
How to avoid duplicate rendering of DOM elements in jsrender

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-11 20:24:13
问题 is it possible to check for duplicate Dom elements while rendering a jsrender.template? For example: if element doesnt exists use this: <li id="liv_{{:nid}}"> <div class="qwqw"><a href="#"></a></div> <div class=""> <p class="we">{{:spd}} <span>mph (todo)</span></p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li> if the element "liv1" exists then update the view and dont perform step 1. 回答1: Try to use helper functions Templates pseudo code: {{if ~domElementExists(id)}} ... {{/if}} Helper's pseudo code

JSRender/JSView repeat all template when I use for loop

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-11 17:42:32
问题 I have an array with this format: {[ { title : "", artist : "" }, { title : "", artist : "" }, { title : "", artist : "" }, { title : "", artist : "" } ]} When I try print the data, I get the full template n times (Json data lenght). I have: var list = new Array(); list.push({ title : **data**, artist : **data** }); var songsTemplate = $.templates("#topSongsTemplate"); var html = songsTemplate.render(list); $("#topSongs").html(html); I only want the for of my template repeats. But I get the

JSRender and AJAX and PHP

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-11 06:37:00
问题 I have a page, when loaded, calls a Document.ready jQuery script, which, using today's date as an input, sends an AJAX request to a PHP script to query the database for any "entries" with that date. If it finds some, they are added to a array, then JSON encoded and returned to the jQuery script, which then, in a for loop, spits out a <div> per "entry" using JSRender templates. These <div> s live inside a form. There is a button to create a new "entry" which when pressed just clones the last

jsRender template embeddable in jquery plugin?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-11 02:59:59
问题 Can you place a jsRender template within a .js file? The reason is, I want to contain my entire plugin, which I want to have use a template instead of writing all the code to dynamically create the nodes, in a single javascript file. Is this possible? If so how? If not, what are my options? 回答1: If you create a template in a script block, you can get the compiled function, convert to string, and put it into your script file: Run the code: var compiledFunctionString = $( "#myTemplate" )

Using hidden template and getting the Error 404

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-09 03:58:30
问题 I'm new to JsViews... I used http://www.jsviews.com/#jsrplaying method to create my template. but instead of adding my template inside the I've added in the hidden . Now for the hidden template I'm getting the "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - //%7B%7B:URL%7D%7D?new={{:magicNumber}}" which is related to the URL source as it is not exist in hidden template .... {{:URL}...umber}} I'm just wondering how I can get of this error from the console (inspect element) 回答1: Declaring a template in a hidden

jsrender nested templates with string markup

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-08 09:12:55
问题 i'm newbie with jsrender. I've writting template for one custom treeview with script markup see above : <script id="jstemplate" type="text/x-jsrender"> {{if IsFolder}}{{include tmpl="#jsfoldertemplate"/}}{{else}}{{include tmpl="#jsfiletemplate"/}}{{/if}} </script> <script id="jsfoldertemplate" type="text/x-jsrender"> <li data-jstree='{"type":"{{:ClassName}}"}' data-fold="{{:IsFolder}}" data-path="{{:RP}}">{{:Nom}} <span style="font-size:smaller">({{:Size}} {{:NbFiles}} fichier(s))&nbsp<span>{

jsViews - how do I set selected option from data

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-08 09:08:24
问题 I have a select which is bound to some values from the server using jsViews. I have successfully managed to show the options but I want be able to track and set the select option to the value from my JavaScript object. This is my code: <select id="albumChoice" data-link="selectedAlbum"> <option value="-">Please select</option> {^{for albums}} <option data-link="{value{:id} text{:name}} selected{:selectedAlbum}}"></option> {{/for}} </select> The complete example code is in this fiddle: http:/

pre-compiling jsrender templates

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-08 04:54:52
问题 I have a couple of jsRender templates that are used on all pages. Instead of using the script tag method, I would prefer to precompile them and put resulting functions in an external js file. I saw a previous question that asked this but the method described doesn't seem to work anymore or I am doing something wrong. I called $.templates("#myTemplate") from the console which msanjay suggested and copied/renamed the anonymous function and get something like this (which looks a bit odd to my

Error when loading jsrender templates through AJAX

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-07 19:12:19
问题 I am trying to write a function to load templates in external files and use them with jsrender . However, I am getting this error: TypeError: elem.getAttribute is not a function [Break On This Error] value = $templates[elem.getAttribute(tmplAttr)]; I have some console.logs showing that the template was retrieved with ajax. The basic code that causes the error is as follows: var path = 'templates/myTemplate.tmpl.html'; var data = searchResultTeasers; var target = $('#results'); $.ajax({ url :

jsRender Rendering HTML

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-07 05:19:25
问题 I'm using jsRender to render my data on html page. The data gets rendered perfectly. However, in some content items, HTML text (like hyperlink) appears as text. In jquery template, there is a way to render HTML by {{html. Is there anything similar available in jsRender? My code is as follows: <p> {{ =Status}} //need to convert this to HTML so it should appear as hyperlink. </p> Thanks. jquery html templates jsrender share | improve this question 回答1: The JsRender beta candidate is now out