
How to determine the maximum of a mixed time-continuous time-discrete signal in SimulationX?

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-17 05:36:28
问题 There are questions how to determine the maximum of a mixed time-continuous and time-discrete signal x(t) over passed time with Modelica, i.e., y(t) = max{ x(s) with s in [startTime,t] }. This is an open issue in the Modelica bug tracker (see I will give a SimultionX-specific solution. 回答1: SimulationX extends Modelica by the last -operator which returns the last accepted value of the argument. At event-time points it returns the value at which

On Veins, how to get some values from ini file?

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-11 10:13:28
问题 On Veins applications ( veins/src/modules/application/app_name.(cc, h ), how to get values like *.car[*].appl.numVehicles from the ini file? I can get values like sim-time-limit (see below) and anothers createad by me one, by I can't acess values on *.car[*].* or *.rsu[*].* from ini file. stringTmp = ev.getConfig()->getConfigValue("sim-time-limit"); I'd appreciate any help 回答1: I got the " numVehicles " parameter from the .ini file using the following codification: long numV = Veins: