
Error while Installing TestNG Eclipse Plugin 6.14.3 Version

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-01-28 05:30:35
问题 I am getting the following error while installing TestNG plugin( 6.14.3) in Eclipse. Missing requirement: TestNG Eclipse Support (org.testng.eclipse requires 'bundle org.eclipse.jdt.launching 3.10.0' but it could not be found Cannot satisfy dependency: From: TestNG (org.testng.eclipse.feature.group To: org.testng.eclipse [] I am using Eclipse Oxygen- March Edition. Could anyone please help me

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError running TestNG Test in Eclipse

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-01-08 02:39:53
问题 I am getting the Exception FAILED CONFIGURATION: @BeforeSuite arquillianBeforeSuite java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.remoting3.Endpoint.builder()Lorg/jboss/remoting3/EndpointBuilder; at org.jboss.as.controller.client.impl.RemotingModelControllerClient.getOrCreateChannel(RemotingModelControllerClient.java:117) at org.jboss.as.controller.client.impl.RemotingModelControllerClient$1.getChannel(RemotingModelControllerClient.java:59) at org.jboss.as.protocol.mgmt.ManagementChannelHandler

How to make dynamic parallel tests in testNG

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-08-26 07:03:11
问题 I am running parallel tests using testNG and inside of my testNg java file I have this code: public class OfficialTest { @Test public void run1() throws MalformedURLException{ new Controller(1); } @Test public void run2() throws MalformedURLException{ new Controller(2); } @Test public void run3() throws MalformedURLException{ new Controller(3); } @Test public void run4() throws MalformedURLException{ new Controller(4); } @AfterMethod public void close() { System.out.println("closing"); } } so

How to make dynamic parallel tests in testNG

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-08-26 07:02:52
问题 I am running parallel tests using testNG and inside of my testNg java file I have this code: public class OfficialTest { @Test public void run1() throws MalformedURLException{ new Controller(1); } @Test public void run2() throws MalformedURLException{ new Controller(2); } @Test public void run3() throws MalformedURLException{ new Controller(3); } @Test public void run4() throws MalformedURLException{ new Controller(4); } @AfterMethod public void close() { System.out.println("closing"); } } so

TestNG:Exception in thread “main” com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException: Unknown option: -protocol

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-02-08 03:25:31
问题 On running the testng.xml, I am getting the following error: Exception in thread "main" com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException: Unknown option: -protocol at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parseValues(JCommander.java:742) at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parse(JCommander.java:282) at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parse(JCommander.java:265) at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.<init>(JCommander.java:210) at org.testng.remote.RemoteTestNG.main(RemoteTestNG.java:161) No errors are there in

TestNG Reporter org.testng.reporters.JUnitReportReporter@7a79be86 failed java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-24 04:23:11
问题 I'm new to TestNG framework, I have written script for an application using TestNG framework. Script working fine but yet I'm getting an error at the end of console. Error attached. Please anyone can help me. Thanks in advance.enter image description here 回答1: Edit: Fixed in 6.10 It is a known issue in the latest release (6.9.13.x) and will be fixed in the next release: https://github.com/cbeust/testng/issues/1168 Issue also appears while I'm testing with release - 6.8. 回答2: I already had

“TestNG No tests found. Nothing was run” while executing automated tests using Selenium through TestNG

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-19 17:38:17
问题 I want to know what exact software should I install before I run my automation project. Selenium web driver, selenium java, testNG, junit was installed but there are some problems with that also. 1. Selenium java file doesn't have more JAR files like people shows in their video tutorials. 2. When I' going to run my project as testNG, eclipse said windows firewall has blocked some features of this app. 回答1: This error message... [TestNG] No tests found. Nothing was run ...implies that TestNG

“TestNG No tests found. Nothing was run” while executing automated tests using Selenium through TestNG

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-19 17:37:05
问题 I want to know what exact software should I install before I run my automation project. Selenium web driver, selenium java, testNG, junit was installed but there are some problems with that also. 1. Selenium java file doesn't have more JAR files like people shows in their video tutorials. 2. When I' going to run my project as testNG, eclipse said windows firewall has blocked some features of this app. 回答1: This error message... [TestNG] No tests found. Nothing was run ...implies that TestNG

Non-default testng file ignored during command line execution (-Dsurefire)

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-11 13:10:45
问题 Short Description My Eclipse Maven project has a default TestNG suite (in the testng.xml file), which runs all the tests, and customized TestNG suites, which runs only specified tests. From within the Eclipse IDE, I am able to run any TestNG suite but from the Windows 10 command line ( mvn test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=/path/to/customized_TestNG_file ) the customized TestNG suites are ignored and only the default TestNG suite (in the testng.xml file) is executed. Details TestNGProj is an

Non-default testng file ignored during command line execution (-Dsurefire)

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-11 13:09:55
问题 Short Description My Eclipse Maven project has a default TestNG suite (in the testng.xml file), which runs all the tests, and customized TestNG suites, which runs only specified tests. From within the Eclipse IDE, I am able to run any TestNG suite but from the Windows 10 command line ( mvn test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=/path/to/customized_TestNG_file ) the customized TestNG suites are ignored and only the default TestNG suite (in the testng.xml file) is executed. Details TestNGProj is an