“EPIC requires a Perl interpreter” in Eclipse Kepler

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-24 08:15:44
问题 I have installed Eclipse Kepler and EPIC, the Java Development Kit, and ActivePerl. When I create a Perl script and try to run it as Perl local I get the error To operate correctly, EPIC requires a Perl interpreter I don't understand why that is. Am I going wrong because I have installed Active Perl? Why is it that my Perl interpreter is not detected by EPIC? I installed EPIC from the betas here. I went to Help/Install new software/Add then I entered this link and followed the instructions.

How can I make eclipse perl project use a specific perl version?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-13 00:56:04
问题 I have mounts of a remote source code repos in Linux servers. I use Eclipse Epic and I have made links to the scripts there with the help of the answer of this post. My problem is the following: The project in the remote repository uses a specific version of Perl which is under a specific directory. How would I configure my project in Eclipse to have/use exactly the same Perl ? 回答1: I haven't tested this with an interpreter on a remote machine and I'm on Windows but I think this would work.

Why does the EPIC eclipse plugin not show any info in “Explain Errors/Warnings”?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-10 19:55:39
问题 I use the "EPIC" plugin to Eclipse for Perl development, but in the "Explain Errors/Warnings" view there's no info at all, even though I have some compilation errors. Do I need to do anything special to get EPIC to display useful info in that view? What is that view for anyway? 回答1: The view isn't populated automatically. As the user's guide says (which is excellent btw), you have to right click the warning/error and select "Explain Errors/Warnings" from the context menu. You have to click

How do I get code coverage of Perl CGI script when executed by Selenium?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-10 17:16:23
问题 I'm using Eclipse EPIC IDE to write some Perl CGI scripts which call some Perl modules that I have also written. The EPIC IDE lets me configure a Perl CGI "run configuration" which runs my CGI script. And then I've got Selenium set up and one of my unit test files runs some Selenium commands to run my cgi script through its paces. But the coverage report from Module::Build dispatch 'testcover' doesn't show that any of my module code has been executed. It's been executed by my cgi script, but

Run Eclipse EPIC Perl Plugin on Remote Project/Files

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-10 10:26:49
问题 I recently started a new job, where all development is done on a remote dev server. I really like Eclipse as a centralized development environment for all the different stuff I'm working on, and am not a particularly big fan of emacs or vi. I'll use emacs if I have to change something quickly, but after really trying to like it for normal development, I'm really starting to miss Eclipse. That said, is there any way I can use Eclipse with EPIC for Perl development on a remote server? I can

A proper way of using Perl custom modules inside of other Perl modules

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-07 18:08:31
问题 I'm using custom modules in my scripts and have to store them outside of Perl lib directory. So in Perl scripts ( *.pl ) I use the following block to include them in @INC : BEGIN { use FindBin qw($Bin); push @INC, "$Bin/../ModulesFolder1"; push @INC, "$Bin/../ModulesFolder2"; } But I also have to use modules inside of my other Perl modules ( *.pm ), and as I understand FindBin works for scripts only. So I change that block to: BEGIN { push @INC, catdir( dirname( $INC{'ThisModule.pm'} ), qw( .

A proper way of using Perl custom modules inside of other Perl modules

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-05 21:00:12
I'm using custom modules in my scripts and have to store them outside of Perl lib directory. So in Perl scripts ( *.pl ) I use the following block to include them in @INC : BEGIN { use FindBin qw($Bin); push @INC, "$Bin/../ModulesFolder1"; push @INC, "$Bin/../ModulesFolder2"; } But I also have to use modules inside of my other Perl modules ( *.pm ), and as I understand FindBin works for scripts only. So I change that block to: BEGIN { push @INC, catdir( dirname( $INC{'ThisModule.pm'} ), qw( .. ModulesFolder1 ) ); push @INC, catdir( dirname( $INC{'ThisModule.pm'} ), qw( .. ModulesFolder2 ) ); }


霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-11-30 12:03:01
概述 围绕项目需求变更频繁,如何做好有效的需求管理和规划,本文从背景、问题分析、解决措施、如何进行需求结构化管理?如何进行需求优先级管理?如何避免重要需求遗漏?几个方面进行了细致解答。 全程干货 。 背景 不管是项目型软件开发还是产品型软件开发,需求变更频繁都是影响研发效能的第一号因素,在2019年中国 DevOps 现状调查报告中也可以发现,超半数企业认为需求的频繁变更是阻碍软件按时交付的主要原因。解决或缓解需求变更频繁带来的影响,是势在必行的重要工作。 问题分析 由于每家企业的情况不同,包括客户合作方式、人员能力水平、研发流程等各方面的差异,同样是需求变更频繁,所体现出来的具体症状却有所不同,导致问题发生的根因也可能不同,所应采取的措施也需要根据实际情况来选择。根据我们的观察以及与企业交流的经验发现,一般都体现为如下几种情况,接下来我们结合这些情况的部分实例来分析: 第一种情况:需求杂乱、经常变更,难以管理; 第二种情况:领导或客户时不时地要把某些需求提前,打乱了开发计划; 第三种情况:做着做着发现有些需求遗漏了; 【第一种情况】软件项目前期结构清楚,开发到后期,需求变化多而细,如何管理,如何规划。困扰我们的是前期需求不明确、不完善,导致后期需改动,需求需要发生变更。而使用DevCloud的项目管理的支持不够。 我们发现出现这种情况,往往跟客户未能正确使用需求规划有一定关系