
Camel Context Not Listed in Hawtio JMX At All

谁都会走 提交于 2021-01-16 01:07:06
问题 I have deployed three example apache camel examples into tomcat: /camel-example-activemq-tomcat-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT /camel-example-cxf-tomcat-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT /camel-example-servlet-tomcat-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT They're all up and running OK. One of them uses ActiveMQ and I can see the queues from Hawtio. However, under JMX, the Camel Context is not listed/discovered. Refreshing the page changes nothing. Executing mBeanServersInfo() (full path Code>http://localhost:8080/hawtio-default-2.10.0/jolokia/exec

Camel Context Not Listed in Hawtio JMX At All

安稳与你 提交于 2021-01-16 01:05:27
问题 I have deployed three example apache camel examples into tomcat: /camel-example-activemq-tomcat-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT /camel-example-cxf-tomcat-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT /camel-example-servlet-tomcat-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT They're all up and running OK. One of them uses ActiveMQ and I can see the queues from Hawtio. However, under JMX, the Camel Context is not listed/discovered. Refreshing the page changes nothing. Executing mBeanServersInfo() (full path Code>http://localhost:8080/hawtio-default-2.10.0/jolokia/exec

Get visual documentation from camel routes in Java?

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-23 16:09:20
问题 I'm new to apache camel and made some routes working properly via Java DSL. Now I'm wondering if there is a chance to get automatic a visual representation of these routes with JBoss Fuse? I mean not by drawing it by hand again, more for automatic documention :-) Edit: Since a downvote seems to be easier than a answer I try to rephrase my question a bit. I'm looking for a possibility to reverse engineer my defined routes (Java) and get a picture with boxes out of it. Hawtoi, what I tried

How to update camel properties externally?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-20 06:25:49
问题 Im developping non OSGI app and i need to update the values ​​of some properties used in camel routes (loaded BridgePropertyPlaceHolder). So I thought: To use Hawtio, the cool mangement console, in order update camel using JMX Create a JMX MBean that will update the properties .. I successfully create the MBean operations and call them using JMX, but I can't figure out how to update the camel routes that depends on these properties. Is there a way to update the camel context externally?

ActiveMQ: One Pending Message but Queue is empty - ActiveMQ 5.12.0

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-13 07:40:49
问题 I have the same issue as described here: ActiveMQ: One Pending Message but Queue is empty. Active MQ shows pending messages for the queue but when I click it it's empty. Further clients: with hawtio - same behaviour my java consumer does not consume anything after restart, continued to consume We persist our messages not in default kaha db but in Oracle DB. I could see the pending messages in database in table ACTIVEMQ_MSGS. After restart of activeMQ all clients worked as expected. In the

Credentials for ActiveMQ/Jolokia/HawtIO through Java

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-13 06:14:16
问题 I know the default password for 5.9.0's HawtIO/Jolokia is set in the \conf\ folder and is admin/admin system/manager etc However, none of those password are working when trying to execute the restful commands through Java: CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(null, -80), new UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin", "admin")); CloseableHttpClient httpclient0 = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credsProvider)

Hawtio simple plugin example - tab is not visible

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-13 05:43:20
问题 I am trying to develop a custom hawtio plugin. I have custom WAR deployed in Tomcat based on hawtio-default 1.4.37. It works correctly I built simple-plugin.war following https://github.com/hawtio/hawtio/tree/master/hawtio-plugin-examples/simple-plugin instruction (no changes are done) and deployed it in the same Tomcat. There are no errors, all logs are clean, I can see simple-plugin as plugin of hawtio in JMX bean, however no new tab is visible (although as I guess from .js code "Simple"

Logs of multiple servers in hawtio dashboard

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-13 04:25:20
问题 I've a hawtio 1.4.45 running in Jetty Server A where my camel application is also deployed. There is another camel application and jolokia web agent running on Jetty Server B. I'm able to get basic camel MBean details from both Server A and Server B. However I get to see the logs of only Server A and NOT Server B's. Is there any JMX settings to bring up the logs of Server B to hawtio Dashboard? 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28238101/logs-of-multiple-servers-in-hawtio-dashboard

Jetty - How to make a camel application log events to the hawtio Logs tab

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-12 22:05:31
问题 I have a simple camel application logging events on a timer. The logs currently go to a ConsoleAppender. <route> <from uri="timer://hello?period=5000"/> <to uri="log:loggingstuff?showAll=true"/> </route> I have attempted to follow the documentation as per: http://hawt.io/plugins/logs/ The application is deployed as a war on jetty, and has log4j, slf4j and insight-log4j as dependencies. hawtio-default-1.4.37.war is deployed alongside it in the ${jetty.home}/webapps directory. Jetty is started

How to hide the Tabs in Hawtio? Also, how to stop the default landing on ActiveMQ after connecting to remote server?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-08 12:15:36
问题 I have 2 questions here: 1. How to hide unwanted Tabs in the Tab navigator of Hawtio? There are other tabs on home page as well as Connection page of Hawtio. I want to remove few and keep only my custom tabs. 2. By default, after connecting to remote server, it lands on Active MQ page. Here, I want it to land on my custom plugin html. I know the URL which is being hit for landing on ActiveMQ page. But I want to figure out from where it is being hit. If not that, I want to find out how can I