
iOS : Use of HKObserverQuery's background update completionHandler

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-31 10:56:56
问题 HKObserverQuery has the following method that supports receiving updates in the background: - initWithSampleType:predicate:updateHandler: The updateHandler has a completionHandler which has the following documentation: This block is passed to the update handler. You must call this block as soon as you are done processing the incoming data. Calling this block tells HealthKit that you have successfully received the background data. If you do not call this block, HealthKit continues to attempt

Does HKObserverQuery can receive notification when the application not running(Killed)?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-11 08:34:43
问题 My requirement is to register for any one of the Health data like steps, weight, heart rate, etc., for background delivery using enableBackgroundDeliveryForType: method. And then create a Observer query for the same Health data to check. In this scenario, if my application is killed by the user forcely and did changes to Health data using Health app. By this stage is it possible to get the notification to My application? Is it mandatory to register for any of the background modes, to get

iOS : Use of HKObserverQuery's background update completionHandler

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-02 21:34:21
HKObserverQuery has the following method that supports receiving updates in the background: - initWithSampleType:predicate:updateHandler: The updateHandler has a completionHandler which has the following documentation : This block is passed to the update handler. You must call this block as soon as you are done processing the incoming data. Calling this block tells HealthKit that you have successfully received the background data. If you do not call this block, HealthKit continues to attempt to launch your app using a backoff algorithm. If your app fails to respond three times, HealthKit