
How to Set a variable using OPENQUERY in SQL Server

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-08 03:57:34
问题 I am trying to read data from a table. This table have a list of table name. for each row of the data set I want to run a couple of queries to pull data and insert it into a temporary table. Here is What I have done DECLARE @campName varchar(255); DECLARE @sqlCommand varchar(1000); DECLARE @sqlCommandMySQL varchar(1000); DECLARE @LastRun varchar(60); DECLARE @OPENQUERY varchar(1000); DECLARE MY_CURSOR CURSOR LOCAL STATIC READ_ONLY FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(CallListName)) AS

numpy ndarray subclass: ufunc don't return scalar type

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-08 01:22:22
问题 For numpy.ndarray subclass, ufunc outputs have the same type. This is good in general but I would like for ufunc with scalar output to return scalar type (such as numpy.float64 ). Example: import numpy as np class MyArray(np.ndarray): def __new__(cls, array): obj = np.asarray(array).view(cls) return obj a = MyArray(np.arange(5)) a*2 # MyArray([0, 2, 4, 6, 8]) => same class as original (i.e. MyArray), ok a.sum() # MyArray(10) => same as original, but here I'd expect np.int64 type(2*a) is type

opencv: convert Scalar to float or double type

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-06 19:29:14
问题 Can anyone help me in converting scalar type of openCV to basic types like float or double? Scalar Sum1=sum(arg1),Sum2=sum(arg2);<float>(i,j)=0.5*atan(Sum1/Sum2); I have to sum all elements of Mat objects arg1 and arg2 (neighbourhood sum), then I have to perform their division to find orientation field at each pixels. I performed sum, but since I have to apply arctan function, scalar type does not fit. Can anyone help me in converting scalar type to basic types? actually I'm trying

List Assignment in Scalar Context

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-06 18:48:59
问题 A list assignment in scalar context returns the number of elements on the right hand side: scalar(my ($hello, $there, $world) = (7,8)); #evaluates to 2 Why does it evaluate the right hand side and produce 2, instead of the newly defined list being evaluated and returning 3? To me, it seems like $hello gets 7, $there gets 8, and $world gets undef , then that list is evaluated in scalar context, which would result in 3, as that is the number of elements in the list ( $hello $there $world ). It

numpy ndarray subclass: ufunc don't return scalar type

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-06 10:41:38
For numpy.ndarray subclass, ufunc outputs have the same type. This is good in general but I would like for ufunc with scalar output to return scalar type (such as numpy.float64 ). Example: import numpy as np class MyArray(np.ndarray): def __new__(cls, array): obj = np.asarray(array).view(cls) return obj a = MyArray(np.arange(5)) a*2 # MyArray([0, 2, 4, 6, 8]) => same class as original (i.e. MyArray), ok a.sum() # MyArray(10) => same as original, but here I'd expect np.int64 type(2*a) is type(a.sum()) # True b = a.view(np.ndarray) type(2*b) is type(b.sum()) # False For standard numpy array,

How to Set a variable using OPENQUERY in SQL Server

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-06 09:38:56
I am trying to read data from a table. This table have a list of table name. for each row of the data set I want to run a couple of queries to pull data and insert it into a temporary table. Here is What I have done DECLARE @campName varchar(255); DECLARE @sqlCommand varchar(1000); DECLARE @sqlCommandMySQL varchar(1000); DECLARE @LastRun varchar(60); DECLARE @OPENQUERY varchar(1000); DECLARE MY_CURSOR CURSOR LOCAL STATIC READ_ONLY FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(CallListName)) AS CallListName FROM [SMSQL1].[RDI_System].[dbo].[Campaigns] WHERE dialer_campaign = 1 AND i3Server ='I3New' AND

In Robot Framework, what is the difference between a List Variable and a Scalar Variable containing a list?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-05 07:59:53
In Robot Framework, we can assign a list to a Scalar Variable or to a List Variable, as shown below: | @{list} = | Create List | a | b | c | | ${scalar} = | Create List | a | b | c | What is the difference between a List Variable and a Scalar Variable containing a list? Bryan Oakley In case of the assignment shown in your question, there is no difference. If you log each of those you'll get the exact same output. Note : this functionality was introduced in version 2.8 (see Using scalar variables as lists in Robot Framework User's Guide). The difference comes when you use the values. When you

Scalar vs list context in Perl

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-05 05:37:06
问题 I found an example in an O'Reilly book a little weird: @backwards = reverse qw/ yabba dabba doo /; print "list context: @backwards\n"; $backward = reverse qw/ yabba dabba doo /; print "scalar1 context: $backward\n"; $notbackward = qw/ yabba dabba doo /; print "scalar2 context: $notbackward\n"; print "print context: ",reverse qw/ yabba dabba doo /; print "\n"; The output is: list context: doo dabba yabba scalar1 context: oodabbadabbay scalar2 context: doo print context: doodabbayabba The one I

Opencv multiply scalar and matrix

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-04 01:34:57
I have been trying to achieve something which should pretty trivial and is trivial in Matlab . I want to simply achieve something such as: cv::Mat sample = [4 5 6; 4 2 5; 1 4 2]; sample = 5*sample; After which sample should just be: [20 24 30; 20 10 25; 5 20 10] I have tried scaleAdd , Mul , Multiply and neither allow a scalar multiplier and require a matrix of the same "size and type". In this scenario I could create a Matrix of Ones and then use the scale parameter but that seems so very extraneous Any direct simple method would be great! OpenCV does in fact support multiplication by a

Scalar vs list context in Perl

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-03 17:15:34
I found an example in an O'Reilly book a little weird: @backwards = reverse qw/ yabba dabba doo /; print "list context: @backwards\n"; $backward = reverse qw/ yabba dabba doo /; print "scalar1 context: $backward\n"; $notbackward = qw/ yabba dabba doo /; print "scalar2 context: $notbackward\n"; print "print context: ",reverse qw/ yabba dabba doo /; print "\n"; The output is: list context: doo dabba yabba scalar1 context: oodabbadabbay scalar2 context: doo print context: doodabbayabba The one I do not understand is the scalar1 context: The book says 'reverse something' gives a list context, so I