying to implement a custom function before requesting video access where I manually set which device that should be used to prevent selection of wrong camera, but when I use await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() I get empty labels for available video camera devices. 回答1: navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(

navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() returns empty labels

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-12-30 06:14:00
问题 Background The machine I am trying to implement this on contains multiple cameras, I want to select the camera in the code. (all machines have the same hardware) Issue I am trying to implement a custom function before requesting video access where I manually set which device that should be used to prevent selection of wrong camera, but when I use await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() I get empty labels for available video camera devices. 回答1: navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(

WebRTC Support on Chrome Browser in iphone/ipad

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-12-29 05:42:04
问题 Is WebRTC Supported on Chrome Browser in iPhone/iPad? 回答1: No you can't use WebRTC in Chrome in iPhone / iPad because Chrome (and also Firefox) are only some cover over apple WebView (Apple doesn't let to use custom web engine on their platform). Sad is that it isn't clearly informed by Google and Mozilla because some people get confused and said "Yes chrome support WebRTC so it should work on iOS devices". Apple has not presented version of their browser and also webview with WebRTC. Current

WebRTC Support on Chrome Browser in iphone/ipad

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-12-29 05:39:36
问题 Is WebRTC Supported on Chrome Browser in iPhone/iPad? 回答1: No you can't use WebRTC in Chrome in iPhone / iPad because Chrome (and also Firefox) are only some cover over apple WebView (Apple doesn't let to use custom web engine on their platform). Sad is that it isn't clearly informed by Google and Mozilla because some people get confused and said "Yes chrome support WebRTC so it should work on iOS devices". Apple has not presented version of their browser and also webview with WebRTC. Current

WebRTC Support on Chrome Browser in iphone/ipad

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-12-29 05:39:27
问题 Is WebRTC Supported on Chrome Browser in iPhone/iPad? 回答1: No you can't use WebRTC in Chrome in iPhone / iPad because Chrome (and also Firefox) are only some cover over apple WebView (Apple doesn't let to use custom web engine on their platform). Sad is that it isn't clearly informed by Google and Mozilla because some people get confused and said "Yes chrome support WebRTC so it should work on iOS devices". Apple has not presented version of their browser and also webview with WebRTC. Current