
Scalar type in Managed Object only works for IPhone 5

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-03 00:32:20
Property 'Latitude' is a scalar type on class 'LatitudeLongitude'. Cannot generate a setter method for it. When I generated codes for my managed object, I got a message whether I want scalar properties for primitive data type. should I use it? I want to make this application compatible with iPhone 3 - 5 is there any issues with this problem? When you use scalar properties you have to provide implementations of getters and setters for those properties by yourself, as described in documentation: "You can declare properties as scalar values, but for scalar values Core Data cannot dynamically

Using scalar variable or a pointer to print 2D array

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-02 23:33:35
问题 How do I use a scalar variable or a pointer to print 2D string array? The program needs to execute the system command “echo” to print out all the strings Input: char myarray[2][10] = {"Hello", "World"}; for (j=0;j<2;j++){ setenv ("myvar", myarray[j]); system("echo $myvar"); } Actual Output: Hello World Expected Output: Hello World 回答1: You see that your problem can be solved by simply avoiding new line character in echo. By using man command on echo ( man echo ) we can see -n do not output

How can I assign a boolean condition result to a scalar variable in perl?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-01 08:15:03
I am doing the following, but it is not working properly: my $enabled = $hash && $hash->{'key'} && $hash->{'key'}->{'enabled'} && $hash->{'key'}->{'active'}; Is this an acceptable way to assign a boolean value to a scalar variable? My code is misbehaving in strange ways, as it is, and I believe it is because of this assignment. I have validated that the individual values exist for all of these keys and are set to a value. P.S. Sorry for being a noob! I googled for ~10 minutes and couldn't find the answer anywhere. The Perl boolean operators like && , || , and , or don't return a boolean value,

OpenCV scalar datatype, when to use?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-01 02:24:11
问题 Here we can hava a look on OpenCV's basic structures. My question is what exactly the datatype "scalar" is and when do i use it. Here you can see its definition: template<typename _Tp> class CV_EXPORTS Scalar_ : public Vec<_Tp, 4> { public: //! various constructors Scalar_(); Scalar_(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2=0, _Tp v3=0); Scalar_(const CvScalar& s); Scalar_(_Tp v0); //! returns a scalar with all elements set to v0 static Scalar_<_Tp> all(_Tp v0); //! conversion to the old-style CvScalar

How does the “Array dereferencing” work on a scalar value of type boolean/integer/float/string as of PHP version 7.2.0?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-01 01:13:09
I am using PHP 7.2. I come across the following note from the arrays chapter of PHP Manual Array dereferencing a scalar value which is not a string silently yields NULL , i.e. without issuing an error message. I understand how to dereference an array literal but I'm not able to understand how the "array dereferencing" works on a scalar value of type boolean/integer/float/string? If you look at the code example from the PHP manual itself, you can notice the contradiction as it's not the value of integer type is not silently yielding NULL according to the manual. <?php function getArray() {

How does the “Array dereferencing” work on a scalar value of type boolean/integer/float/string as of PHP version 7.2.0?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-11-30 20:44:09
问题 I am using PHP 7.2. I come across the following note from the arrays chapter of PHP Manual Array dereferencing a scalar value which is not a string silently yields NULL , i.e. without issuing an error message. I understand how to dereference an array literal but I'm not able to understand how the "array dereferencing" works on a scalar value of type boolean/integer/float/string? If you look at the code example from the PHP manual itself, you can notice the contradiction as it's not the value

python: how to identify if a variable is an array or a scalar

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-11-30 10:05:53
问题 I have a function that takes the argument NBins . I want to make a call to this function with a scalar 50 or an array [0, 10, 20, 30] . How can I identify within the function, what the length of NBins is? or said differently, if it is a scalar or a vector? I tried this: >>> N=[2,3,5] >>> P = 5 >>> len(N) 3 >>> len(P) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len() >>> As you see, I can't apply len to P , since it's not an

c# LINQ: how to retrieve a single result

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-11-30 04:56:07
Kind of new to linq, whats the simplest way to retrieve a single result using linq? example, my query var query = from c in db.productInfo where c.flavor == "Classic Coke" && c.container == "Can" select c.co2Target; it should only return a single field with a double value. how do i pull it out of query? In the past i had used ExecuteScalar. How do i do it with linq? I would like to preserve its data type UPDATE: Here's where I am now. The problem is that the test query im running here is returning 4 instead of 3.75 var query = (from a in db.LUT_ProductInfos where a.flavor == "Classic Coke" &&

how to create and call scalar function in sql server 2008

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-11-29 22:49:11
I have created a Scalar Functions, it was created successfully, but when I call the function using select statement, it says invalid object, I altered the function, I got the message command completed successfully, but when I call the function, I gets same error. below is the function I am trying to call: ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_HomePageSlider] ( @PortalID int, @ArticleID int ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN DECLARE @HTML NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @HTML = ''; Declare @Title varchar(1000) Select @Title= Title from CrossArticle_Article c where c.Id=@ArticleID Select @HTML = @HTML + '<div class=

python: how to identify if a variable is an array or a scalar

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-11-29 18:47:44
I have a function that takes the argument NBins . I want to make a call to this function with a scalar 50 or an array [0, 10, 20, 30] . How can I identify within the function, what the length of NBins is? or said differently, if it is a scalar or a vector? I tried this: >>> N=[2,3,5] >>> P = 5 >>> len(N) 3 >>> len(P) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len() >>> As you see, I can't apply len to P , since it's not an array.... Is there something like isarray or isscalar in python? thanks >>> isinstance([0, 10, 20, 30],