
Set default value of RadDatePicker to NULL when date is not set

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-31 07:31:32
问题 I'm binding the RadDatePicker to a viewModel dateTime property. when the property is null in database i get 01/01/0001. How to i change this behavior to just leave the date field blank.. example: In database ===> experiation_date : NULL In View(GUI) ===> experation_date : 01/01/0001 Expected Result ===> experation_date : {Blank} 回答1: Set the SelectedDate to null (and not DBNull): RadDatePicker1.SelectedDate = null; and in xaml set DateTimeWatermarkContent to the empty string: <telerik

Handle multiple delete events from grid with single events handlers

孤人 提交于 2019-12-29 09:21:20
问题 I have two grid which contains delete button and I am using RadAjaxManager which will fire ajax request from client side to server side OnajaxRequest which contain event handlers and that event handler will call my delete event like below: <telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager2" runat="server" meta:resourcekey="RadAjaxManager1Resource1" OnAjaxRequest="RadAjaxManager2_AjaxRequest"> <AjaxSettings> <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="RadAjaxManager2"> <UpdatedControls> <telerik

How to insert drop down list box in a Telerik grid

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-29 07:19:09
问题 I have a Telerik Grid, with two columns I need to keep second column as drop-down list box with in the grid, I am using ASP.NET MVC control Can any body tell me how to do this? 回答1: You can set the template of the column to embed arbitrary HTML. If using Ajax binding - try the client template. The following online examples will be helpful: Server templates Client templates 回答2: I need to do that for my project. Here is how I did it: columns.Bound(o => o.Role).ClientTemplate( Html.Telerik()

Telerik WinForms: Double clicking not distinguishing with single clicking

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-25 16:52:02
问题 We have inherited a project that uses RADGrid. It has both events for double and single clicking enabled. But when DoubleClick is fired, so are Click and CellBeginEdit,... I want to cancel Click, CellBeginEdit or others when DoubleClick is fired. 回答1: I have an Inherited class Sheet from Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView that I use as grid control in my project. This resume what is needed to solve the problem: public partial class Sheet : Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView { //System Time to

NativeScript Telerik-UI using ListViewStaggeredLayout for images in RadListView

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-25 09:50:50
问题 I have a NativeScript/Angular2 app using Telerik-UI, when I try to display images using ListViewStaggeredLayout directive in a RadListView I get a blank page. Using same code to display text works OK, i.e. 2 columns and staggered layout. Using ListViewGridLayout to display images works as well. I have seen old Telerik documentation showing this is/was possible with images, but I cannot figure out what to set. The HTML code is below. Thanks. <RadListView [items]="pictures"> <template

How to bind images in Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-25 07:49:13
问题 Please let me know how to bind a image static image with all rows in Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model.SearchResponse) .Name("SearchGrid") .Columns(columns => { //Here i need to bind a static image column// columns.Bound(grid => grid.Name); columns.Bound(grid => grid.CaseNumber); }) .Pageable(true) %> 回答1: This is possible by adding another templated column to your collection: Using ASPX columns.Template(c => { %><img alt="Static Image Alt Text" src="<%= Url.Content(

Open dialog window on checkbox click in Telerik RadGrid

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-25 04:12:17
问题 I have a Telerik RadGrid with a GridTemplate column that has an asp:CheckBox inside of it. I chose to use a GridTemplate column rather than a GridCheckBoxColumn or ClientSelectColumn because I want the user to have the ability to check the box and on checkbox clicked if it is checked open a dialog window for them to upload attachments to the record. I am not sure how I will go about opening a RadWindow on checkbox click from within a grid. The overall goal that I am trying to accomplish is

filtering telerik mvc grid by Html.Telerik().DropDownList

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-24 19:23:33
问题 Hi I would like to ask how can i filter the current contents of the Telerik mvc grid by the selected value in Html.Telerik().DropDownList? I think there's some js scripts needed which I'm figuring out. Thanks in advance. -Lawrence 回答1: In your dropdownlist's onchange event: .ClientEvents(events => events .OnChange( @<text> function(e) { $('NameOfGrid').data('tGrid').rebind(); } </text>)) and in your grid's ondatabinding event: .ClientEvents(e => e .OnDataBinding( @<text> function(a) {

Telerik ASP.NET Ajax RadGrid in MVC and ViewState?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-24 12:43:33
问题 That's right, an ASP.NET Ajax control in MVC. I know I know, there are Telerik MVC controls but the Telerik MVC grid doesn't have everything I need so I'm dead set on using the ASP.NET Ajax control. Anyways, I have the RadGrid up and running great. The problem occurs when I enable all the bells and whistles such as paging, sorting, filtering etc. It looks like it puts the group by/filter/sort data in an eventargument post variable: __EVENTARGUMENT FireCommand:2$RadGrid1$ctl00;GroupByColumn

datetimePicker Column in $(“#grid”).kendoGrid

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-24 10:42:36
问题 I have this column in kendo grid { field: "Fecha", title: "Fecha Aviso", width: 100, attributes: { style: "text-align:center;" }, template: "#= Fecha != null ? kendo.toString(Fecha, 'd/MM/yyyy') : '' #" } And this is the model field fields: { Fecha: { type: "date", format: "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" }, ... Now the batchEdit shows only the datePicker. How can I input dateTimePicker? 回答1: Here is a dojo that shows it working for you: custom datetime picker in batch editing all I have done is define the