
Getting the pixel co-ordinates of a Google map marker

安稳与你 提交于 2020-01-14 22:48:45
问题 Is it possible to determine the pixel co-ordinates of a given marker, taking into account current zoom level and visible area of the map? 回答1: Current (v3): map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(marker.position); https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#Projection Old (v2): The method fromLatLngToContainerPixel following should give you what you're after, assuming markerPoint is your marker, and zoomLevel your current zoom: map.fromLatLngToContainerPixel


删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-01-14 18:08:35
以下为本人pixel-anchor复现链接,复现效果还不好,欢迎大家讨论交流 https://github.com/MrYANG23/Pixel-anchor 来源: CSDN 作者: MrYH23 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41874599/article/details/103923809


时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-01-14 11:40:25
基础知识: 1.python基础知识 快速学习链接:https://www.shiyanlou.com/courses/214 2.linux命令行操作 快速学习链接:https://www.shiyanlou.com/courses/1 3.pillow库的使用 快速学习链接:http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html(英文) http://www.cnblogs.com/apexchu/p/4231041.html(中文) 4.argparse库的使用 快速学习链接:http://blog.ixxoo.me/argparse.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pillow库: 导入Image类: from PIL import Image   在python解释器下   >>>from PIL import Image >>>help(Image)   查看帮助文档  

How to pixelate a set of lines into a matrix

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-13 06:15:10
问题 It looks a very simple question. There are many lines available as their two endpoints. The question is how to discretize them into a matrix . Then the matrix can be used for image processing purposes. At the following figure example lines (yellow) and their corresponding pixelated demonstrations are shown. A piece of code in any language would be of great help and strongly recommended and of course is in advance appreciated. Note that performance and accuracy are very important factors. Also

Tutorial 4: Resources, Shaders, and HLSL

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-11 02:33:08
Continued from Rastertek.com: DirectX 12 Tutorials Tutorial 4: Resources, Shaders, and HLSL This tutorial will be the introduction to writing vertex and pixel shaders in DirectX 12. It will also be the introduction to using resources like vertex and index buffers in DirectX 12. These are the most fundamental concepts that you need to understand and utilize to render 3D graphics. Vertex Buffers The first concept to understand is vertex buffers. To illustrate this concept let us take the example of a 3D model of a sphere: The 3D sphere model is actually composed of hundreds of triangles: Each of

How does alpha blending work, mathematically, pixel-by-pixel?

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-10 05:54:48
问题 Seems like it's not as simple as RGB1*A1 + RGB2*A2...how are values clipped? Weighted? Etc. And is this a context-dependent question? Are there different algorithms, that produce different results? Or one standard implementation? I'm particularly interested in OpenGL-specific answers, but context from other environments is useful too. 回答1: I don't know about OpenGL, but one pixel of opacity A is usually drawn on another pixel like so: result.r = background.r * (1 - A) + foreground.r * A

How to normalize pixel values of an UIImage in Swift?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-06 14:48:39
问题 We are attempting to normalize an UIImage so that it can be passed correctly into a CoreML model. The way we are retrieving the RGB values from each pixel is by first initializing a [CGFloat] array called rawData of values for each pixel such that there is a position for the colors Red, Green, Blue and the alpha value. In bitmapInfo , we get the raw pixel values from the original UIimage itself and conduct. This is used to fill the bitmapInfo paramter in context , a CGContext variable. We

With BufferedImages, when creating a WritableRaster how do you ensure that it will be compatible with the specific ColorModel?

北城余情 提交于 2020-01-06 02:33:08
问题 I'm learning to use BufferedImages in java, and am trying to create an animation where each frame of the animation is the result of mathematically fiddling around with pixel data. I'm just playing around really. Originally I was using an indexed ColorModel, but I've changed it (to take advantage of more colors) to a direct ColorModel. But now an error crops up saying - Raster sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster@29c204 is incompatible with ColorModel DirectColorModel: rmask=ff0000 gmask=ff00 bmask

resample an image from pixel to millimiters

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-01-06 01:16:08
问题 I have an image (logical values), like this I need to get this image resampled from pixel to mm or cm; this is the code I use to get the resampling: function [ Ires ] = imresample3( I, pixDim ) [r,c]=size(I); x=1:1:c; y=1:1:r; [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); rn=r*pixDim; cn=c*pixDim; xNew=1:pixDim:cn; yNew=1:pixDim:rn; [Xnew,Ynew]=meshgrid(xNew,yNew); Id=double(I); Ires=interp2(X,Y,Id,Xnew,Ynew); end What I get is a black image. I suspect that this code does something that is not what I have in mind: it

Javascript canvas pixel manipulation

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-05 02:30:07
问题 I have product images and each image has two configurable areas as below: 1. background 2. Foreground I have to develop a feature where customer can change the color of both areas and save the design. My problem is, i am traversing the image to read old pixel value and change it with new selected color. Bit old pixel values are not consistent. There is textured effect on the image, which is causing the pixel value to be changed at every pixel. How can i achieve the desired the functionality?