
How to get individuals data property value in sparql

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-24 20:08:26
问题 Hi i am in new to ontologies. I have developed a restaurant ontology by Protege software. But I badly need a SPARQL query that finds property values for all individuals of a class. I want to get a result like: Angels_n_Gypsies House #30, Rd No. 19/A, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh 回答1: Just follow the property values... SELECT ?rname ?lname WHERE { ?inst a :Popular_restaurant . ?inst :restaurant_name ?rname . ?inst :Location_name ?lname . } But that's just the end result. A way to understand SPARQL

Actions in OWL, modeling

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-12 02:53:09
问题 I have gone through this guide and I think that I understand it well. I understand that there are classes and instances of the classes and others. Basically i have a many statements which I have to verify against an Ontology. For example: Eshtablish flag at "area" by 0600h. Ex 2: Eshtablish fence between area1 and area2 by 0500h. and so I know for example area is an instance of a class, but there can be so many areas. I know that 0500 is a data property of a thing, an area in particular. The

Object property instance on class?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-11 04:02:13
问题 Let's say for example: -Food(class -Bread(instance of Food! -Species(class -Animal(class - Horse(class -Unicorn(instance Now I need to be able to set Bread -> eatableBy -> Horse. But I can't make a object property assertion to a class. So I could set it eatable by and add all the instances of Horse, but I have a lot of instances so that would be a bit redundant. Does anybody know a good efficient way to do achieve the same effect? E.g. If I need to know what Horses can eat it needs to return

Unable to download Pellet plugin for Protege 4.3 [duplicate]

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-11 03:52:36
问题 This question already has an answer here : How to enable Pellet in Protege 4.3.0? (1 answer) Closed 3 years ago . I wish to add the Pellet reasoner plugin to Protege 4.3. To do so I go to File-> Preferences -> Plugins -> Check for Downloads Now . However, I cannot find the Pellet reasoner plugin in there. I wished to have the Pellet reasoner since I wanted to add some SWRL rules containing SWRL math built ins (e.g. swrlb:mod built in). Furthermore, with HermiT reasoner 1.3.8 there is an error

How to map relational database to OWL?

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-10 19:17:46
问题 I am trying to map relational database to OWL Here are my 2 tables student(student_id,student_name,course_id) course(course_ID,course_name) +----+--------+-----------+ | id | name | course_id | +----+--------+-----------+ | 1 | Adam | 5 | | 2 | Michael| 2 | +----+--------+-----------+ +-----------+-------------+ | course_id | course_name | +-----------+-------------+ | 2 | DM | | 5 | WEBIR | +-----------+-------------+ Now course_id is the foreign key in student table referencing course_id in

How to enable Pellet in Protege 4.3.0?

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-04 06:01:46
问题 It's almost a year since Unable to download Pellet plugin for Protege 4.3 suggested that it's not available for this version. Has anything changed? 回答1: It should be possible to download it from their github and just drop it into Progégé's plugins folder: 来源:

How to enable Pellet in Protege 4.3.0?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-02 09:49:32
It's almost a year since Unable to download Pellet plugin for Protege 4.3 suggested that it's not available for this version. Has anything changed? It should be possible to download it from their github and just drop it into Progégé's plugins folder: 来源:

OWL type inference with a restriction

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-01 11:02:53
I am studying the notion of OWL restrictions with Protege 4 using FaCT++ and a trivial ontology. Suppose I have an individual foo of class Something : :Something a owl:Class. :foo a :Something, owl:NamedIndividual. and another class defined from a restriction on the hasBar property: :hasBar a owl:ObjectProperty. :SomethingElse owl:equivalentClass [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :hasBar; owl:allValuesFrom :Something]. If I assert that: :x :hasBar :foo. why can't I infer from it that x is a SomethingElse (via the fact that foo is a Something )? The only way I can make it work is if the range

OWL type inference with a restriction

孤人 提交于 2019-12-01 07:51:25
问题 I am studying the notion of OWL restrictions with Protege 4 using FaCT++ and a trivial ontology. Suppose I have an individual foo of class Something : :Something a owl:Class. :foo a :Something, owl:NamedIndividual. and another class defined from a restriction on the hasBar property: :hasBar a owl:ObjectProperty. :SomethingElse owl:equivalentClass [a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :hasBar; owl:allValuesFrom :Something]. If I assert that: :x :hasBar :foo. why can't I infer from it that x is a

How to extend ontology with other standard ontologies in Protégé?

你。 提交于 2019-11-30 20:33:37
I am building an ontology using Protégé, but wan to extend it with other standard ontologies such as frbr, prov, and org. Is there a standard way to integrate our ontology with these standard ontologies or can we merge these ontologies with each other? I want to do these tasks using Protégé. Joshua Taylor Unless I'm missing something about your question (which didn't really provide enough information to diagnose the problem that you're actually having), this is what owl:imports is for. You can import other (OWL) ontologies into your own. In Protégé, you just use the Ontology imports under the