

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-12-21 09:22:27
最近为了验证MPI并行计算的性能问题,在Vmware虚拟机上安装了Ubuntu16.04,又在Ubuntu16.04上安装并测试了MPI3.2,详细介绍了MPI3.2源码在Ubuntu 16.04下的安装过程,避免后面的同学少踩坑。 一 . MPI压缩包的下载与解压 1.在网站上下载MPI3.2源码 [链接] 2.终端进行解压缩 一般默认的下载目录为:/home/用户名/下载/ 先进入该目录下,然后使用如下命令解压缩 cd /home/用户名/下载 sudo tar -zxvf mpich-3.2.tar.gz 二 . MPI文件的配置 1.为了方便操作,可以先在home根目录下新建一个mpich文件夹,然后将上述解压后的mpich-3.2文件拷贝至mpich文件夹。 $ cd /home $ mkdir mpich $ cp /home/用户名/下载/mpich-3.2 /home/mpich 2.进入mpich-3.2,通过ls命令进行查看内容。 $ cd /home/mpich/mpich-3.2 $ ls 3.配置configure文件。 $ ./configure --prefix=~/mpich-3.2 --disable-fortran


流过昼夜 提交于 2020-10-28 19:31:05
串行计算与并行计算 1.串行计算 串行计算是指在单个计算机(拥有单个中央独立单元) 上执行软件写操作。CPU 逐个使用一系列指令解决问题。 为了加快处理速度,在原有的串行计算的基础上演变出并行计算 2.并行计算 指同时使用多种计算机资源解决计算问题的过程。 为执行并行计算,计算资源应包括一台配有多处理器的计算机、一个与网络相连的计算机专有编号,或者两者结合。 并行计算的主要目的用于解决大型且复杂的计算问题,还可以利用非本地资源,可以使用多台计算机集合在一起共同处理、计算机来取代昂贵的大型计算机或大型服务器 二、MPI 并行计算代表:Messages Passing Interface 1.MPI 本身并非一个软件,它仅仅是一个规格很严密的通讯标准。其主要功能是在处理并行运算之间节点的资料交换。或者说MPI 属于并行计算 2.MPI 的主要三个方面 1)MPI 作为一个库存在,而非一种软件或开发语言 2)MPI 是一种规范或标准的代表,所有的并行计算机制造商都可提供对MPI 的支持。 3)MPI 是一种消息传递编程模型,并成为消息传递编程模型的代表 三、高性能集群 实现高性能集群主要目的是将多台计算机的计算能力合并到一起, 使用并行计算软件(MPICH)实现并行计算从而实现一个超越单台计算机计算能力的强力系统。 实际上MPICH 就是符合MPI 标准通讯协议的一套软件语言的函数库 四

MPI: Segmentation fault in Master Slave Program

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-07 04:25:15
问题 Following is a simple program where all Slaves process sends a message to the Master process. The program when executed runs correctly sometimes and raises Segmentation Fault the others. int token; if(rank == 0) { for (int irank = 1; irank < world_size; irank++) { MPI_Recv(&token, 1, MPI_INT, irank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); cout << "Master: Token = " << token << endl; } } if(rank != 0) { token = 1; cout << "Slave: Token = " << token << endl; MPI_Send(&token, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0,

Did I compile with OpenMPI or MPICH?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-01 19:09:32
问题 I have an executable on my Linux box which I know has been compiled either with OpenMPI or MPICH libraries. Question: how to determine which one? 回答1: The following diagnostic procedure assumes that MPICH/MPICH2 and Open MPI are the only possible MPI implementations that you may have linked with. Other (especially commercial) MPI implementations do exist and may have different library names and/or library symbols. First determine if you linked dynamically: % ldd my_executable

Ensure hybrid MPI / OpenMP runs each OpenMP thread on a different core

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-01 17:11:16
问题 I am trying to get a hybrid OpenMP / MPI job to run so that OpenMP threads are separated by core (only one thread per core). I have seen other answers which use numa-ctl and bash scripts to set environment variables, and I don't want to do this. I would like to be able to do this only by setting OMP_NUM_THREADS and or OMP_PROC_BIND and mpiexec options on the command line. I have tried the following - let's say I want 2 MPI processes that each have 2 OpenMP threads, and each of the threads are

MPICH: How to publish_name such that a client application can lookup_name it?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-31 01:48:30
问题 While learning MPI using MPICH in windows (1.4.1p1) I found some sample code here. Originally, when I ran the server, I would have to copy the generated port_name and start the client with it. That way, the client can connect to the server. I modified it to include MPI_Publish_name() in the server instead. After launching the server with a name of aaaa , I launch the client which fails MPI_Lookup_name() with Invalid service name (see MPI_Publish_name), error stack: MPID_NS_Lookup(87): Lookup

Using MPICH with Boost.MPI on Ubuntu

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-30 11:34:06
问题 I was trying to use boost.mpi under Ubuntu 12.04. apt-get will install openmpi, but some other software (involving torque) I run expect mpich2/mpich, and complain that "mpdstartup: Command not found" I certainly don't want to mess with changing the software to use openmpi and worry about migration issues when the software is upgraded. My question is, is there a user-friendly way to install boost.mpi + mpich2 in Ubuntu (12.04 LTS)? (e.g. an unofficial repository). In the worst-case, if I have

Serialize mpi threads

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-30 07:48:10
问题 Is there anyway to serialize a certain part of your MPI code ? For example when printing the information out to the screen. Something like below: MPI_SERIALIZE(); cerr << "THIS WILL BE PRINTED "; cerr << "IN ORDER" << endl; MPI_END_SERILIZE(); If there are two MPI threads, there will be no case : THIS WILL BE PRINTED THIS WILL BE PRINTED IN ORDER IN ORDER Thanks 回答1: The way I do this in demonstration programs (and note - you would only do this in little demo programs because of the high

Unable to execute MPICH2 on multiple machines on ubuntu 12.04 (HYDU_sock_connect issue)

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-25 08:48:33
问题 I am facing difficulty in executing MPI program on two machines. The OS is Ubuntu 12.04. And the MPI implementation is MPICH2 ssh is working fine: root@ubuntu:/home# ssh root@gpuguy's password: Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.8.0-29-generic i686) * Documentation: 131 packages can be updated. 67 updates are security updates. Last login: Thu Oct 24 17:36:25 2013 from ubuntu.local root@gpuguy:~# But when I run my MPI programs it fails: root@ubuntu:

Build MPICH2 from source

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-25 03:36:21
问题 As a follow-up of this question, I started building MPICH2 from source. I found this tutorial: Installing MPICH2 on a Single Machine and so far what I did is this: ./configure --disable-f77 --disable-fc --disable-fortran [seems to be OK] make; sudo make install [long output with one warning] libtool: warning: relinking 'lib/' root@pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# mpich2version bash: mpich2version: command not found What am I doing wrong? Notice that I had first installed