
avoid string printed to console getting truncated (in RStudio)

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-17 05:06:28
问题 I want to print a long string to the RStudio console so that it does not get truncated. > paste(1:300, letters, collapse=" ") [1] "1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 6 f 7 g 8 h 9 i ... 181 y 182 z 183 a 184 b... <truncated> I supposed this should be fairly simple, but I cannot figure out how. I tried options(max.print = 10000) and looked through the args on the print help pages. Still no luck. What parameter / settings to I have to change to achieve this? 回答1: This is an RStudio-specific feature, intended

avoid string printed to console getting truncated (in RStudio)

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-17 05:06:26
问题 I want to print a long string to the RStudio console so that it does not get truncated. > paste(1:300, letters, collapse=" ") [1] "1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 6 f 7 g 8 h 9 i ... 181 y 182 z 183 a 184 b... <truncated> I supposed this should be fairly simple, but I cannot figure out how. I tried options(max.print = 10000) and looked through the args on the print help pages. Still no luck. What parameter / settings to I have to change to achieve this? 回答1: This is an RStudio-specific feature, intended

Removing display of row names from data frame

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-17 05:00:45
问题 I am creating a dataframe using this code: df <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(con, paste('select * from test'))) Which results in this: UID BuildingCode AccessTime 1 123456 BUILD-1 2014-06-16 07:00:00 2 364952 BUILD-2 2014-06-15 08:00:00 3 95865 BUILD-1 2014-06-06 09:50:00 I am then trying to remove the row names (1, 2, 3, etc) as suggested here by using this code: rownames(df) <- NULL But then when I print out df it still displays the row names. Is there a way to not include the row names when

Removing display of row names from data frame

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-17 05:00:07
问题 I am creating a dataframe using this code: df <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(con, paste('select * from test'))) Which results in this: UID BuildingCode AccessTime 1 123456 BUILD-1 2014-06-16 07:00:00 2 364952 BUILD-2 2014-06-15 08:00:00 3 95865 BUILD-1 2014-06-06 09:50:00 I am then trying to remove the row names (1, 2, 3, etc) as suggested here by using this code: rownames(df) <- NULL But then when I print out df it still displays the row names. Is there a way to not include the row names when

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting python

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-17 00:47:01
问题 The program is supposed to take in two names, and if they are the same length it should check if they are the same word. If it's the same word it will print "The names are the same" . If they are the same length but with different letters it will print "The names are different but the same length" . The part I'm having a problem with is in the bottom 4 lines. #!/usr/bin/env python # Enter your code for "What's In (The Length Of) A Name?" here. name1 = input("Enter name 1: ") name2 = input(

recite and tip output alignment C++, output formatting

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-11 17:06:30
问题 I'm writing this code for my programming class and I got everything else to work however my output formatting isn't working out for me. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ios> using namespace std; int main() { double tip_fifteen; double tip_twenty; double tax; double bill; char dollars = '$'; float meal_cost; cout << "Enter the meal cost: "; cin >> meal_cost; tip_twenty = meal_cost * .20; tip_fifteen = meal_cost * .15; tax = meal_cost * 0.0975; cout << "*************************

Formatting Pascal's triangle

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-11 02:55:14
问题 I am currently working on a homework assignment to generate what is known as Pascal's triangle in Python. So far, this is what I have: def mytri(myrange): trianglevar = [[1]] for i in range(1, myrange): tempvar = [1] for n in range(0, i-1): tempvar.append(trianglevar[i-1][n]+trianglevar[i-1][n+1]) tempvar.append(1) trianglevar.append(tempvar) return trianglevar def mymenu(): for i in mytri(int(raw_input("Please enter the height of the triangle: "))): print i print '\n' choicevar = raw_input(

C++ output formatting using setw and setfill

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-10 21:08:47
问题 In this code, I want to have numbers printed in special format starting from 0 to 1000 preceding a fixed text, like this: Test 001 Test 002 Test 003 ... Test 999 But, I don't like to display it as Test 1 Test 2 ... Test 10 ... Test 999 What is wrong with the following C++ program making it fail to do the aforementioned job? #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; const string TEXT = "Test: "; int main() { const int MAX = 1000; ofstream

Java printff string only output formatting

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-08 09:01:37
问题 How do I format output by using printf. suppose i want to print following in formatter. testing testing testing testing testingggg testingggg testingggg testingggg I am not asking about using "\t", I am asking on printf style formatting? If some one can give me suggestion and example. Or may be link with example. I can do it to fit my need. 回答1: I think you're looking for the Formatter class, which does printf-style formatting for Java. For example, applied to your input: StringBuilder sb =

Java printff string only output formatting

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-07 13:27:44
How do I format output by using printf. suppose i want to print following in formatter. testing testing testing testing testingggg testingggg testingggg testingggg I am not asking about using "\t", I am asking on printf style formatting? If some one can give me suggestion and example. Or may be link with example. I can do it to fit my need. I think you're looking for the Formatter class, which does printf-style formatting for Java. For example, applied to your input: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb, Locale.US); formatter.format("%1$-15s %2$-15s %3