What exactly are IN, OUT, IN OUT parameters in PL/SQL

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-10 11:43:34


I've looked up questions here as well as looking online and watching videos but I'm still confused exactly what IN, OUT is. The reason I'm asking is because I'm writing a procedure that will log an error based on the IN parameters in other procedures,



The Oracle documentation here does a good job of explaining:

The mode of a parameter indicates whether the parameter passes data to a procedure (IN), returns data from a procedure (OUT), or can do both (IN OUT).

And about OUT parameters specifically:

... you cannot use it to pass a value to the procedure. Nor can you read its value inside the procedure, even after a value has been assigned to it.


Actually, though the information provided above is valid, I linked to a poor resource (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide).

A much better and more complete resource to better understand the 3 modes can be found here: Table 8-1 PL/SQL Subprogram Parameter Modes.

IN mode:

  • Default mode

  • Passes a value to the subprogram.

  • Formal parameter acts like a constant: When the subprogram begins, its value is that of either its actual parameter or default value, and the subprogram cannot change this value.

  • Actual parameter can be a constant, initialized variable, literal, or expression.

  • Actual parameter is passed by reference.

OUT mode:

  • Must be specified.

  • Returns a value to the invoker.

  • Formal parameter is initialized to the default value of its type. The default value of the type is NULL except for a record type with a non-NULL default value.

  • When the subprogram begins, the formal parameter has its initial value regardless of the value of its actual parameter. Oracle recommends that the subprogram assign a value to the formal parameter.

  • If the default value of the formal parameter type is NULL, then the actual parameter must be a variable whose data type is not defined as NOT NULL.

  • By default, actual parameter is passed by value; if you specify NOCOPY, it might be passed by reference.

IN OUT mode:

  • Must be specified.

  • Passes an initial value to the subprogram and returns an updated value to the invoker.

  • Formal parameter acts like an initialized variable: When the subprogram begins, its value is that of its actual parameter. Oracle recommends that the subprogram update its value.

  • Actual parameter must be a variable (typically, it is a string buffer or numeric accumulator).

  • By default, actual parameter is passed by value (in both directions); if you specify NOCOPY, it might be passed by reference.

