
Auto-completion in Textmate for Ruby?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-07 11:22:14
问题 I'm really used to auto-completion coming from Netbeans. In Netbeans, when I type a 'string' and then hit a 'dot' it will print out a list of methods for the String class. TextMate doesn't seem to have that function. Is it something you could add? Would save A LOT of time instead of using the ri/irb/online doc all the time. 回答1: You have discovered the fundamental difference between a text editor and an IDE: a text editor edits text (duh!), i.e. an unstructured stream of characters. It doesn


岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-07 08:03:01
语言支持插件必需的三种文件,均起源于TextMate .tmTheme .tmSnippets .tmLanguage vscode相关路径 主题: %安装目录%\resources\app\extensions\theme-defaults\xxx.json 片段: %安装目录%\resources\app\extensions\%语言%\snippets\xxx.snippets.json 语言语法: %安装目录%\resources\app\extensions\%语言%\syntaxes\xxx.tmLanguage.json tmLanguage文件 初始文件内容: { "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/martinring/tmlanguage/master/tmlanguage.json", "name": "ASPX", ## 语言名称 "patterns": [ ## 模式入口,可以调用模式仓库中的模式片段,也可以实现模式片段,关键内容 { "include": "#keywords" ## include调用的模式片段名称都可以在模式仓库中找得到 }, { "include": "#strings" }, { ## 模式片段,实现内容与 "#strings" 一样 "name": "keyword

Emacs session / projects / window management

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-07 05:42:04
问题 I am working with Ruby on Rails projects most of the time so I need a way to save projects and the state of the buffers/windows I am working on, mostly because I often find myself switching to a different project for a few minutes and then going back to the project I was working on. Desktop.el seems to be very close except for the window configuration saving. For those familiar with TextMate, I'm looking for something like the textmate project files that you can open and they open a different

How can I remove SCM file status from the project drawer in Textmate 2

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-07 04:37:02
问题 Can I remove these status icons from the files in my project drawer? (i.e. the red x's and green +'s in the image below) I tried removing some SCM bundles from Textmate but that didn't do the trick... I'm using the latest version of Textmate 2 回答1: You can add scmStatus = false to your TextMate properties file ( ~/.tm_properties ), that should do the trick. Source: TextMate's Github issue #1051: "Disable SCM badges". 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17620541/how-can-i-remove-scm-file

Has anyone managed to use older Textmate bundles with Textmate2?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-06 23:30:52
问题 I specifically want to be able to use Ackmate bundle, peepcode (the new 'Go to file' seems good enough) and some other custom bundles with TM2. I tried moving the existing bundles to a location ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Managed which seem to contain all the new installed bundles, and a few other hack. But no luck yet. I did manage to get the older themes working with TM2 though, with an approach similar to the one above. EDIT: I found this article on the topic.But

How do I use a shortcut to comment out code automatically in Textmate?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-06 18:58:20
问题 Is there a shortcut to highlight and comment code in textmate, rather than putting in the comments manually? 回答1: If you have the Source bundle installed: ⌘/ If you don't, go to TextMate > Preferences > Bundles and check Source . 回答2: ⌘/ comment/uncomment selection 回答3: shift + ⌘ + 7 or instead 7 the key with the slash "/" 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8256834/how-do-i-use-a-shortcut-to-comment-out-code-automatically-in-textmate

How can I convert a Sublime Text syntax highlighting file to a textmate syntax for visual studio?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-06 16:34:54
I am trying to start using visual studio for my code editing instead of Sublime Text 3. In sublime text 3, I have a custom syntax file for a language I work in. I would like to be able to carry the syntax highlighting over to visual studio. I am not quite sure how I could do that without starting from scratch. Any ideas? In response to Matt, here is an update: I have been trying to get it to work, but I have had no luck. It does say that textmate languages are supported: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/adding-visual-studio-editor-support-for-other-languages?view=vs-2017 It

Textmate “comment” command not working properly for css code

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-06 11:04:48
问题 I'm having some problems when I toggle the comments in TextMate for CSS source code. Using the shortcut CMD + / I activate the "Comment Line/Selection" command from the "source" bundle. The problem is that it inserts a series of // for all kinds of languages. For example, in CSS files it is supposed to insert a /**/ block, but it doesn't. In CSS files I also tried the "Insert Block Comment" command from the source bundle with the weird result that I get the following // . // -----------------

TextMate's Jump to Function in VIM?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-06 06:00:52
问题 Recently I've been trying my hand at using vim instead of TextMate and one of the features that I've missed most in VIM is TextMate's jump to method function (CMD + Shift + T for those who don't know). From looking around I havn't seen any particular way to emulate this functionality and was wondering if anyone here has had experience with this sort of functionality in VIM. Thanks in advance for any answers Patrick 回答1: You're looking for vim's 'tags' functionality ... I answered a similar

How to import libraries from JAR-files into a Java program using TextMate

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-06 04:26:26
I need to write a simple program in Java and would love to do it the same way I program in Python and Ruby using TextMate. I can write and run a simple Hello World program, but cannot find a way how to load external libraries. I just need to compile with all *.jar files from the working directory (or do I need to intall them first?). This is my first Java-experience, so I would appreciate a detailed answer. I do prefer to code in TextMate not an IDE, so I wonder if this is possible with Java. To be able to use classes stored inside a jar file in your program, this jar file must be part of the