

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-04-20 17:08:23
欢迎来到"bio生物信息"的世界 公众号有位小朋友留言希望我写一下 snpflip 的使用。 重新翻了一下之前写的推文,发现我是用意念写完的 snpflip ,总感觉我写过这个工具的使用了。 因此这里重新补充一下 snpflip 工具的使用。 关于 snpflip 的使用背景我就不多介绍了,之前的文章有写过 数据合并,踩不完的坑 下面直接讲一下怎么使用。 这个工具安装和使用都非常简单,老少皆懂。 第一步:下载、安装snpflip wget tar -zxvf snpflip-0.0.6.tar.gz 第二步:下载参考基因组 wget gunzip human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz 第三步:校正正负链 查找混有正负链的SNP: /snpflip-0.0.6/bin/snpflip -b file.bim -f human_g1k_v37


霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-04-19 04:43:24
本文首发于“生信补给站”公众号, 更多关于R语言,ggplot2绘图,生信分析的内容,敬请关注小号。 为了能更方便的查看,检索,对文章进行了精心的整理。建议收藏,各取所需,当前没用也许以后就用到了呢! 一 R资料+计划 R语言精品资料年中无套路赠送 R-plotly|交互式甘特图(Gantt chart)-项目管理/学习计划 二 Bioinfo R|fastqcr QC数据处理 :测序结果的数据质控及图标展示; Bioinfo|bedtools-操作VCF文件 VCF文件的常见合并,过滤等操作; R|生存分析(1) :生存分析介绍以及R实现,KM绘图; R|生存分析-结果整理 :一键式输出所有变量的COX结果; R|timeROC-分析 :时间依赖的生存分析; Nomogram(诺莫图) | Logistic、Cox生存分析结果可视化 Forest plot(森林图) | Cox生存分析可视化 R-forestplot包| HR结果绘制森林图 maftools|TCGA肿瘤突变数据的汇总,分析和可视化 maftools | 从头开始绘制发表级oncoplot(瀑布图) ggalluvial|炫酷桑基图(Sankey),你也可以秀 pheatmap|暴雨暂歇,“热图”来袭!!!


南楼画角 提交于 2020-04-11 10:55:55
centos默认终端bash是一个很简单的界面,又无法通过像zsh一样直接安装主题和代码高亮插件,但是我们可以在bashrc的配置文件中通过代码实现一部分功能: 1、代码介绍: 这里推荐一篇大佬的文章: 里面有详细的介绍,也可跟着他的思路进行配置 有一点注意: 我不推荐文章中的省略路径的设置,路径过长可通过 ‘\n’ 代码段换行,这样更实用 2、全局配置颜色: 打开配置文件: sudo vim ~/.bashrc 在最后加一行: PS1= ' [\[\e[33;40m\]\u@\h \w \t]$ ' 然后使之生效: source ~/.bashrc 注意: 这个更省事,但是同时你需要自己去终端首选项中调整合适的主题颜色让代码行不突兀,不太推荐。 3、懒人专用推荐配置代码段: 这里引用了大佬的配置: 差不多的步骤: 打开配置文件: sudo vim ~/.bashrc 在最后加上: PS1= ' ${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\u\[\033[00m\]@\h: \[\033[01;36m

2015 年,我和华大基因立下一个小目标……

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-02-26 07:17:20
导读 :2015 年,阿里云和华大基因立下一个目标:到 2020 年,要在 24 小时完成个人全基因组测序。这在当时是一个几乎被认为不可能的挑战。 而在 2020 年刚开始的第 17 天,我们就实现了这个目标!并且把个人全基因组测序分析做到只需要 15 分钟,不到一顿饭的功夫。 云端实现大规模弹性调度计算 图 1 - WGS 分析过程示意图 基因计算所面临的挑战不同于常规计算,大数据生信分析平台需要具备 PB 级的数据处理能力:存储与压缩、清理及管理、低成本保存的能力;快速、安全的云端分发共享;基因数据的安全隐私保护、大规模数据挖掘;按需调度和弹性扩容等。 此次方案由华大 DNBSEQ 自主测序仪、BGI Online 混合云架构、阿里云容器服务 ACK/AGS 基因服务以及赛乐基因 GPU 加速算法的深度融合而成。其中,华大基因联合阿里云的整体技术架构为云原生容器混合云,实现云上云下资源一体,跨地域集群统一管理。凭借云端的自动伸缩特性,实现大规模弹性调度计算。 在使用上,该方案用户无需关心基因数据处理过程中的计算资源、处理逻辑、数据缓存等细节,只需将下机数据 (FASTQ文件) 上传至 OSS,以及授权 Bucket 给 AGS 服务,即可高效、快速完成整个数据分析流程,并将结果数据上传到用户期望的存储空间。 这套端到端解决方案,无缝衔接测序平台和基因云平台,全面支持包括

Can't find vcf file on SDCard Android Emulator

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-24 00:55:07
问题 Here is my code to export contacts to VCF file on SDcard. But i can't find vcf on SDCard. Help me find that. Thanks in advance Code to get VCF file: public static void getVCF() { final String vfile = "POContactsRestore.vcf"; Cursor phones = mContext.getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null,null, null, null); phones.moveToFirst(); for(int i =0;i<phones.getCount();i++) { String lookupKey = phones.getString(phones.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract

android read contacts from vcf file

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-23 02:28:29
问题 Android How to send multiple contacts are attached in single .vcf file and send to mail? i have created .vcf file of all contacts, now i want to read these contacts from .vcf file, plz help me and plz donot give this link to read my vcf file is created as like this BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:;rohit;;; FN:rohit TEL;HOME;VOICE:855-904-6600 END:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:;rks;;; FN:rks TEL;HOME;VOICE:887-276-5160 END:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:kumar

Export the Contacts as VCF file

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-17 07:15:42
问题 I want to export the Phone contacts to External storage area. I didn't work with this type of method. Anyone guide me to do this? 回答1: In your code, you wrote one function but from where is this function called? And what is the meaning of get(View view) function? This function is not being called so it can be removed. I've edited my answer as per your requirements and tested it with 500 Contacts to save a single vCard file with 500 contacts in my sd card. package com.vcard; import

Export the Contacts as VCF file

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-17 07:15:23
问题 I want to export the Phone contacts to External storage area. I didn't work with this type of method. Anyone guide me to do this? 回答1: In your code, you wrote one function but from where is this function called? And what is the meaning of get(View view) function? This function is not being called so it can be removed. I've edited my answer as per your requirements and tested it with 500 Contacts to save a single vCard file with 500 contacts in my sd card. package com.vcard; import

iOS failing to render vcf file

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-12 03:33:08
问题 I use twilio to share contact information of my users. I've been doing this for 6 months with no problems. Recently, I started receiving bug reports that the contact card isn't coming through. iOS is receiving it as an unknown attachment with a file name such as 'text_0.x-vcard' [see screenshot] I'm unable to reproduce this on my device - I've received reports of this from users with an iPhone 7, iPhone 6, and iPhone 5 - nothing consistent. No consistency in OS either. The vcf file is valid,

To remove vcard contact duplicates, comparing if two vcards are equal in .vcf file does not work with simple == vobject comparison

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-12 01:22:25
问题 #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import vobject abfile='/foo/bar/directory/file.vcf' #ab stands for address book ablist = [] with open(abfile) as source_file: for vcard in vobject.readComponents(source_file): ablist.append(vcard) print ablist[0]==ablist[1] The above code should return True but it does not because the vcards are considered different even though they are the same. One of the ultimate objectives is to find a way to remove duplicates from the vcard file. Bonus points: Is there a way to