Is it usual for interaction nets to leave piles of redundant fans?
问题 I'm compiling lambda calculus terms to interaction nets in order to evaluate them using Lamping's abstract algorithm. In order to test my implementation, I used this church-number division function: div = (λ a b c d . (b (λ e . (e d)) (a (b (λ e f g . (e (λ h . (f h g)))) (λ e . e) (λ e f . (f (c e)))) (b (λ e f . e) (λ e . e) (λ e . e))))) Dividing 4 by 4 (that is, (λ k . (div k k)) (λ f x . (f (f (f (f x))))) ), I get this net: (Sorry for the awful rendering. λ is a lambda, R is root, D is