
How to use Rails with uppercase column name?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-05-29 05:00:50
问题 I have the following as part of an AR query: .having('COUNT( > bar.maxUsers') This generates an error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column bar.maxusers does not exist ^ HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "bar.maxUsers". I am referencing the column bar.maxUsers . So, apparently AR downcases the query. How to suppress this behavior? Rails 4.2.10 PostgreSQL EDIT: SQL: SELECT ... HAVING COUNT( > bar.maxUsers So it is happening after the to

Rails 4.2.0.beta2 - Can't connect to LocalHost?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-13 10:29:16
问题 I installed Rails 4.2.0.beta2 per the instructions in 3rd Edition (the one that just came out). I'm not using the cloudIDE and am instead using Ubuntu Trusty 32 via Vagrant on a Windows 7 host with RVM. Did rails _4.2.0.beta2_ new hello_app and then pasted in his gemfile sample. After that, I ran: $ bundle install $ rails s Server starts fine, however when I try to connect to localhost:3000 I get "Server Not Found" Weirder still, I have a couple other Rails starter projects

How can I avoid Devise from requires authentication from within an engine?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-01-05 23:29:36
问题 I'm using Devise for athentication in my main application and I have built an API (for a PABX) using "http_basic_authenticate_with" and it's working well when I add before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:method_name] to my controller. I'm doing that because except: [:method_name] will not require a logged user session on Devise and I just want to use basic authenticate for those API controllers. config/routes.rb (main application) scope module: 'api' do scope module: 'pabx' do scope '

How can I avoid Devise from requires authentication from within an engine?

蓝咒 提交于 2020-01-05 23:27:53
问题 I'm using Devise for athentication in my main application and I have built an API (for a PABX) using "http_basic_authenticate_with" and it's working well when I add before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:method_name] to my controller. I'm doing that because except: [:method_name] will not require a logged user session on Devise and I just want to use basic authenticate for those API controllers. config/routes.rb (main application) scope module: 'api' do scope module: 'pabx' do scope '

Jbuilder Rails caching is slower

你。 提交于 2020-01-01 05:16:12
问题 I've tried to use caching with collections (with multiple solutions) the problem is that when ever I try caching the response become slower consider the following example of a collection that renders 2 partials for every item in it (around 25 item) do json.array! @organizations do |organization| json.partial! 'api/v1/organizations/organization', organization: organization json.partial! 'api/v1/organizations/links', organization: organization end end without caching the average

rspec before(:each) hook - conditionally apply

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-25 04:29:15
问题 I have following in my rails_helper.rb : RSpec.configure do |config| # ... config.before(:each, type: :controller) do # SOMETHING end end I want to define directories, to which this SOMETHING will be applicable (in my case ONLY to files under spec/controllers/api directory). Any chance to achieve that? 回答1: You can use a more specialized name for your RSpec filter: RSpec.configure do |config| # ... config.before(:each, :subtype => :controllers_api) do # SOMETHING end end And then in your

Rails internationalization is not working in production mode

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-24 18:11:08
问题 I have a non-AR model, which I use for a form/composition object. There are lots input fields, which I collect in order to do some data manipulation inside AR transaction. I use I18n for internationalization. yml: pl: activemodel: attributes: catalog/checkout: name: Imię form: = f.input :name, required: true, label: I18n.t(:'.activemodel.attributes.catalog/') The issue is that in development and production modes (locally) I see the input having proper label taken from config

Rails internationalization is not working in production mode

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-24 18:10:37
问题 I have a non-AR model, which I use for a form/composition object. There are lots input fields, which I collect in order to do some data manipulation inside AR transaction. I use I18n for internationalization. yml: pl: activemodel: attributes: catalog/checkout: name: Imię form: = f.input :name, required: true, label: I18n.t(:'.activemodel.attributes.catalog/') The issue is that in development and production modes (locally) I see the input having proper label taken from config

How to show some HTML entities on title tag using Rails

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-24 18:02:10
问题 I'm running Rails 4.2.x and I have the following problem. The <title> of some pages are generated from user content. So I have to use the sanitize Rails helpers to properly clean it up. But if the user writes something like "A & B", the title shown in browser is A & B which is wrong. What's the correct way of escaping user content on the <title> tag using Rails? At least some special characters should be included... 回答1: We can use CGi also title = "A & B" => "A & B" string = CGI.escapeHTML

How to show some HTML entities on title tag using Rails

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-24 18:02:07
问题 I'm running Rails 4.2.x and I have the following problem. The <title> of some pages are generated from user content. So I have to use the sanitize Rails helpers to properly clean it up. But if the user writes something like "A & B", the title shown in browser is A & B which is wrong. What's the correct way of escaping user content on the <title> tag using Rails? At least some special characters should be included... 回答1: We can use CGi also title = "A & B" => "A & B" string = CGI.escapeHTML