
Serilog - RollingFile Sink does not roll files based on date and size

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-12 11:24:42
问题 I am using Serilog - RollingFile Sink, but it stores all data in a single file for a day. In my application, 1 GB log is written in a day. So I want to roll log file on the basis of date and size. How can I configure RollingFile Sink to roll files based on date and size? 回答1: Nowadays Serilog.Sinks.RollingFile package is deprecated in favor of Serilog.Sinks.File (see the github project readme intro). Serilog.Sinks.File package has been upgraded to support file rolling. You can use the

Flink BucketingSink with Custom AvroParquetWriter create empty file

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-05 03:36:41
问题 I have created a writer for BucketingSink. The sink and writer works without error but when it comes to the writer writing avro genericrecord to parquet, the file was created from in-progress, pending to complete. But the files are empty with 0 bytes. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the code ? I have tried placing the initialization of AvroParquetWriter at the open() method, but result still the same. When debugging the code, I confirm that writer.write(element) does executed and

Flink BucketingSink with Custom AvroParquetWriter create empty file

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-03 17:34:19
I have created a writer for BucketingSink. The sink and writer works without error but when it comes to the writer writing avro genericrecord to parquet, the file was created from in-progress, pending to complete. But the files are empty with 0 bytes. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the code ? I have tried placing the initialization of AvroParquetWriter at the open() method, but result still the same. When debugging the code, I confirm that writer.write(element) does executed and element contain the avro genericrecord data Streaming Data BucketingSink<DataEventRecord> sink = new