
question about pl/sql stored program text

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-11 02:10:48
问题 I use TOAD to do my PL/SQL development. In TOAD when i type a procedure name and press f4, I can see this procedure's source code. I think TOAD get the source code from v$sqltext view. To confirm my thought, I wrote a query: select * from v$sqltext but when I execute the upper query, Oracle give me an error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist" *Cause: *Action: Error at Line: 29 Column: 15 So I think TOAD get the procedure's source from other

Free or trial Oracle database environment [closed]

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-10 12:27:01
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . What is the best free (or trial) Oracle database development environment I can have? Especially I would like to have my databases, or as much as possible of them, locally. Its Oracle 10, I develop .NET (on Windows), I already have Toad and the free Virtualbox image (Linux) that Oracle provides (But would prefer

What exactly are IN, OUT, IN OUT parameters in PL/SQL

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-10 11:43:34
问题 I've looked up questions here as well as looking online and watching videos but I'm still confused exactly what IN, OUT is. The reason I'm asking is because I'm writing a procedure that will log an error based on the IN parameters in other procedures, Cheers! 回答1: The Oracle documentation here does a good job of explaining: The mode of a parameter indicates whether the parameter passes data to a procedure ( IN ), returns data from a procedure ( OUT ), or can do both ( IN OUT ). And about OUT

Selecting rows based on multiple WHERE conditions

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-08 10:08:53
问题 I want to gather all the details from a table PROD about rows containing particular triplet-sets of values. For example, I want to get all the data on the rows having columns ( ID , NBR AND COP_I ) with values (23534, 99, 0232) and (3423,5,09384), etc. I tried Version 1, but it only gives me a couple of such rows when I know there needs to be 100 and Version 2 runs into an error. I wasn't able to think of any other way to do this. Version 1: SELECT * FROM PROD WHERE ID IN (2534, 3423) AND NBR

how do I execute a function from TOAD for Oracle and bind the result to a data grid

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-07 08:57:12
问题 I have a function that takes as one of it's arguments a VARRAY of pl/sql Objects. How do I execute this stored procedure and bind the resultset that it returns to a data grid in TOAD for Oracle? 回答1: After some searching around, I found the answer to my own problem. Say your varray type was called varchar_pair_array and the objects stored in this array were called varchar_pair_object. varchar_pair_object is a simple object that has two varchars as it's members. Here is the code for executing

Install Toad for Oracle 10.6 on Winows 7 X64

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-07 08:09:59
Install Toad for Oracle 10.6 on Winows 7 X64 Chip 其他 2011-08-16 在过去的一天时间内,都在折腾这个鬼东西。该工具集功能非常强大,安装程序却做得很渣,安装/卸载/重装都能让你郁闷一整天,论坛里就有人发出这样的感慨:“要重装Toad,你不得不重新安装操作系统。” 1.配置Oracle Instant Client环境 到Oracle官网下载Oracle Instant Client,注意选择x86平台,Toad只认32位的Oracle Instant Client。至于版本号,没有特别要求,版本向下兼容。 桌面上,右键点“我的电脑”,选择“属性”,选择“高级”页中的“环境变量”,在系统变量中,修改如下 变量名:ORACLE_HOME 变量值:D:\Program Files\instantclient_11_2 变量名:TNS_ADMIN 变量值:D:\Program Files\instantclient_11_2 变量名:NLS_LANG 变量值:SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK 修改Path变量,在后面添加 D:\Program Files\instantclient_11_2 在D:\Program Files\instantclient_11_2新建一个文本文件

Toad truncating/rounding large Oracle numbers?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-07 03:29:16
问题 We have a table with a 'price' field of type NUMBER(20,7) .. In TOAD I do this: update mytable set price = 1234567890123.1234567; Then I do this select: select price, to_char(price) from mytable PRICE TO_CHAR(PRICE) 1234567890123.12 "1234567890123.1234567" Question is, why does TOAD truncate the result when displaying the NUMBER(20,7) field? The data is obviously there as it prints out with to_char. ?? 回答1: Toad limits numbers in the data grid to 15 digits. I believe this is because excel

Toad 的功能亮点.

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-06 15:37:30
使用Oracle 4年多,开发为主,之前一直用的是PL SQL Developer.最近有时间用了下Toad对比一下两个工具,重点说下Toad的功能点. 总的来说 PL SQL Developer 更适合写代码,代码提示,命令窗口,对象列表树 对用惯了Eclipse的开发者来说得心应手非常方便.Toad 更适合数据库管理.AWR报告,数据库诊断,日志挖掘 这些功能非常实用,相比代码编写功能就差了很多. Toad下面非常好用的功能: 1 编辑器 1.1 Trace . 启用后运行完SQL可以看到统计信息.详细的统计信息只有在sql plus下开启 set autot on,以后才能看到.SQL Trace 则是类似10046事件的功能.用起来非常方便. (最近发现同样的SQL 执行后统计信息和sql plus里面不一样,原因不明) 1.2 Explain Plan. 单独执行可以看到执行计划.通常我们看到的执行计划是由explain plan命令生的,可能并不是真正的执行计划.Toad里设置 DBMS_XPlan Format 里 Level ALL,AllStats Last后,再执行SQL 里加入Hint /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ 执行后在看执行计划.可以看到执行计划每个步骤的执行情况,非常方便. 2 SQL 优化. Toad 提供三种优化

Getting Error while executing SELECT statement in Toad for MySQL

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-06 06:05:53
问题 I am getting this error while I am trying to execute a simple SELECT statement in Toad MySql.Data.Types.MySqlConversionException Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime What could be wrong? 回答1: That could mean one of these two common issues: 1) Zero dates, which are 0000-00-00 in MySQL. MySQL allows you to store them to mark 0 dates, you can even use 0001-01-01, but not all drivers or downstream programs can handle them. Add to the connection string Allow Zero Datetime

Variables in TOAD scripts

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-06 00:51:31
问题 I have a SQL script that is being executed in TOAD. Currently, I have it laid out with just statement after statement, thusly: select such-and-such from somewhere; delete other-thing from somewhere-else; And so on. Some of the where clauses end up being repetitive because I have complex inner queries to get particular IDs to operate on. I'd like to capture the ID in the beginning of the script in a variable, and then use that variable in subsequent where clauses. So something like this: