
Delphi 7 tguid compare

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-22 18:49:04
问题 Is any other way to compare 2 TGUID elements, except transform them into strings (the guidtostring function) and after evaluate the expression, in Delphi 7? 回答1: You can use IsEqualGUID API declared in SysUtils. 回答2: IsEqualGUID() (or IsEqualIID()), like TOndrej suggested. You can also use SysUtuils. CompareMem() instead, since TGuid is a binary array of bytes. 来源:

Apache Atlas2.0安装

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-22 16:58:34
下载地址: 上传到服务器并解压: tar -zxvf apache-atlas-2.0.0-sources.tar.gz 编译安装 配置maven环境 #下载maven安装包 $ wget $ tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz #修改setting.xml,添加阿里镜像: $ cd apache-maven-3.6.3 $ vi conf/settings.xml <mirror> <id>alimaven</id> <name>aliyun maven</name> <url></url> <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf> </mirror> #配置mvn环境变量 $ vi /etc/profile export MAVEN_HOME=/root/apache-maven-3.6.3 export PATH=$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$PATH $

How to extract a GUID from a Win32 DLL or OCX

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-01-21 08:28:08
问题 We have a .NET app that needs to examine a folder that may contain COM libraries (DLL and OCX.) When we do encounter a COM library one thing we need to accomplish is to extract the GUID from the COM DLL or OCX. Is there a straightforward way to do this with .NET without using 3rd party libraries? 回答1: This should work for you. It requires a reference to c:\windows\system32\tlbinf32.dll , but I'm assuming that is okay because it isn't a third party component. Imports TLI 'from c:\windows

How to extract a GUID from a Win32 DLL or OCX

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-01-21 08:27:04
问题 We have a .NET app that needs to examine a folder that may contain COM libraries (DLL and OCX.) When we do encounter a COM library one thing we need to accomplish is to extract the GUID from the COM DLL or OCX. Is there a straightforward way to do this with .NET without using 3rd party libraries? 回答1: This should work for you. It requires a reference to c:\windows\system32\tlbinf32.dll , but I'm assuming that is okay because it isn't a third party component. Imports TLI 'from c:\windows

SQL Server 数据库性能优化

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-19 03:23:02
1. 查看执行时间和cpu set statistics time on select * from Bus_DevHistoryData set statistics time off 执行后在消息里可以看到 2. 查看查询对I/O的操作情况 set statistics io on select * from Bus_DevHistoryData set statistics io off 执行之后的结果: 扫描计数:索引和表执行次数 逻辑读取:数据缓存中读取的页数 物理读取:从磁盘中读取的页数 预读:查询过程中,从磁盘放入缓存的页数 lob逻辑读取:从数据缓存中读取image、text、ntext或大型数据的页数 lob物理读取:从磁盘中读取image、text、ntext或大型数据的页数 lob预读:查询过程中,从磁盘放入缓存的image、text、ntext或大型数据的页数 如果物理读取次数和预计次数比较多,可以使用索引进行优化。 上述两种信息的查看如果不想写sql,可以通过设置完成: 工具->选项 3. 查看执行计划 选中查询语句,点击 一、数据库设计优化 1、不要使用游标。 使用游标不仅占用内存,而且还用不可思议的方式锁定表,它们可以使DBA所能做的一切性能优化等于没做。游标里每执行一次fetch就等于执行一次select。 2、创建适当的索引

how to load data into datatable that using GUID primary key?

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-16 08:03:56
问题 in my project, I have used datatable library for showing data.but I have a problem with fact, if I have data's with the primary key type of int. it works fine but I have "guid" primary key. it will show some error.I have used identity for authorization and authorization as you know identity have used guid type for the primary key.when I want to fetch data from controller datatable had a problem with UserId because UserId is the type of " guid ". this is a simple example of GetUsers()

Convert GUID into Byte array using PHP?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-15 14:15:47
问题 I need to convert a system-generated GUID into a Byte[16] array and then convert those decimal values into a hex value string. Crazy, I know and I'm very open to a more efficient approach than the ones I've tried! I've tried PHPs unpack() function on this GUID but can't seem to get the right format. I've tried c*, C* and all of the other possible formats. Here's the GUID I'm starting with: GUID: dwRhRSIjlGXhAAAAkuFQ0A The Byte[16] array I'm trying to populate should look like this: $bytearray


心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-15 05:44:28
除了自增长ID(int),我们还能把主键设置为GUID类型的。 创建我们的数据表 CREATE TABLE dbo.JoinA( AGUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID() NOT NULL, AName NVARCHAR(50) NULL, ACode NVARCHAR(50) NULL ) 实体映射:注解: [Table("JoinA")] public class JoinA { [Column("AGUID")] //需要标识为自增长,不然会给你生成 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,多条数据就会重复 [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] public Guid Id { get; set; } //主键设置为id public string AName { get; set; } public string ACode { get; set; } } 或者: [Table("JoinB")] public class JoinB {

Can I convert a CFUUID to 30 characters or less?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-14 14:16:05
问题 I need to create an identifier for my iOS user that is unique. Unfortunately the database that it will be saved to has a set length of 30 characters and CFUUID's are 36 (32 if removing the dashes). Is there a way to make it into a smaller string? I think CFUUID's are hex, so would it be possible to convert it to full ASCII? 回答1: Jeff Atwood covers this in Equipping our ASCII Armor. A Base64 encoded GUID results in 22 (24 including == ) bytes. There are also other ascii formats you can use

List of well known VSS Writer GUIDs

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-13 06:02:51
问题 Is there a consolidated list of GUIDs for well known VSS writers available somewhere? At least the Microsoft ones like System State, Exchange, SQL, Sharepoint etc. 回答1: Well now there is one started here :-) /** Microsot Exchange Writer. */ public static final String EXCHANGE_GUID = $("76FE1AC4-15F7-4BCD-987E-8E1ACB462FB7"); /** MSDE Writer for SQL server 2000 and before. Still works under SQL SVR 2005 but preferred is #SQL_SERVER_GUID */ public static final String SQL_SERVER_2000_GUID = $(