
React-bootstrap OverlayTrigger is not positioned correctly while container has overflow: auto

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-04-11 07:32:48
问题 EDIT: Solution found: popperConfig={{ modifiers: { preventOverflow: { boundariesElement: 'offsetParent' } } }} Adding this to OverlayTrigger makes difference. I am leaving question if anyone had same issue. I've got a problem while rendering content using react-bootstrap (v1.0.0-beta.5). I have main container with list of buttons and every button is wrapped with OverlayTrigger ( Tooltip in overlay). As there are many list items whole container must have 'overflow-x: auto' , but it seems to

React-bootstrap OverlayTrigger is not positioned correctly while container has overflow: auto

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-04-11 07:32:05
问题 EDIT: Solution found: popperConfig={{ modifiers: { preventOverflow: { boundariesElement: 'offsetParent' } } }} Adding this to OverlayTrigger makes difference. I am leaving question if anyone had same issue. I've got a problem while rendering content using react-bootstrap (v1.0.0-beta.5). I have main container with list of buttons and every button is wrapped with OverlayTrigger ( Tooltip in overlay). As there are many list items whole container must have 'overflow-x: auto' , but it seems to

How to align left Navbar React-Bootstrap

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-03-25 22:38:33
问题 My Navigation code as:- const Navigation = (props) => { console.log(props); return ( <Navbar bg="primary" variant="dark"> <Navbar.Brand href="/">Dating Service</Navbar.Brand> <Navbar.Toggle aria-controls="basic-navbar-nav" /> <Navbar.Collapse id="basic-navbar-nav"> <Nav className="ml-auto"> <Nav.Link href="/">Home</Nav.Link> <Nav.Link href="/CreateProfile">Create Profile</Nav.Link> <Nav.Link href="/ViewProfile">View Profile</Nav.Link> </Nav> </Navbar.Collapse> </Navbar> ) } export default

React-Bootstrap causing margins on left and right side

寵の児 提交于 2020-03-18 04:56:05
问题 I'm using React-Bootstrap in my React app. It is causing margin on the left and right side. I'm using the following code: import React, { Component } from "react"; import "react-bootstrap/dist/react-bootstrap.min.js"; import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"; import { Grid, Row, Col } from "react-bootstrap"; import MuiThemeProvider from "material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider"; import AppBar from "material-ui/AppBar"; <Grid fluid> <Row> <Col xs={12} md={12}> <AppBar title="Title"

how to pass props to Nav.Link of react-bootstrap

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-03-04 15:33:35
问题 I am using the following Navbar. I would like to pass some props to Nav.Link. I don't know how to pass the property to Nav.Link. Or is it just like HTML href="a.html?param=test"? const Navigation = (props) => { console.log(props); return ( <Navbar bg="primary" variant="dark"> <Navbar.Brand href="/">Dating Service</Navbar.Brand> <Navbar.Toggle aria-controls="basic-navbar-nav" /> <Navbar.Collapse id="basic-navbar-nav"> <Nav className="ml-auto"> <Nav.Link href="/">Home</Nav.Link> <Nav.Link href=

EventKeys in NavDropdown in React-Bootstrap

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-02-20 09:08:14
问题 I have a problem with the eventKey thing in NavDropdowns. var Navigation = React.createClass({ handleSelect: function(eventKey){ console.log(eventKey); }, render: function() { return ( <Navbar brand='Navbar' toggleNavKey={0}> <CollapsibleNav eventKey={0} onSelect={this.handleSelect}> <Nav navbar> <NavItem eventKey={1}>Home</NavItem> </Nav> <Nav navbar right hide> <NavItem eventKey={2}>Login</NavItem> <NavDropdown eventKey={3} title='NavDropdown' id='basic-nav-dropdown'> <MenuItem eventKey={4}

EventKeys in NavDropdown in React-Bootstrap

佐手、 提交于 2020-02-20 09:06:32
问题 I have a problem with the eventKey thing in NavDropdowns. var Navigation = React.createClass({ handleSelect: function(eventKey){ console.log(eventKey); }, render: function() { return ( <Navbar brand='Navbar' toggleNavKey={0}> <CollapsibleNav eventKey={0} onSelect={this.handleSelect}> <Nav navbar> <NavItem eventKey={1}>Home</NavItem> </Nav> <Nav navbar right hide> <NavItem eventKey={2}>Login</NavItem> <NavDropdown eventKey={3} title='NavDropdown' id='basic-nav-dropdown'> <MenuItem eventKey={4}

Testing React component onClick event with multiple actions in it

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-02-06 05:16:15
问题 Can't figure it out how to test onClick function with multiple actions in it. onButtonClick = function(action){ this.props.otherAction(); action(); } ... <Button bsStyle="success" bsSize="small" onClick={onButtonClick.bind(this,someAction}> Something </Button> And the test I currently have is like this. const onButtonClick = function (action) { actions.otherAction(); action(); }; it('Should include a button with multiple actions on onClick event.', function () { const button =

Displaying popover after clicking on an event in react-big-calendar

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-01-25 11:58:23
问题 I created the Event () function that it passes as a custom component to <Calendar components = {{ event: Event }}/> Then in the Event () function I create the variable popoverClickRootClose , in which I place the react-bootstrap popover . Then popoverClickRootClose passes to the component: <OverlayTrigger overlay = {popoverClickRootClose}> <div> {event.title}</ div> </ OverlayTrigger> After clicking in the event no popover appears. Could someone advise me what I am doing wrong? Demo here:

Why am I losing Bootstrap styling in production build using create-react-app?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-01-25 09:21:06
问题 When running npm run build and deploying my react project to netlify, the netlify version of my website loses some of the bootstrap styling... here is an image of my localhosted version: and here is the link for the netlify version: I have ensured to add the relevant stylesheet link in the index.html and added the relevant import into index.js as instructed in the react-bootstrap, bootstrap and CRA documentation, not really