How to import libraries from JAR-files into a Java program using TextMate

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-06 04:26:26

To be able to use classes stored inside a jar file in your program, this jar file must be part of the classpath.

Read for explanations on how to set the classpath. Note that this is also true when compiling your program.

Suppose you're at the root of your source directory and you want to compile a Java file and put the class in the classes directory:

javac -d ../classes -classpath c:\foo\bar\library1.jar;c:\foo\bar\library2.jar com/foo/bar/

Now to run your class:

java -classpath ..\classes;c:\foo\bar\library1.jar;c:\foo\bar\library2.jar

When your program becomes bigger that 2 or three classes, you'll probably want to use a build tool like ant, gradle or maven to build your application.
