
How to find out if a user actually has Glass

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-11 04:39:51
问题 I'm writing a fairly complicated application for Glass and I'm worried about users coming in, signing up, and using the resources for my AppEngine account even though they don't have Glass and will get no benefit from it. Is there currently any way in the Mirror API to actually determine if a user has Glass? 回答1: I think a way to verify they have Glass would be an excellent idea. This has been requested on the issues list. In the mean time, you might want to implement "double opt-in". It is

Using additional Google APIs in my Glassware (Sharing to g+ accounts)

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-11 04:14:05
问题 I'm trying to share a card ( the html inside it ) from my Glassware using python and the Python Mirror API Quickstart code. creds = StorageByKeyName(Credentials, '#####', 'credentials').get() plus_service = util.create_service('plus', 'v1', creds) moment = {"type":"", "target": { "id": "target-id-1", "type":"", "name": "The Google+ Platform", "description": "A page that describes just how awesome Google+ is!", "image":

Can you create more than one level of nested timeline cards on Glass?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-11 01:16:18
问题 If I create a top level timeline card I can create a single level of nested cards by giving them the same bundleId as the parent. Can I create a second level of nesting? Top level timelineItem - 1st level child timelineItem - 1st level child timelineItem - 2nd level child timelineItem - 2nd level child timelineItem 回答1: Nope. That's not a feature supported by the Mirror API right now. If you're interested in doing this, I recommend you file an enhancement request on the API issue tracker. 来源:

How to add another option to the share functionality of Google Glass?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-10 22:18:44
问题 I am interested to add my service into the share functionality of the Google Glass, my flow is below: 1. Take photo / Record video 2. Share with -> My service 3. the photo or video should be uploaded to my site Is this functionality possible? it is very similar to Facebook and G+ share options. I will be happy to know how to do it, Thanks. 回答1: What you are looking for is what the Mirror API calls a Contact. Your Glassware can setup one or more Contacts, specifying what content type can be

Can we have different menu items for cards formed using htmlPages attribute of the timeline?

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-10 14:45:56
问题 I'm creating a bundle using timeline.html as my cover page and providing other sub-pages using the timeline.htmlPages attribute. I want to have different menu items for the cover page as well as for each of the sub-pages. Currently I dont' see any way to have a menuItem for each htmlPage and/or the cover page. Am I missing something ? I have a work around for this which I did during Glass Foundry : I created a random bundle id, then i looped over all my html pages and using the same bundle id

How do I send bundled cards all at the same time?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-10 04:06:18
问题 I've set up a Java application where I'm creating a bundle of 4 cards. The problem is that all the cards do not come in at once. Some times just one shows up, then a few seconds or minute later the other cards show up. How do I get them to all show up on the headset at the same time? edit: I tried HTML paging and that didn't work and now I think I'm more confused. So in my senario here I want to send a bunch of landmarks to the user that they can navigate to. I want all the landmarks in a

Is it possible to register a top-level intent in the Mirror API?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-09 15:55:46
问题 Example "top-level actions" would be "Google," "take a picture," etc. Is it possible using the Mirror API to register a custom top-level event? "OK Glass, crunchify me." A secondary question I have is if it's possible to take user speech. Using the "OK Glass, Google" example, the user says a query that Google takes and acts on. Is it possible to capture that for your custom action using the Mirror API? 回答1: This is not yet possible with the Glass client nor the Mirror API. However, there is

Google Glass Eye Gesture Crashing (EyeGestureLib)

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-07 10:29:38
问题 I am trying to check Wink from Glass using the EyeGestureLib. I created a new project and did exactly what the guy did with the sample project here. The problem part of my code is below: private EyeGestureManager mEyeGestureManager; private EyeGestureListener mEyeGestureListener; private EyeGesture target1 = EyeGesture.WINK; private EyeGesture target2 = EyeGesture.DOUBLE_BLINK; Inside onCreate, I have: mEyeGestureManager = EyeGestureManager.from(this); mEyeGestureListener = new

Google Mirror API Video

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-07 03:38:44
问题 What is the roadmap for video on the google glass mirror API? Will the API allow for streaming video to or from the device as shown in the glass demo video ? 回答1: There is no published roadmap for the Mirror API. Part of the motivation for our developer preview is to figure that out. First, just to clarify, the streaming shown in that video is a Google+ Hangout. This is a feature that's built into Glass. Update : Glass now supports video streaming.

How does New York Times get their icon next to the “just now” time indicator on their Glass Timeline cards?

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-07 02:07:26
问题 I'm building a Google Glass app and notice that New York Times has their little New York Times icon to the right of the "Just Now" time indicator in the lower right of each card. How are they doing this? Is this something I can upload in the API Console, or do I have to manually add this as HTML in each HTML page card? And how do you do it in the Glass browser? I don't see any examples in the templates. Any help is appreciated! 回答1: These icons are set up during the launch process for