
nmake modify macro based on target

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-01-29 04:42:45
问题 I've got a Makefile.mak where I optionally create a test.exe or a DLL from my C-based source code. I'm using CL.EXE and NMAKE. I'd like to modify my CFLAGS macro like this when the target is TEST.EXE: CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -DMAIN And, of course, I use this in my C code: #ifdef MAIN ... int main()... yada yada #endif I had tried !IF $@ == "test.exe" but it crashed out and doesn't work logically since the $@, target, isn't deterministic in that part of the makefile. The logical place to define the

Can I include a .targets file in a .props property sheet?

孤人 提交于 2020-01-15 07:12:27
问题 I'm developing in C++ using Visual Studio 2012; I have about 25 projects in a solution that all use the same property sheet ( .props file). I now need every project that uses said props file to also use a specific .targets file. Instead of editing each of the 25 .vcxproj files to add an import tag (or adding the import via the GUI for each project), I'd like to put an import statement in the .props file they all already use. Is this even possible? I've tried adding the import statement that

Xcode how to package the target as a .framework (instead of .a library)

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-01-04 14:31:38
问题 I have a Universal Framework project that contains a library as its main target and under Products is the library with 'lib' prefix and a .a extension. See screenshot below: I am using a 3rd party project that contains a framework as its target and under Products is the framework with a .framework extension. See screenshot below: Poking around in the Build Settings, I can see there are differences under Packaging and also under Linking and there may be more differences elsewhere. So, this got

Struts 2.3.16 sx:submit targets not working as expected

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-25 16:55:43
问题 I worked with Struts 2.0.11 and Struts 2.1.6 and have no problem with the s:submit or sx:submit with "targets" attribute. While upgrading our project from Struts 2.0.11 to 2.3.16, I have the following problem: <head> <sx:head parseContent="true"/> </head> <s:form action="report_accumulatedResult" cssStyle="font-size :8pt; font-family: verdana" method="post" validate="true" > <s:textfield name="startDate" label="Start Date" size="15" cssClass="datepicker" /> <s:textfield name="endDate" label=

Error when building AngularJSToDo hybrid app in Visual Studio

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-25 16:25:49
问题 I have installed Multi-Device Hybrid Apps for Visual Studio 2013 - CTP2,and other development tools are properly set up. Now I get some errors when trying to build for Android, iPhone, and for Windows Phone. error 1: Cannot find module 'qs' error 2: “"C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\vs-mda\vs-cli" prepare --platform Android --configuration Debug --projectDir . --projectName "AngularJSToDo" --language "zh-CN"” exited with code 8。 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming

XCode - Same classe name, two targets

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-24 13:58:02
问题 I'm trying to regroup several applications I have in the same XCode project. So I created a new XCode project and added two targets, and import the source code of my two apps in one of the targets. The problem is that I have classes with the same name in the two applications. When I compile the first one, no problem. But if I try to compile the second target, I have lots of issues like this : In file included from /Users/administrateur/Documents/Merged_iPhone_Projects/Target2/Classes

Msbuild ItemGroup exclude doesn't work with wildcards

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-24 00:07:04
问题 This Itemgroup ItemsFromAnotherTarget contains: ..\..\References\AnotherFolder\ReferencedAssembly.dll bin\GeneratedAssembly1.dll bin\GeneratedAssembly2.dll somefolder\somefile.txt somefolder\somefile.exe bin\anexe.exe The idea is to generate another item group BinaryFiles containing bin\GeneratedAssembly1.dll bin\GeneratedAssembly2.dll somefolder\somefile.exe bin\anexe.exe So I have the following: <ItemGroup> <BinaryFiles Include="@(ItemsFromAnotherTarget)" Condition="'%(Extension)'=='.dll'

Avoid duplicating GNU Make rules

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-23 10:56:17
问题 I've been writing a Makefile that performs some dependency generation and I've found myself having to duplicate rules because the (legacy) codebase contains a mixture of .cpp and .cc files. It seems a bit unsightly. Is there anyway to specify that the prerequisites of a target can be either .cpp or .cc files? So rather than having: %.d : %.cpp $(CPP) -MM $(CPPFLAGS) $< %.d : $(CPP) -MM $(CPPFLAGS) $< Create something without the duplication like: %.d : %.(cpp | cc) $(CPP) -MM $(CPPFLAGS)

Creating an application with multiple targets in Windows Phone 7

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-23 03:47:09
问题 Is there any way to create a project/application which will have multiple targets. Its same as how we create multiple targets for an iPhone application in XCode. Basically I have an app which has to be made for different targets, with almost all the similar functionalities but with little change. 回答1: You can use Configuration Manager to add additional configurations to the list of Debug and Release. Then for each configuration go to Project/Properties/Build/Conditional compilation symbols

What platform can I compile binaries for, using LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine)?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-21 04:42:07
问题 I am interested in using the LLVM's Clang compiler. LLVM claims to be cross-platform however it is not clear which platforms can be targeted. I have done quite a lot of Googling on this but there doesn't seem to be much information about LLVM's supported platforms. The only thing I did find was "this" which is kinda confusing. I am not sure if it means I can compile binaries for those platforms using LLVM or if it just runs on those platforms (or both). Could someone who knows more about the