
Auto-completion : How to replace the input field of the Webchat with your own react-select element

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-16 18:18:16
问题 I have a React app and I want to replace the input bar of the Webchat with my own select element (I'm using react-select). Here is the select element under the webchat: return ( <div className="WebChat" > <ReactWebChat //WebChat className={ `${ className || '' } web-chat` } directLine={ this.createDirectLine(token) } store={ store } styleSet={ styleSet } /> <Select //my select element autoFocus="true" className="basic-single" classNamePrefix="select" defaultValue={'default'} isClearable=

Adding chat through websocket, to an existing PHP web app

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-01-05 05:37:06
问题 I have an existing web application on the standard PHP/Apache platform. Now, what I want is to add chat functionality, and I want it to be real-time over a websocket, and to that extend I've studied socket.io on nodejs a little bit. So in addition to Apache running the big PHP app, I would have nodejs with socket.io running chat. But what I don't really understand, is how would I recognise my users in the code for nodejs chat? For one, Apache and nodejs won't be able to run on the same port,

How to create a side window or iframe that shows data that was gathered by a Web-Chat in one web page?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-13 09:46:52
问题 I am building a chat bot via the Microsoft bot framework and recently deployed it as web-chat on a web page. In my web page, it is essential that I have a side box where data is shown that is gathered and calculated from the bot. Can anyone help me to create this? Right now, I don't know how to create this window/box/iframe. My chatbot negotiates with the user. I want to show the user data like the items that are available for negotiating in a kind of information box. It should be able to

BOT framework sample 12 implementation on ServiceNow

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-11 16:49:04
问题 I am using sample12 to create a minimizable webchat on the ServiceNow page. Using sample 12 and building the same, I was able to import it to ServiceNow and get to the point where it appears on a new UI page. But there are two issues 1) CORS 2)Authentication to the BOT isnt happening. Also, how do I take care of authentication? I used the following process to host the page Any ideas ? This sort of embed (as shown below) is working for us. But we need a minimizable webchat on servicenow 回答1: I

How can I send some initial data to the bot before the user start chatting with my bot?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-11 14:51:57
问题 My problem is, How can I send some data on behalf of user to the bot before user start chatting. because different client will have different endpoint, I would like bot to get this endpoint first and save it as UserState, then use this endpoint for making API calls later. I'm using "https://github.com/microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat" this web chat as my client side, it create the directline using the secret, is that possible i add a post activity in the html file below to send some data? Thank

How to set the User avatar dynamically in BotFramework-WebChat based on logged in user using OAuthCard

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-06 16:46:25
问题 I have developed a chat bot using Microsoft Bot Framework V4, and have used BotFramework-WebChat for providing the user to chat from website using DirectLine Token, I am able to set the bot avatar and the user avatar by assigning the static public image URL. The problem is that I want to set the user avatar dynamically in the WebChat using below steps Fetch the user icon using the Microsoft graph API after OAuthCard login Set the signed in user image in the Webchat styleSetOptions dynamically

Getting 'couldn't send retry' error in web chat for questions which are not present in knowledge base

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-02 15:12:16
问题 I created a bot with Azure in C#. This bot is working fine for question which are present in my knowledge base. But when I try different question, it gives error couldn't send retry below that question and reply to that question as Sorry, my bot code is having an issue. It should reply No match found instead of Sorry, my bot code is having an issue . One more issue is this bot sometimes gives random answer form KB for some questions which are not present in Kb instead of No answer found in KB

Chat functionality in web application using XMPP and Openfire

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-01 12:56:20
问题 I want to create chat functionality in my web application using XMPP and Openfire.. I have integrated converse js but I haven't found file attachment so any one let me know another best option using XMPP and openfire?? 回答1: Here is a very simple chat demo written in jQuery + StropheJS : http://plnkr.co/edit/EhQHDsYpDhrECmaaIlZO You have to deploy your own Openfire and adapt the followin code lines according to your configuration: var server = 'mydomain.com'; var BOSH_SERVICE = 'http://127.0.0

What is the correct way to authenticate from JavaScript in an HTML file to the Microsoft Web Chat control for Bot Framework v4?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-01 12:25:30
My goal is to create an HTML page with JavaScript that runs this Microsoft Bot Framework v4 Web Chat Control https://github.com/Microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat As described in the comments for this StackOverflow question Microsoft Bot Framework image size in adaptive card I tried to follow the sample code here https://github.com/compulim/BotFramework-MockBot specifically BotFramework-WebChat-master\samples\01.a.getting-started-full-bundle but could not get it working. In the other question linked above, I was told by Microsoft support to authenticate another way: You need to make a POST request

What is the correct way to authenticate from JavaScript in an HTML file to the Microsoft Web Chat control for Bot Framework v4?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-01 10:24:54
问题 My goal is to create an HTML page with JavaScript that runs this Microsoft Bot Framework v4 Web Chat Control https://github.com/Microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat As described in the comments for this StackOverflow question Microsoft Bot Framework image size in adaptive card I tried to follow the sample code here https://github.com/compulim/BotFramework-MockBot specifically BotFramework-WebChat-master\samples\01.a.getting-started-full-bundle but could not get it working. In the other question