
超好看的博客园皮肤 Sakura~

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-08-05 04:15:37
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我的博客又更新了!(其实可能已经被我改回去了) 点这儿点这儿,传送门吖~ 注:网页有时候要刷新一遍才能显示出来哦,不知道为啥🌚 是不是很好看? 但是很多东西还在研究中,(才被我改回去的)所以代码不三不四的,先放上来吧,也欢迎提修改意见哟~ 上代码 : css样式 .cnblogs-markdown .hljs { display : block ; color : #333 ; overflow-x : auto ; background : #F2F4F5 !important ; border : none !important ; font-family : Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace !important ; padding : 1em !important ; font-size : 14px !important } .hljs-comment, .hljs-meta { color : #969896 } .hljs-emphasis, .hljs-quote, .hljs-string, .hljs-strong, .hljs-template-variable, .hljs-variable { color : #df5000 } .hljs-keyword

Sublime Text3的安装以及python开发环境的搭建

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-08-05 03:26:58
作者: struct_mooc 博客地址: 目录 一. Sublime text3的安装 1.sublime text3下载 2. sublime text3安装 二. 搭建python开发环境 1.python运行环境设置 2.插件管理包Package Control 3.插件安装 1)ConvertToUTF8 2)SublimeREPL 3)SideBarEnhancements 4)AutoPep8 5)Alignment 6)FileHeader 7)Anaconda 8)BracketHighlighter 9)ChineseLocalizations 10)Colorsublime 11)TrailingSpaces 4.查询已安装的插件 5.删除已安装的插件 附:插件作用说明 1)ConvertToUTF8 2)SublimeREPL 3)SideBarEnhancements 4)AutoPep8 5)Alignment 6)FileHeader 7)Anaconda 8)BracketHighlighter 9)ChineseLocalizations 10)Colorsublime 11)TrailingSpaces 一. Sublime text3的安装 1

Sublime Text3的安装以及python开发环境的搭建

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-08-05 01:12:40
作者: struct_mooc 博客地址: 目录 一. Sublime text3的安装 1.sublime text3下载 2. sublime text3安装 二. 搭建python开发环境 1.python运行环境设置 2.插件管理包Package Control 3.插件安装 1)ConvertToUTF8 2)SublimeREPL 3)SideBarEnhancements 4)AutoPep8 5)Alignment 6)FileHeader 7)Anaconda 8)BracketHighlighter 9)ChineseLocalizations 10)Colorsublime 11)TrailingSpaces 4.查询已安装的插件 5.删除已安装的插件 附:插件作用说明 1)ConvertToUTF8 2)SublimeREPL 3)SideBarEnhancements 4)AutoPep8 5)Alignment 6)FileHeader 7)Anaconda 8)BracketHighlighter 9)ChineseLocalizations 10)Colorsublime 11)TrailingSpaces 一. Sublime text3的安装 1

How to combine top navigation (navbarPage) and a sidebar menu (sidebarMenu) in shiny

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-08-01 06:26:30
问题 I have a shiny app (using navbarPage) with many tabs and would like to add a sidebarMenu that can be seen no matter which tab is selected. The input values in the sidebar have an impact on the content of all tabs. Additionally, it should be possible to hide the sidebarMenu as it is in a shinydashboard. I see two possible ways: (A) Using shinydashboard and somehow adding a top navigation bar or (B) using navbarPage and somehow adding a sidebar menu that can be hidden. (A) Using shinydashboard

How to combine top navigation (navbarPage) and a sidebar menu (sidebarMenu) in shiny

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-08-01 06:25:27
问题 I have a shiny app (using navbarPage) with many tabs and would like to add a sidebarMenu that can be seen no matter which tab is selected. The input values in the sidebar have an impact on the content of all tabs. Additionally, it should be possible to hide the sidebarMenu as it is in a shinydashboard. I see two possible ways: (A) Using shinydashboard and somehow adding a top navigation bar or (B) using navbarPage and somehow adding a sidebar menu that can be hidden. (A) Using shinydashboard


不想你离开。 提交于 2020-07-29 06:03:14
一、创建基类。 基类的作用:比如说登录成功失败,管理员新增编辑成功失败,角色新增编辑成功失败,都是有成功回调与失败回调的,比如展示一个成功的信息失败的信息,这些东西都是通用的。所以利用基类封装起来,其他类继承这个基类就能实现代码复用。 controller>admin新建base.js 写入一个简单地基类: "use strict"; const Controller = require("egg").Controller; class BaseController extends Controller { async success() { this.ctx.body = "成功"; } } module.exports = BaseController; 其他的控制器都引入baseController并进行继承。 "use strict"; const BaseController = require("../admin/base"); class LoginController extends BaseController { async index() { console.log("admin"); await this.ctx.render("admin/login.html"); } } module.exports = LoginController; 在view

超好看的博客园皮肤 Sakura~

二次信任 提交于 2020-07-29 03:58:34
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,我的博客又更新了!(其实可能已经被我改回去了) 点这儿点这儿,传送门吖~ 注:网页有时候要刷新一遍才能显示出来哦,不知道为啥🌚 是不是很好看? 但是很多东西还在研究中,(才被我改回去的)所以代码不三不四的,先放上来吧,也欢迎提修改意见哟~ 上代码 : css样式 .cnblogs-markdown .hljs { display : block ; color : #333 ; overflow-x : auto ; background : #F2F4F5 !important ; border : none !important ; font-family : Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace !important ; padding : 1em !important ; font-size : 14px !important } .hljs-comment, .hljs-meta { color : #969896 } .hljs-emphasis, .hljs-quote, .hljs-string, .hljs-strong, .hljs-template-variable, .hljs-variable { color : #df5000 } .hljs-keyword

Page content appearing underneath sidebar

佐手、 提交于 2020-07-21 07:01:50
问题 I am creating a html layout with a sidebar. But my header and content are appearing underneath my sidebar instead of next to it. .container { position:relative; padding:10px; top:0px; right: 0; left: 0; height: 1200px;} #sidebar { position:relative; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; width:200px; height: 1000px; background: gray; } #header { border:1px solid #000; height:300px; padding:10px; margin-left: 200px; } #content { border:1px solid #000; height:700px; margin-left: 200px;; padding:10px; } <div

Page content appearing underneath sidebar

若如初见. 提交于 2020-07-21 07:01:02
问题 I am creating a html layout with a sidebar. But my header and content are appearing underneath my sidebar instead of next to it. .container { position:relative; padding:10px; top:0px; right: 0; left: 0; height: 1200px;} #sidebar { position:relative; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; width:200px; height: 1000px; background: gray; } #header { border:1px solid #000; height:300px; padding:10px; margin-left: 200px; } #content { border:1px solid #000; height:700px; margin-left: 200px;; padding:10px; } <div