Is it possible to plot the random intercept or slope of a mixed model when it has more than one predictor? With one predictor I would do like this: #generate one response, two predictors and one factor (random effect) resp<-runif(100,1, 100) pred1<-c(resp[1:50]+rnorm(50, -10, 10),resp[1:50]+rnorm(50, 20, 5)) pred2<-resp+rnorm(100, -10, 10) RF1<-gl(2, 50) #gamm library(mgcv) mod<-gamm(resp ~ pred1, random=list(RF1=~1)) plot(pred1, resp, type="n") for (i in ranef(mod$lme)[[1]]) { abline(fixef(mod$lme)[1]+i, fixef(mod$lme)[2]) } #lmer library(lme4) mod<-lmer(resp ~ pred1 + (1|RF1)) plot(pred1,