
【一】基于open62541的OPC UA服务器和客户端

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-10-23 04:52:24
OPC UA的好处就不说了,既然你找到了这篇文章,说明你对其已经有了一定的了解。 open62541是在Mozilla Public License v2.0下授权的一个开源的、可跨平台的OPC UA库,采用C(C99)实现。 open62541的官网地址:   github地址: 在open62541的官网有详细的帮助文档,推荐直接查看该文档,作者也是根据其文档的帮助实现的基本功能。 在下方可根据需要自行下载相关文件 当然,你也可以去github下载最新文件,自行编译获得open62541的.c和.h文件,这是我编译的详细过程 【零】基于open62541项目编译单独的open62541源文件和头文件 环境:Windows 10 home、visual studio 2017 community 所需lib包: WS2_32.Lib 建立服务器 首先打开VS2017新建一个空项目,然后将open62541.c、open62541.h和WS2_32.Lib分别添加到项目中去,然后新建一个.c或者.cpp文件,主要用于编写服务器相关的代码,刚开始可以直接复制open62541提供的参考代码 server ,文后附有我所用的server代码

Build open62541 DLL with Visual Studio 2017

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-08-05 18:29:25
问题 Hello community I would like to write UI for OPC UA server using open62541 lib. The input off software should read text file and cast data throe server to already available client. Stuck at stage where need compile dll file for further using it in windows forms project. There is some info mentioned that Davy Triponney compiled it with Visual C++ 2013 But I have no luck with VS 2017. There is sequence of my progress: Already

Building the Dockerfile executes with non-zero code 139

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-05-14 06:01:19
问题 Description / Reproduction Steps I am trying to run the opc-ua server examle "server_ctt" (using the open62541 library from here) within a docker container on my Raspberry Pi 1, but I am failing at creating the docker image. I followed the instructions on here and cloned the repo at first. Afterwards, I try to build the image by executing the following command in the open62541 directory: docker build -f docker/Dockerfile . This is the output I am getting in the terminal: pi@raspberrypi:~/ma

Building the Dockerfile executes with non-zero code 139

余生长醉 提交于 2020-05-14 05:54:13
问题 Description / Reproduction Steps I am trying to run the opc-ua server examle "server_ctt" (using the open62541 library from here) within a docker container on my Raspberry Pi 1, but I am failing at creating the docker image. I followed the instructions on here and cloned the repo at first. Afterwards, I try to build the image by executing the following command in the open62541 directory: docker build -f docker/Dockerfile . This is the output I am getting in the terminal: pi@raspberrypi:~/ma

How to transfer Files from OPC UA Client to Server

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-11 16:22:38
问题 I want to Download and Upload, for example a .txt file, with the UA-Expert Client to/from a Server which i have set up on a Device. Could someone provide me a Step by Step solution or an example on how to implement this? I first followed the tutorials from the open62541 website. I tried to follow and understand the OPC-UA-Specifications, particularly Part 5 Annex C. Thank you in Advance. 回答1: open62541 doesn't support this out of the box meaning that there is no pre-made plugin which