

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-11-29 06:05:09
目录分析 src是主要的开发目录,各个文件实现功能如下所示: ├─.idea │ └─libraries ├─.temp ├─config └─src ├─assets │ └─images ├─components (公用组件) │ ├─Brandbar │ ├─Selectbar │ ├─Specialbar │ └─Toptab └─pages | ├─cinema(影院列表) | ├─cinemaDetail(影院详情页) | ├─content(电影介绍) | ├─detail(电影详情页) | ├─map(影院地图定位页) | ├─movies(电影列表页) | ├─order(电影票订单页) | ├─person(用户登录页) | ├─position(地理位置选择页) | ├─search(电影/影院搜索页) | ├─seat(影院座位页) | └─user(用户中心) |__app.js(入口配置文件) |__app.scss |__index.html 入口配置文件 app.js 分析 Movies 列表页是微信小程序的首页,下面代码中config配置的是小程序中所有使用的页面定义路由。下面重点介绍几个比较重要的关键点微信小程序页。 import Taro, { Component } from "@tarojs/taro"; import Movies

LeetCode 620. Not Boring Movies (有趣的电影)

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-11-29 04:03:27
题目标签:   题目给了我们一个 cinema 表格, 让我们找出 不无聊的电影,并且id 是奇数的,降序排列。   比较直接简单的,具体看code。 Java Solution: Runtime: 149 ms, faster than 29.21% Memory Usage: N/A 完成日期:07/02/2019 关键点:NOT IN # Write your MySQL query statement below SELECT id, movie, description, rating FROM cinema WHERE id % 2 != 0 AND description NOT IN ("boring") ORDER BY rating DESC; 参考资料:n/a LeetCode 题目列表 - LeetCode Questions List 题目来源: 来源:

JavaScript Functional Programming:声明式与命令式

旧时模样 提交于 2019-11-27 21:03:36
函数式编程属于声明式编程(declarative programming)的范畴,经常跟声明式编程一块儿讨论的是命令式编程(imperative programming),因为它们是两种不太一样的风格。 命令式编程一般就是说清楚具体要怎么样得到一个结果:先这样做,再这样做,然后再这样,如果这样,就这样做 … 声明式编程就是声明(说明)一下你想得到的结果是什么样的:把这组电影里的平均分大于 9 分的电影过滤出来给我。 比如有一组电影,你想过滤出评分 9 分以上的电影。 let movies = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', rating: 9.6 }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', rating: 9.4 }, { title: 'Roman Holiday', rating: 8.9 } ] 命令式: const imperativeMovieFilter = (movies) => { let result = [] for (let i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) { if (movies[i].rating >= 9) { result.push(movies[i]) } } return result } 在函数里面,先来个 result,让它等于一个空白的数组。然后我们又

Is there a movie showtime api? [closed]

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-11-27 10:04:11
Does anyone know of any (preferrably free) supported api's for accessing movie showtimes by zip code? I don't believe any existing api's, such as netflix or imdb, provide this information. when "allow_url_fopen" is disabled then use <?php /** * Google Showtime grabber * * This file will grab the last showtimes of theatres nearby your zipcode. * Please make the URL your own! You can also add parameters to this URL: * &date=0|1|2|3 => today|1 day|2 days|etc.. * &start=10 gets the second page etc... * * Please download the latest version of simple_html_dom.php on sourceForge: * http://sourceforge


。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-11-27 09:58:14
i # coding:utf-8 from pyspark.sql import SparkSession import os if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_211' print(os.path) spark = SparkSession \ .builder \ .appName("Python Spark SQL basic example") \ .config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") \ .getOrCreate( path = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/vedios.txt" df =, header=True) df.createOrReplaceTempView("movies") df = spark.sql("select * from movies lateral view explode(split(category,'#')) as type1") --------------------- 来源: https://www


拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-11-27 08:17:41
8.最佳电影聚类分析 将使用电影简介作为原始数据,将总共 100 部流行电影进行聚类分析。IMDb 也称为互联网电影数据库(,是一个在线的数据库,它提供有关电影、电子游戏和电视节目的大量详细信息。它聚集了电影和电视节目的评论以及简介,并有几个精选影片清单。原始数据地址 上获取名为 “100部最佳影片(中级清单),可在 处进行下载。 解析并清洗了数据,并作为原始数据中缺少简介的几部电影添加了影片介绍。这些简介和电影描述来自维基百科。数据解析完成后,将它们存储在数据框中,并将其保存至 movie_data.csv 文件中: $ wget https: //mirror /wiki_Resources/python/text_analysis/movie_data .csv 将在聚类分析中加载并使用该文件中的数据,首先,需要加载并查看电影数据的内容,如下代码所示: import pandas as pd import numpy as np movie_data = pd.read_csv( 'movie_data.csv' ) print (movie_data


两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-11-27 06:21:59
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #-*-coding:UTF-8 -*- # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """获取时光影评电影""" import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime,timedelta import pymysql #xlwt-1.3.0 #from xlwt.xlwt import * from xlwt import * #获取指定开始排行的电影url def get_url(root_url,start): return root_url+"?start="+str(start)+"&" def get_review(page_url): """获取电影相关的信息""" movies_list = [] reponse = requests.get(page_url) soup =BeautifulSoup(reponse.text,'lxml') soup = soup.find("ol","grid_view") dict ={} for tag_li in soup.find_all("li"): dict = {} dict['rank'] = tag_li.find("em").string dict['title']

Creating a Movie from a Series of Plots in R [closed]

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-11-27 02:32:37
Is there an easy way to create a "movie" by stitching together several plots, within R? Ryan R. Rosario Here is one method I found using R help: To create the individual image frames: jpeg("/tmp/foo%02d.jpg") for (i in 1:5) { my.plot(i) } To make the movie, first install ImageMagick . Then call the following function (which calls "convert", part of ImageMagick I suppose): <- function(){ unlink("plot.mpg") system("convert -delay 0.5 plot*.jpg plot.mpg") } Or try using the ffmpeg function as described in this article (I've found this gives cleaner results): ffmpeg -r 25

Is there a movie showtime api? [closed]

旧时模样 提交于 2019-11-26 15:00:54
问题 Does anyone know of any (preferrably free) supported api's for accessing movie showtimes by zip code? I don't believe any existing api's, such as netflix or imdb, provide this information. 回答1: when "allow_url_fopen" is disabled then use <?php /** * Google Showtime grabber * * This file will grab the last showtimes of theatres nearby your zipcode. * Please make the URL your own! You can also add parameters to this URL: * &date=0|1|2|3 => today|1 day|2 days|etc.. * &start=10 gets the second