
How to extract Stored Procedure body in Teradata

感情迁移 提交于 2020-02-03 08:25:25
问题 I'm trying to extract Stored procedure DDL by querying system tables. If I run the following query select * from dbc.tvm where TableKind = 'P' both fields RequestText and CreateText contain NULL. Is there any way to query Stored Procedure body apart from using SHOW PROCEDURE? Thank you. 回答1: The DDL (SPL) for the Stored Procedures is not stored in the data dictionary tables. If you do not retain your DDL in a repository for version control you will need to script the SHOW PROCEDURE commands

Binary Trees Count Number of Leaves

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-02-01 09:43:06
问题 Suppose you already have the basic binary tree procedures isempty(bt), root(bt), left(bt), and right(bt). Write a procedure isLeaf(bt) that returns true if the binary tree bt is a leaf node and false if it is not. This is what I have: proc isLeaf(bt) if (isEmpty(bt)) error('The binary tree is empty.'); elseif (left(bt) < right(bt)) return true; else return false; Then write a procedure numLeaves(bt) that returns the number of leaves in the binary tree bt. This is what I have: proc numLeaves

Binary Trees Count Number of Leaves

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-02-01 09:43:05
问题 Suppose you already have the basic binary tree procedures isempty(bt), root(bt), left(bt), and right(bt). Write a procedure isLeaf(bt) that returns true if the binary tree bt is a leaf node and false if it is not. This is what I have: proc isLeaf(bt) if (isEmpty(bt)) error('The binary tree is empty.'); elseif (left(bt) < right(bt)) return true; else return false; Then write a procedure numLeaves(bt) that returns the number of leaves in the binary tree bt. This is what I have: proc numLeaves

Ada left hand of assignment must not be limited type

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-15 12:14:26
问题 I am at loss after spending hours on this. Protected type declaration: protected type AdditionMachine is procedure setTask (Item : in WorkerTask); procedure getTask (Item : out WorkerTask); procedure calculate; private machineType : String (1 .. 1) := "A"; job : workerTask; end AdditionMachine; Task: task body SimpleTask1 is Available : Natural := ADDITION_MACHINES; Elements : array (1 .. ADDITION_MACHINES) of AdditionMachine; begin loop select when Available > 0 => accept getMachine (machine

Generate 3000 squares procedurally

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-14 02:29:09
问题 I need to build a widget that contains 3000 squares. Doing this manually would take a very long time, maybe some of you know the easiest way to generate the class .square 3000 times? I need also be able to alter the content of each square, for example a color, title, etc. Thx friends! <div class="square"> <h1>10</h1> </div> 回答1: You just need a loop and create a new square on each iteration. In order to be able to access each square individually, each generated

multiple value insert works in mysql procedures?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-01-05 16:35:42
问题 Multivalue insert example - it works manually but NOT in mySQL stored procedure. INSERT INTO input_data1(mobile) VALUES (9619825525),(9619825255),(9324198256),(9013000002),(9999999450),(9999999876) ; i am getting syntax error near "str" word in below proc, Can any one let me know how to implement this multi value INSERT work in procedure? DELIMITER | DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS mobile_series1; CREATE PROCEDURE mobile_series1(IN str text) LANGUAGE SQL READS SQL DATA BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS

Parameterized query that returns TEXT column(s) always returns zero for INT columns

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-05 08:24:21
问题 Problemt with C# mySQL ODBC My table CREATE TABLE `account` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `fbid` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `fbname` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `datecreate` datetime NOT NULL, `ipcreate` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `datelogin` datetime NOT NULL, `iplogin` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `xstatus` int(2) NOT NULL, `xverstion` int(5) NOT NULL, `xdata` text NOT NULL, `xitem` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 My procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE

Getting Procedure Arguments from Stack

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-01-05 07:19:39
问题 I am trying to learn how to call procedures in assembly language. Below is a simple example that shows my problem. I push 7 unto the stack, call the procedure; when the procudeure pops from the stack, the value is not the one I pushed. Can someone please help me understand what is happening and what I can do to make this work? PUSH 7 CALL FOOBAR MOV AH, 4CH INT 21H FOOBAR PROC POP AX ; Not 7 RET FOOBAR ENDP 回答1: The call instruction puts the return address on the stack, so when you pop ax in

crosstab: Counting the same string in a field and display it as field name

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-05 04:37:07
问题 I would like to have a total of specific string in the field, for this example in the PAYROLL_PAYMONTH field. For example, I will count the number of 'HELLO' in the field and display it in a group. -- DATA EMP_SURNAME PAYROLL_PAYYEAR PAYROLL_PAYMONTH X 1999 JAN X 1999 JAN X 1999 FEB -- OUTPUT EMP_SURNAME PAYROLL_PAYYEAR JAN FEB MAR X 1999 2 1 0 For counting the same string in a field and display it I made a group select procedure in Firebird 3 using SQL Manager for Firebird CREATE PROCEDURE

select with variable parameter in the procedure

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-01-05 04:22:28
问题 I am trying to write a procedure with the following functionality. Namely, is looking for records from the tables in the schema. In particular, it is a typepkstring column in these tables. At the same time, I have the composedtypes table on the same schema, which has the column pk. The pk column contains all number identifiers from the aforementioned typepkstring column. And now the problem is that in typepkstring we have additionally keys that are not in the column pk in tabel composedtypes.