
Summary Value Calculation with JsViews

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-13 02:57:09
问题 I like to display two summary data on my page by using jsviews binding. The UI will be something like in screenshots. The user can add/remove the person from the list and it will affect the value of "No. Of People" and the user can edit integer value in textbox and the total values will be shown in "Total Amount." Yes. I managed to make it work .. Please see my code there. http://jsfiddle.net/michaelsync/eqhkzv3t/3/ But I think it's very ugly esp: this code below. function observeAmounts(){

JsRender does not make the transformation for a for loop

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-13 01:27:43
问题 The code works according to JsFiddle; http://jsfiddle.net/arame3333/PTWnq/6/ However in my MVC project it renders on the page as; {{ for BusinessUnitName }} •{"BusinessUnitName":["Design and Build (Technical)","Architectual Design","ICT","Mechanical & Electrical ","Safety Management","Pre-Construction & Bid Preparation"]} {{/for }} Why would this happen? The relevant code is; <ul id="departmentList"><%: Html.DisplayFor(model => model.AdditionalDepartmentList) %></ul> <script id=

JsRender: How to pass variables into a nested template

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-12 12:02:51
问题 I want to use a nested template in different parts of my webpage. For the different parts I need to get a value from an array within the nested template. I cannot use a for loop because each part has different class and position on the website. Is it possible to pass a variable into the nested template? The following code simplifies what I am trying to achieve: <script id="myBtnTmpl" type="text/x-jsrender"> <button class="btn"> {{:myData.myArray[INDEX_VARIABLE].btnName}} </button> </script> /

Trying to run a function on an array in a, for loop, using jsrender

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-12 05:31:27
问题 Trying to convert very complex jQuery template code to jsRender. I have this each loop in the old code: <script id = "imagesTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> {{each(i,imgUrl) twoAcross_filterOutMainImages(OfferGroup.Images)}} <img src="{{= imgUrl}}" /> {{/each}} </script> <script id = "largeTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> {{tmpl "#imagesTemplate"}} </script> <div id="LARGE" class="mainContent"></div> <script> currentOffer = offerGroups[0].Groups[0]; $( "#LARGE" ).html( $( "

Jsrender with space

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-12 05:25:04
问题 Hi this code not working becouse of the space between, Peter __ Mark, how can i acchieve this with space? The code is, x-jsrender <div class="node"> {{if title == 'Peter Mark'}} <div><a href= {{>id}} >{{>title}}</a><br />{{>subtitle}}</div> {{else title == 'VD'}} <div><a href= {{>id}} >{{>title}}</a><br />{{>subtitle}}</div> {{else}} <div><a href='#'>{{>title}}</a><br />{{>subtitle}}</div> {{/if}} 回答1: The problem is that there is an error in the template. <a href= {{>id}} > should be <a href

JSRender- How to display calendar icon and make date picker field read only

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-12 05:18:33
问题 I am using the following code for datepicke in my template. {^{datepicker fromValue readonly="true" class="myclass"/}} {^{datepicker toValue ^_minDate=fromValue class="myclass" readonly icon="show"/}} I tried to achieve following things. I want to make the datepicker field readonly. For the above code it is not happening. How to show the calendar icon within the text box. currently its not happening. icon=show...I tried it . I didn't see anywhere. In my case I have to show the toDate and

Get current index of for tag in jsrender

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-12 01:36:58
问题 Is there any way to get the current index of for tag in the tag. Need an solution {{for ~ID=#index}} {{:~ID}} {{/for}} It will not work because #index is accessible only within the for loop. Working Code: {{for}} {{:#index}} {{/for}} And is there any way to access the Jsonobject key and value in for tag instead of prop tag. {{for arrayOfObj}} {{:#data.key}} //In here data is a jsonobject. //I need an key and value of this object. {{/for}} Thanks in advance. 回答1: Your question isn't very clear

How to Display with JSRENDER JSON without Field Names

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-12 00:43:11
问题 how to display a JSON with only Values and no Fieldnames with JSRENDER in a Table? JSON var JSON = { "ID1":["VALUE1","VALUE2","VALUE3"],"ID2":["VAL2-1","VAL2-2","VAL2-3"]} The Table Result should be: <tr> <td>ID1</td> <td>VALUE1</td> <td>VALUE2-3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ID2</td> <td>VAL2-1</td> <td>VAL2-3</td> </tr> What is the Syntax of JSRENDER to fill the td's with the value? Kidn Regards Rene 回答1: JsRender has a {{props}} tag for iterating through fields/properties of an object. See the API

Possible issue in JSRender with spaces

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-11 23:34:25
问题 i have some problem with rending this jsrender code, it works if title == 'Teamledare Redo' but if i have more words like this: 'teamledare Redovisning', then it not works.. Why does it not render when there is more words ? <script id="oc_template" type="text/x-jsrender"> <div class="node"> {{if title == 'Teamledare Redovisning'}} <div><a href= {{>id}} >{{>title}}</a><br />{{>subtitle}}</div> {{else title == 'VD'}} <div><a href= {{>id}} >{{>title}}</a><br />{{>subtitle}}</div> {{else}} <div>

JsRender If conditions comparing variables between child objects

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-11 23:25:44
问题 I am trying to achieve this in JsRender. As You can see from the code below, SubMenuItems and SubMenuPages are child objects in a array of objects.However, I would like to compare a value in the first Object with a value in the second respectively.I have only qualified the if condition just so it is clear what I'm trying to accomplish. So basically I would like to access an id variable in one child object and then check against another variable in another object. I am a bit unsure as to the