

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-11-28 19:22:13
HBuilder在线打包流程,打包需要用到p12文件及配置文件.mobileprovision! 打包过程很简便,主要是申请iOS证书复杂点! 1、打开HBuilder工具,选择开发好的项目,点击发行,选择发行为原生安装包。 2、选择iOS打包,支持的设备类型(可以选择支持iPhone和支持ipad),选择使用苹果证书 AppID:跟申请证书描述.mobileprovision时选择的要一致 (又称套装id,appid,BundleID,应用id,包名) profile文件:选择上传配置文件.mobileprovision 私钥证书:上传.p12文件 私钥密码:输入创建p12设置的密码。 然后点击打包。 HBuilderX可以在Windows直接开发iOS应用! 如果还没申请iOS证书文件,可以看下面教程申请,可以直接在Windows电脑申请iOS证书! Windows系统直接申请iOS证书文档 3、打包成功后,下载保存ipa! 来源: https://my.oschina.net/u/4151621/blog/3098574

Xcode4: Alternative Way to build IPAs

一世执手 提交于 2019-11-28 19:16:05
问题 So with XCode4, as is kinda well known, building .IPAs can only be created used "build and archive" if only one target has "Skip Install" set to "No". My problem is that our project contains multiple targets, that need to be shipped as .ipas at some point. Setting "Skip Install" on each on everytime i need to build an .ipa is annoying. Does anybody know of a better way, maybe using those scary "Configuration Files" I've seen mentioned somewhere? Currently, i'm using the .app from the

Install IPA with iTunes 11

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-11-28 17:10:37
I have an IPA signed for ad-hoc distribution. I can install it fine with Xcode Organizer by dragging it to the device. It also worked with iTunes <=10 by dragging onto the device name. I'd like to install it via iTunes 11 though. Dragging it onto the device name, or the app section does not work. Any idea how to do it now? conrad10781 In iTunes 11 you can go to the view menu, and "Show Sidebar", this will give you the sidebar, that you can drag 'n drop to. You'll drag 'n drop to the open area that will be near the bottom of the sidebar (I'm typically doing this with both an IPA and a

iOS APP上架App Store流程

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-28 16:55:09
上架iOS需要一个付费688的开发者账号,还没有的话申请一个或者借用。 申请苹果开发者账号教程 上架App Store之前是先安装到苹果手机测试调试好,app能正常运行再上架 iOS真机调试测试教程 上架过程分七个详细步骤,按步骤一步步来,新手也能快速掌握上架流程。 仔细看这个流程,少走很多弯路,不用一步步去试错,节省时间。 1、创建APP身份证(App IDs) 2、申请iOS发布证书 3、申请iOS发布描述文件 4、上传ios证书编译打包IPA 5、在iTunes Connect创建App 6、Windows下上传IPA到App Store 7、上传好IPA回到iTunes Connect填写APP信息并提交审核 一、创建唯一标示符BundleID (App IDs) APP IDs在后面创建发布文件,创建APP时都要用到。(appid非常重要,整个上架流程就是用appid关联在一起) 如果之前iOS真机调试时创建过了,就不用重新创建了,还是用那个appid。 首先打开开发者中心 https://developer.apple.com/account ,进入证书页面。 1.1点击证书、ID及配件文件,进入设置。 很多伙伴登录开发者中心没有这个界面出来,那是因为没有付费成为开发者。 可以看 免开发者账号申请ios证书真机调试的教程 1.2选择App IDs –>点击

How can I deploy (create .ipa) iphone app using 'cordova build ios --release'?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-11-28 15:12:38
I have created a 'helloworld' iOS app with cordova using there documentation . The app successfully runs when I run cordova emulate ios . What I can't do, is while deploying when I run cordova build --release . It doesn't create any .ipa files there. All I find is a Helloworld.build file in the PROJECT_ROOT/platforms/ios/build directory. Am I missing something here? I found this command which worked for me: cordova build ios --device cd platforms/ios/build/device /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication "$(pwd)/$PROJECT_NAME.app" -o "$(pwd)/$PROJECT_NAME.ipa" Source: http://www.splinter

Xcode creates wrong IPA folder structure

自作多情 提交于 2019-11-28 09:14:43
We normally have ' Payload ' folder as root once we unarchive IPA files. However, suddenly Xcode has started creating IPAs with ' Applications ' folder as root. Hence MDM is failing to locate files. Has anyone has faced a similar issue? We are running Xcode version 6.1. Make sure the key "LSRequiresIPhoneOS" in the info.plist has the value "YES", and make sure the key has the correct case, i.e., IPhone versus Iphone. Earlier versions of Xcode were not as picky about that. I assume your Deployment Target is 8.0 Validate your Settings from the Editor Menu Double check info.plist for the


匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-28 08:02:41
上架基本需求资料 1、苹果开发者账号(如还没账号先申请- 苹果开发者账号申请教程 ) 2、开发好的APP 通过本篇教程,可以学习到ios证书申请和打包ipa上传到appstoreconnect.apple.com进行TestFlight测试然后提交审核的完整流程! 中途可能会遇到一些报错,一般在教程对常见错误都有解释,仔细看看! 上架App Store审核分6步进行。 1、安装iOS上架辅助软件Appuploader 2、申请iOS发布证书(p12) 3、申请iOS发布描述文件(mobileprovision) 4、打包ipa 5、上传ipa到iTunes Connect 6、TestFlight方式安装到苹果手机测试 7、设置APP各项信息提交审核 一、下载安装iOS上架辅助软件Appuploader Appuploader下载链接 Appuploader可以辅助在Windows、linux或mac系统直接申请iOS证书p12,及上传ipa到App Store 方便快捷,配合本教程使用,可以快速掌握如何真机测试及上架! 下载软件包后解压直接使用,无需安装。 如果win 32位系统点击appuploader.exe启动时提示(下图所示),32位系统需要点击appuploader.jar或者start.bat启动 Windows 32的系统请先安装好java环境再启动软件

Change app Version with only IPA file provided (no xcode)

若如初见. 提交于 2019-11-28 06:28:44
I have an app that was developed for my company. Unfortunately it needs to be resigned (i know how do this part) because the distribution cert has expired. The problem is we need to change the version number so it allows for an update on all iPads. Does anyone know how to do this using terminal (i have xcode installed but i dont have and of the files from the developers). Once again, i only have the IPA file for the app. Thanks for any help. Rename the .ipa to .zip, and unzip the archive. Inside should be a folder called "payload", and inside that folder should be your application archive.

Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS5.1'

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-11-28 06:08:56
I am using xCode 4.3.1. After i created a project, i build it and tried to Archive. Then i got an error saying; (This is my first project in xCode 4.3.1) CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS5.1' What does this mean ? and how to solve it ? Abizern It means you haven't assigned a provisioning profile to the configuration. Usually it's because "Any iOS SDK" must have a profile and cannot be set to "Don't sign". All this and more is answered in the TN2250 Tech Note about Code Signing and Troubleshooting. One possible solution which works for me:

How add entitlement via ldid

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-28 05:21:08
问题 I have some problems. I want use in my app next function: int SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier(CFStringRef displayIdentifier, Boolean suspended); I add SpringboardServices.framework in my project I add URL Schemes for my app Created the file entitlement.xml with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>com.apple.springboard.launchapplications</key> <true/> </dict> <