
Is there a size limit for a .zip file using CopyHere in VBScript?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-23 04:31:04
问题 I have a vbscript that extracts multiple zip files to different locations. The code works for all but one file. This one file, that doesn't work, happens to be bigger than 6GB. The next, biggest, file that I am processing is around 3.5GB. Here's a snippet of the code; strFileDest = "path\to\some\dir1" strZIPname = "file1.zip" Call UnPack(strFileDest, strZIPname) strFileDest = "path\to\some\dir2" strZIPname = "file2.zip" Call UnPack(strFileDest, strZIPname) Function UnPack(strZIPdest,

How to unzip a zip file already loaded in memory in C?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-23 02:49:28
问题 I am writing a server, which receive a zip file from client, and unzip the file. When I receiving the zip file, I store it into memory. I find and try some library to upzip a zip file, such zlib and minizip, but all of them unzip a file exists on disk, not from memory. I don't want to save the file into disk temperorily and extract it, it's not efficient. How to unzip a file from memory? I write C and C++ on Windows. 回答1: zlib supports in-memory inflate() and deflate() functions. You can read

Unzip returns error 1 for a zip file in R [closed]

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-22 06:41:33
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . I am trying to load a medium sized zipped archive (.zip file ~140 Mb) that can be found here (direct link) (source: Deutsche Bundesbank (website)). After downloading the file it is saved as "BKK-Download.zip". The file contains ~50.000s xml files with some rather strange names (such as "bbai3.q.de.n.v.bf90.f.kv

How to extract all zip files in a folder using winrar with the same name as the zip?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-22 01:36:13
问题 I need to iterate a folder and for each zip file I need to extract it with the name of it. That is, if its test.zip then it should extract to test folder. Similarly it should iterate through my folder and its child folders and extract the things. I wrote the below code but it doesn't extract with the name of the zip. Please advice. cd %CD%\Setups for /r %%i in ("*.zip") do ( echo "%%~fi" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -afzip "%%~dpi" "%%~fi" echo came after unzipping del /S /Q "

unzip strings in javascript [closed]

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-21 13:02:21
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . Anyone knows a simple JavaScript library implementing the UNZIP algorithm? No disk-file access, only zip and unzip a string of values. There are ActiveX, using WinZIP and other client dependent software for ZIP, written in JS. But no pure JavaScript algorithm implementation. I would use it for displaying KMZ

unzip strings in javascript [closed]

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-21 13:02:01
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . Anyone knows a simple JavaScript library implementing the UNZIP algorithm? No disk-file access, only zip and unzip a string of values. There are ActiveX, using WinZIP and other client dependent software for ZIP, written in JS. But no pure JavaScript algorithm implementation. I would use it for displaying KMZ

Reading an ESRI shapefile from a zip-file during Runtime in Java - DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(connectParameters) returns null

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-21 09:06:13
问题 We are building a service for uploading zip-files containing an ESRI-shapefile. The service should be able to read the shapefile and do stuff with its content. So I've built a class that unzips the zip-file to temporary folder (subfolder of System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")). Another class calls the unzip method from the Unzip-class and it then tries to read the unpacked shapefile using Geotools. It uses the Geotools DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(Map params) method to create a datastore

ZipInputStream.getNextEntry returns null on some zip files

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-21 04:03:15
问题 I have a simple code to extract zip files, it was working just fine as expected but during my test I tried my code with some zip files (fonts, icons and templates I downloaded from internet) just to make sure it should extract any zip files provided, but its not working with some zip files, here is the minimized code to regenerate this issue: package com.test.mytest; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipFile;


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-20 23:52:33
一个运维人员,日常对于服务器的管理必不可免。服务器的管理成了运费人员的主要工作内容,其他如在生产,测试环境通过查看日志排查问题。 大多数的服务器都是linux操作系统而且无图形界面,richanggon进行任何操作都是通过命令行,由于从新一代程序员接触电脑都是从图形界面开始,所以在开始使用命令行的时候都不是很习惯,如果使用命令行习惯了,发挥现命令行可以干很多有趣,高效率的事情,提高生产力,让程序员更加专注在高技术含量的工作中。 链接服务器入口 mac使用自带的终端,就可以直接登录服务器。windows需要下载工具例如:xshell 登录服务器ssh 登录服务器有两种方式: 通过密码登录 免密码登录 ssh -l user ip/域名 ssh: secure shell 安全外壳协议,专为远程登录会话和其他网络服务提供安全性的协议。利用ssh协议可以有效防止远程管理过程中的信息泄漏问题。 通过密码登录 输入: ssh -l user ip/域名 user:登录用户名 ip/域名: 服务器所属的公网id地址,或者应用的域名,如果要查看域名解析后的ip,在命令行输入 ping 域名,可以查看应用所属的公网ip(前提服务器没有做均衡负载,代理…)。 终端会提示你输入密码,此时输入密码,密码正确就可以登录服务器。 免密码登录 免密码登录方式第一次还是需要输入密码登录,不同的是


自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-20 19:42:04
1.去apache官网( http://rocketmq.apache.org/release_notes/release-notes-4.6.0/)下载最新的rocketmq发行版,我用的是4.6版本( rocketmq-all-4.6.0-bin-release.zip) 如下图: 2.将下载后的二进制包(zip)上传到服务器目录之中,然后进行解压 解压命令为:unzip rocketmq-all-4.6.0-bin-release.zip 如果报错bash: unzip: command not found 则说明没有unzip命令 可先安装,命令为:yum -y install unzip 我的包目录为/home/zhipeng/rocketMQ 3.我们想要规划的环境如下: 序号 IP 角色 架构模式 1 nameserver,brokerserver Master1,Slave2 2 nameserver,brokerserver Master2,Slave1 4.Host添加信息(两台机器都要执行) 编辑hosts文件,添加域名信息 命令为:vi /etc/hosts 保存之后,重启网卡服,命令:systemctl restart network 如下图 5.防火墙配置(两台机器都要执行) 可以开放端口