
attempt to reopen an already-closed object: sqlitequery

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-07 02:22:00
问题 So essentially I am querying the DB twice. I don't understand where this error is really coming from because I am not closing the DB anywhere. The code that returns the error runs like this. I've checked around and I just having seen a case like mine. BeaconHandler pullAllDB = new BeaconHandler(this); try { List<Beacon> beaconsShown = pullAllDB.getAllBeacons(); for (final Beacon bn : beaconsShown) { try { int messageCount = pullAllDB.getMessageCount(); Log.d("Message", messageCount + "

Confused about CursorLoaders and using them with a custom SQLiteOpenHelper

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-05 08:38:56
I'm writing an app that allows people to set alarms for various tasks that they need to do. My current plan is to store all the relevant data into an SQLite database. To that end, I have created a class that extends SQLiteOpenHelper and filled it with methods to handle all the CRUD that I'd expect to have to take in. Knowing that it's generally a bad idea to do all the processing on one thread, I looked up ways to separate the work between threads and found CursorLoader and LoaderManager, which seemed ideal as they were available in the Android Compatibility Library. However, LoaderManager

attempt to reopen an already-closed object: sqlitequery

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-05 08:07:38
So essentially I am querying the DB twice. I don't understand where this error is really coming from because I am not closing the DB anywhere. The code that returns the error runs like this. I've checked around and I just having seen a case like mine. BeaconHandler pullAllDB = new BeaconHandler(this); try { List<Beacon> beaconsShown = pullAllDB.getAllBeacons(); for (final Beacon bn : beaconsShown) { try { int messageCount = pullAllDB.getMessageCount(); Log.d("Message", messageCount + " Messages Found"); if (messageCount > 0) { //Do Something } else { // Do Nothing } } catch (Exception e) { e

Can't downgrade database from version `n` to `n-1` on Samsung

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-05 00:20:27
I have an application with a database, created and opened using the standard SQLiteOpenHelper. Whenever I upgrade the database version, I also upgrade the application's version code, so there is no way for the database to go down (the database version number is always increased, never decreased). I disabled database backup in my app by setting the android:allowBackup property to false. But when I upgrade the app on the Play Store, I get a lot of crash Can't downgrade database from version n to n-1 96% of those crash occur on Samsung device running . Anyone know why this problem occurs, and

SQLiteOpenHelper vs ContentProvider

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-03 08:58:27
问题 I'm new to Android development. I'm trying to create an application that reads from the internal database (SQLite) and list all the data in a list (I'm using listView ). So far I got a class called DatabaseHandler that extends SQLiteOpenHelper and that is doing all the database operations (select data, insert data, delete data, ...). But now that I want to list the values, I am reading in some websites that I have to use a Loader instead of Cursor , and therefore a ContentProvider . So far I

Is it really necessary to create SQLite tables every time the application starts?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-03 08:28:16
I've noticed in more than one SQLite tutorial that the table is recreated in the onCreate() event of the class that extends SQLiteOpenHelper . I've already created my SQLite database and tables outside the Android environment (Eclipse IDE) with the help of a Firefox add-in. The database tables reside in the expected spot: C:\aXX3&Space\Android\workspace\OnDemandAndAutomatic_Project\assets It seems bizarre to me that I would have to recreate them programmatically each time (obviously, they continue to exist and retain data, or what would be the point)? However, I'm having a serious issue with

Using a SQLite database in Libgdx

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-03 03:12:11
问题 I'm new in Libgdx and I'm getting trouble on using a database on my game. I searched for a tutorial on how to make SQLite work on both Android and Desktop applications using Libgdx but I didn't found a easy one. The last time I used a database in Android, I created a class that extends from SQLiteOpenHelper . Is there a simple way to do the same using Libgdx? Or at least, can anyone point me to a step-by-step tutorial or something similar? EDIT I forgot to say that I'm looking for something

SQLiteOpenHelper vs ContentProvider

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-02 23:02:29
I'm new to Android development. I'm trying to create an application that reads from the internal database (SQLite) and list all the data in a list (I'm using listView ). So far I got a class called DatabaseHandler that extends SQLiteOpenHelper and that is doing all the database operations (select data, insert data, delete data, ...). But now that I want to list the values, I am reading in some websites that I have to use a Loader instead of Cursor , and therefore a ContentProvider . So far I understand that ContentProvider provides controlled access to the database. My question is: does the

SQLiteOpenHelper “onCreate” is not called? (the DB does not exist)

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-01 19:42:20
问题 From a fragment I instantiate this way fmdata = new FileManagerData(getActivity()); the following class. I don't understand why onCreate() is not called and my database does not get created. public class FileManagerData { public static final String TAG = FileManagerData.class.getSimpleName();; Context context; DBHelper dbHelper; public FileManagerData (Context context){ this.context = context; dbHelper = new DBHelper(); } private class DBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper{ private static final

SQLiteOpenHelper “onCreate” is not called? (the DB does not exist)

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-01 19:38:21
From a fragment I instantiate this way fmdata = new FileManagerData(getActivity()); the following class. I don't understand why onCreate() is not called and my database does not get created. public class FileManagerData { public static final String TAG = FileManagerData.class.getSimpleName();; Context context; DBHelper dbHelper; public FileManagerData (Context context){ this.context = context; dbHelper = new DBHelper(); } private class DBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper{ private static final String DB_NAME = "filename.db"; private static final String DB_SQL = "filename.sql"; private static