
How can I include a link in a FB app request?

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-02 15:14:30
问题 So the question is when my app sends an app request how can I include a link inside of it? This is what I am searching for. Marked with red. Been searching over the web but couldnt find nothing appropriate. If I try with a href.. it doesn't work. Maybe I should use some FB syntax for making links? Thank you for any answers! 回答1: The link in the message created automatically by the facebook, because link is a name of that user's name or friends and similar cases(i.e. I am test user of app, so

How can I include a link in a FB app request?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-02 09:11:25
So the question is when my app sends an app request how can I include a link inside of it? This is what I am searching for. Marked with red. Been searching over the web but couldnt find nothing appropriate. If I try with a href.. it doesn't work. Maybe I should use some FB syntax for making links? Thank you for any answers! The link in the message created automatically by the facebook, because link is a name of that user's name or friends and similar cases(i.e. I am test user of app, so fb mark me as test user ) Otherwise: It's not possible attacht link in apprequest as it is like: FB.ui({

Facebooker extended permissions?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-01 20:20:17
Facebook gives access to users' emails via the extended permission. There's also a way in JS and PHP to force users to grant the permission when they accept the app's TOS - http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Extended_permissions Is there a way that I can do this with Facebooker? Regards.. You can do it just like that : :jquery , :app_settings => " { permsToRequestOnConnect : 'email' }"} %> 'facebook') + '\'') %> Note: Also get the last version of facebooker, because previus version dont support extended permissions. user310200 Yes this in your application.html.erb <script src="http:

Is fb_graph or Koala ruby gem better than facebooker2, using the facebook graph?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-29 21:55:38
Is the fb_graph gem better? It seems to be newer, but the facebooker has a lot more people using. http://github.com/nsanta/fbgraph http://github.com/mmangino/facebooker Update: I looked into koala, and it seems it is a good choice as well. http://github.com/arsduo/koala I also figure out that fb_graph is different than fbgraph. This is the right one: http://github.com/nov/fb_graph And there is a new facebooker, that uses that Open Graph API, but it doesnt look as mature as the others: http://github.com/wallace/facebooker2 I've been using Koala and have been very happy. It's very low level -