
Change H1 content to lowercase with jquery

你。 提交于 2019-12-12 03:19:15
问题 I'm looking for a way to tranform my H1's content (actually in uppercase) to lowercase. Ideally, it could be great to change it to the capitalize css setting of text-tranform property if exist in jquery.Why in jquery ? because the css way doesn't allowed me to do so .. This is my starting code: $('h1').each(function(){ var h1content = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); $(this).text().toLowerCase(); }); thanks EDIT: fix it with adding this tips to the JS way , https://css-tricks.com/almanac

Assembly emu8086, reversing a string

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-11 07:15:22
问题 I am trying to make a program where the user have to enter a string and get an reversed output. Moreover, it should change all lowercase letters to uppercase and uppercase to lowercase. I've already done program where you can enter 1 character. My next goal is to get as many characters as I want. I did some research and came up with this code: org 100h include emu8086.inc .DATA STR1 DB 0DH,0AH, 'Input: $' STR2 DB 0DH,0AH, 'Output: $' nl db 0dh,0ah,'$' .CODE START: MOV AX, @DATA MOV DS, AX cmp

AngularJS ngSanitize Error

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-11 02:26:21
问题 Hi guys it's my first question here and I've had searched in many forums but don't found the solution to my problem! Hope you guys can help me! Problem: I have to use the ngSanitize module but when I run the project I have the following error: Failed to instantiate module ngSanitize due to: lowercase is not a function. I've had organized all my .js files and organize all files versions but the problem persists. I don't know what to do anymore! Thanks a lot! Look forward for the help! 回答1: I'd

Converting Uppercase to Lowercase in Assembly issue

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-11 01:34:14
问题 I'm writing to convert a pre-set string from Uppercase to Lowercase. I'm currently moving what is at the address to an 8bit register, then doing a very sloppy way of testing the ASCII value to see if it's Uppercase. Is there a cleaner way to go about it? Right now I'm subtracting 65 from the ASCII value and comparing to 25. Since uppercase is ASCII (dec) 65-90, any uppercase letters will result in 0-25. .DATA string DB "ATest This String?.,/[}", '$' strSize DD 23 .CODE strToLower PROC LEA EAX

PHP - Capitalise first character of each word expect certain words

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-11 00:31:56
问题 I have a batch of strings like so: tHe iPad hAS gONE ouT of STOCK PoWER uP YOur iPhone wHAT moDEL is YOUR aPPLE iPHOne I want to capitalise the first character of each word and have the remaining characters lowercase - except any references of iPhone or iPad . As in: By using: ucwords(strtolower($string)); This can do most of what is needed but obviously also does it on iPad and iPhone : The Ipad Has Gone Out Of Stock Power Up Your Iphone What Model Is Your Apple Iphone How can I do achieve

Regex matching uppercase characters with lowercase search

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-10 20:50:45
问题 I'm using notepad++ and I'm finding that when I use regex to search for strings where I specifically want to find lowercase letters ("[a-z]") it will sometimes return uppercase letters. I originally was searching using the string: ^[A-Z][a-z].+?$ With the purpose of deleting any line in my file that began with an uppercase character, followed by a lowercase, followed by anything until the end of the line. However, this returned lines like, "CLONE" and "DISEASE" which were only capital letters

Convert HTML tag to lowercase

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-10 19:12:14
问题 I working on an intranet project for IE6 (i know...) and I need to output some HTML code from a div. I use $('#output').text($('#container').html()); But IE6 outputs all the code in uppercase: <TABLE border=1> <TR> <TD>Test Content</TD> </TR> </TABLE> How can I convert HTML tags to lowercase using jQuery? Would be useful to have a plugin that could recursively go trough the DOM-tree. 回答1: Try $('#output').text($('#container').html().replace(/<\/?[A-Z]+.*?>/g, function (m) { return m

how to change array keys from uppercase to lowercase?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-10 14:41:12
问题 I have an array with keys uppercase and i want to change them to lowercase. How can I do that. I tried to do //$data1 = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $key = strtolower($str); $data1[$key] = $value; } $data[] = $data1; But it is not working This is my array, it also contains objects, it is a fetch from a database, sry for printing it all Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4 [TUTOR_ID] => 4 [PRICE] => 25 [TITLE] => Introduction Mathematical Analysis [FEATURED] => 1

Android EditText/TextView how to make each word start with uppercase and all remaining characters of words to be lowercase

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-10 12:41:57
问题 I have already used following options to make each starting letter of a word Uppercase <EditText android:inputType="text|textCapWords"/> While typing the user has option on the keyboard to change the case of letter i.e. the user with this option can easily type lowercase letters. Further,I want text on my EditText to be on this format Each Starting Letter Of A Word Must Be In Uppercase And All Other Letter Of The Word Be In Lowercase . Meaning,when the user inputs each StArting LeTTer of a

What's the expected outcome of uppercasing embedded English words in Turkish text?

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-10 10:43:46
问题 I am aware of the Turkish "I" problem, where uppercasing of "i" is different in Turkish and in English. However, does Turkish commonly embed foreign words (e.g. English names) in Turkish text? For example let's say someone embeds the text "Microsoft Windows" in otherwise Turkish text and I'd like to uppercase the text. Should the "i"'s in the English words (company and product) be uppercased using English rules or using Turkish rules? Or would the English word already be such a form that