How does New York Times get their icon next to the “just now” time indicator on their Glass Timeline cards?

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-07 02:07:26


I'm building a Google Glass app and notice that New York Times has their little New York Times icon to the right of the "Just Now" time indicator in the lower right of each card. How are they doing this? Is this something I can upload in the API Console, or do I have to manually add this as HTML in each HTML page card? And how do you do it in the Glass browser? I don't see any examples in the templates. Any help is appreciated!


These icons are set up during the launch process for Glassware. Follow the steps on this page to submit your Glassware for launch review.

The little icon in the lower right corner that you see is called the source icon. Source icons are specified when you launch your Glassware and set up higher quota.

