
Output file doesn't match Write-Host

我们两清 提交于 2020-12-26 04:43:25
问题 When I Write-Host from my .ps1 file I see: Parentfolder >> ChildFolder When I output to a file, I see: ParentFolder >> ChildFolder I am using a simple write-host ($childgroup.name), ">>", ($object.samaccountname) When I try to output the same information using Return , Out-File , Export to CSV , etc... I get 3 lines for what Write-Host prints as a single line . I just want the output file to be in the same format as the Write-Host output. as requested: function getchildgroups($groupname) { #

Controlling output of Boost.Test source location format

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-12-07 07:32:52
问题 Catch2 and Boost.Test provide similar features for writing unit tests. For a certain project I have to use Boost.Test instead of Catch2. The problem I have is that both use different format outputs. For example, Catch2 will say that the was a fail in test.cpp:9 (see example below). However Boost.Test will say test.cpp(9): error in ... . This format doesn't allow my editor to recognize the output as a source location. Is there way to make Boost.Test output the source location as file.ext

Controlling output of Boost.Test source location format

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-12-07 07:32:33
问题 Catch2 and Boost.Test provide similar features for writing unit tests. For a certain project I have to use Boost.Test instead of Catch2. The problem I have is that both use different format outputs. For example, Catch2 will say that the was a fail in test.cpp:9 (see example below). However Boost.Test will say test.cpp(9): error in ... . This format doesn't allow my editor to recognize the output as a source location. Is there way to make Boost.Test output the source location as file.ext

Overriding “Variables not shown” in dplyr, to display all columns from df

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-30 14:30:31
问题 When I have a column in a local data frame, sometimes I get the message Variables not shown such as this (ridiculous) example just needed enough columns. library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) # for movies movies %.% group_by(year) %.% summarise(Length = mean(length), Title = max(title), Dramaz = sum(Drama), Actionz = sum(Action), Action = sum(Action), Comedyz = sum(Comedy)) %.% mutate(Year1 = year + 1) year Length Title Dramaz Actionz Action Comedyz 1 1898 1.000000 Pack Train at Chilkoot Pass 1 0 0

Overriding “Variables not shown” in dplyr, to display all columns from df

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-01-30 14:29:53
问题 When I have a column in a local data frame, sometimes I get the message Variables not shown such as this (ridiculous) example just needed enough columns. library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) # for movies movies %.% group_by(year) %.% summarise(Length = mean(length), Title = max(title), Dramaz = sum(Drama), Actionz = sum(Action), Action = sum(Action), Comedyz = sum(Comedy)) %.% mutate(Year1 = year + 1) year Length Title Dramaz Actionz Action Comedyz 1 1898 1.000000 Pack Train at Chilkoot Pass 1 0 0

.Net: How to suppress TraceSource header (“SourceName TraceEventType: Id : ”)?

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-23 07:55:30
问题 I have a TraceSource object that I use to log the initialization of a VB.Net application. It has several TraceListeners attached: ConsoleTraceListener TextWriterTraceListener EventLogTraceListener For the first two I want the entry output to be "raw" - that is, without the standard header: SourceName TraceEventType: Id : I have implemented a wrapper that does this when the TraceEventType is set to Verbose: If _buffer.EventType = TraceEventType.Verbose Then For Each listener As TraceListener

Round positive value half-up to 2 decimal places in C

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-22 05:19:09
问题 Typically, Rounding to 2 decimal places is very easy with printf("%.2lf",<variable>); However, the rounding system will usually rounds to the nearest even . For example, 2.554 -> 2.55 2.555 -> 2.56 2.565 -> 2.56 2.566 -> 2.57 And what I want to achieve is that 2.555 -> 2.56 2.565 -> 2.57 In fact, rounding half-up is doable in C, but for Integer only; int a = (int)(b+0.5) So, I'm asking for how to do the same thing as above with 2 decimal places on positive values instead of Integer to achieve

Possible to print more than 100 rows of a data.table?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-20 09:26:01
问题 The data.table has a nice feature that suppresses output to the head and tail of the table. Is it possible to view / print more than 100 rows at once? library(data.table) ## Convert the ubiquitous "iris" data to a data.table dtIris = as.data.table(iris) ## Printing 100 rows is possible dtIris[1:100, ] ## Printing 101 rows is truncated dtIris[1:101, ] I often have data.table results that are somewhat large (e.g. 200 rows) that I just want to view. 回答1: The print method of data.table has an

Is there any setfill() alternative for C?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-20 01:05:58
问题 In C++: int main() { cout << setfill('#') << setw(10) << 5 << endl; return 0; } Outputs: #########5 Is there any setfill() alternative for C? Or how to do this in C without manually creating the string? 回答1: No, there is no direct alternative. But if you have a well-behaved snprintf (one that behaves as described by the C99 Standard), this works without creating a new string; creating only 2 temporary int s #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int filler = '#'; /* setfill('#') */ int width =

Print output in predefined format Perl

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-19 09:30:30
问题 I'm generating 3D coordinates (x,y,z) to a file with the following code. for (my $x = 0.000; $x < 4.200; $x += 1.400) { for (my $y = 0.000; $y < 4.200; $y += 1.400) { for (my $z = 0.000; $z < 4.200; $z += 1.400) { push @arr_grid, "$x $y $z\n"; } } } foreach (@arr_grid) { say "HETATM 1 O HOH 1 $_ O"; } Now, my problem is that I want to get the output with a precise format (PDB) with Index values like, 1-6 7-11 13-16 18-20 23-26 31-38 39-46 47-54 77-78 (Name) (S.No) (x) (y) (z) HETATM 1 O HOH 1