
Clr Assembly must have main file specified error

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-25 05:04:13
问题 This is the first dll I have made. It's purpose is to grab territory names from a database and return as an mdx set. The dll compiled perfectly fine, but when I go to deploy the dll as an assembly in bids to my cube, I get the following error: Clr Assembly must have main file specified error The dll is supposed to be like a ssas stored procedure so I can set permission in a role for ssas. Thanks! Ethan 回答1: I finally figured out a solution! I believe that because of the msmgdsv.dll being of

Position 3d objects in xna

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-25 04:40:47
问题 I'm pretty new to xna development and want to position the Cubes from the Primitives3D sample by passing a position vector to the constructor .. unfortunatly it does not work .. instead it is just spinning arround.. Thats how i modified the code of the cubeprimitive class: public class CubePrimitive : GeometricPrimitive { public Vector3 position; /// <summary> /// Constructs a new cube primitive, using default settings. /// </summary> public CubePrimitive(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) : this

use Cube Functions to get filtered dimensions

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-24 14:39:58
问题 How do you get a list of filtered dimentions from a cube function say I had a dimention table of addresses: 1234 Any Street Detroit MI 48229 55588 187th St E Seattle WA 98888 4 Blossum Ave Wescotte AL 66554 How could I get a CUBERANKEDMEMBER list of street addresses with a certain zip? 回答1: You could use =cubeset("powerpivot", "nonempty([City].[Zip].children, [Measure].[Count of City])", "set") and then use =Cuberankmember("powerpivot", set, 1) =Cuberankmember("powerpivot", set, 2) .... where

MDX where Date is less than now

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-24 12:29:51
问题 This is my code below...... SELECT { [Measures].[ACPPurchaseValue] } ON COLUMNS ,( [Date].[YYYYMMDD].[YYYYMMDD] ) ON ROWS FROM [Kahuna] WHERE ( [Reporting Currency].[reportingCurrency].&[1] ,strToSet(@MdxBOSP) ,strToSet(@MdxVIPType) ,strToSet(@MdxHost) ,strToSet(@MdxOperatorName) ); How can I say where [Date].[YYYYMMDD].[YYYYMMDD] < getdate() 回答1: You need to initially create a member, or a single member set, that corresponds to today. The following looks a little complex but is actually a

Connect to an OLAP Cube using Python on LINUX

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-23 23:06:00
问题 I know how to connect to a MS OLAP cube using Python on Windows - well, at least one method :-). Usually I use the win32py package and invoke a .COM object to connect: import win32com.client connection = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection') connString = 'Connection String to MSOLAP CUBE' connection.Open(connString) However, now I want to do the same with Linux (RHEL 7.2), and I have no idea how to do that. Can you please help me with that? What I tried so far: I tried using pyodbc

使用threebox整合mapbox gl和three js DEMO

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-22 00:51:48
准备 three.js mapbox-gl.js mapbox-gl.css threebox.js DEMO <!doctype html> <head> <title>Threebox example</title> <script src="../dist/threebox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src='mapbox-gl.js'></script> <link href='mapbox-gl.css' rel='stylesheet' /> <style> body, html { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; } #map { width: 100%; height: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <div id='map' class='map'></div> <script> mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoia3JvbmljayIsImEiOiJjaWxyZGZwcHQwOHRidWxrbnd0OTB0cDBzIn0.u2R3NY5PnevWH3cHRk6TWQ'; var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', style:

Draw Rectangle View with curve bottom In Android

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-20 14:21:40
问题 Good day.I want to draw an rectangle as a view but which bottom shall be curved.I do not want to apply background image like that or use any views,because if i use an view and set background,the curve part will still have invisible empty space and i would not be able to attach another curve image to the bottom curve of the custom view.So how shall i draw an rectangle with bottom curved line and use it as a view to set any background color i want? Notice: i have heard something and read about

kylin cube 构建过程

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-19 04:50:17
本文是对 的翻译,以便阅读。 1. 创建 Hive 中间表(Create Intermediate Flat Hive Table) 这个过程会把 cube 中用到的所有 Hive 表(包括 look at 的表)汇聚成一张表。如果 Cube 是分区的,kylin 会增加时间条件以获取相应的数据。此过程的输出大致如下: hive -e "USE default; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kylin_intermediate_airline_cube_v3610f668a3cdb437e8373c034430f6c34; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kylin_intermediate_airline_cube_v3610f668a3cdb437e8373c034430f6c34 (AIRLINE_FLIGHTDATE date,AIRLINE_YEAR int,AIRLINE_QUARTER int,...,AIRLINE_ARRDELAYMINUTES int) STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE LOCATION 'hdfs:///kylin/kylin200instance


老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-17 21:16:26
上一篇咱们写了一个3D的立方体,但是不能自己旋转,触摸之后可以进行旋转,现在是升级版的是自动旋转的立方体 下面直接是代码 < template > < div > < div class = "top" > 懵懵懂懂 < / div > < div class = "wrap" > < div class = "cube" > < div class = "out-front" > < img src = "./../assets/images/psb (11).jpg" alt = "" > < / div > < div class = "out-back" > < img src = "./../assets/images/psb (12).jpg" alt = "" > < / div > < div class = "out-left" > < img src = "./../assets/images/psb (19).jpg" alt = "" > < / div > < div class = "out-right" > < img src = "./../assets/617/微信图片_20191213093412.jpg" alt = "" > < / div > < div class = "out-top" > < img src = "./..

How to plot 3D grid (cube) in Matlab

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-17 15:44:36
问题 Hi I would like to plot transparent cube-shaped grid with lines in it. Something like this: However, I managed only to draw a 2D grid: [X,Y] = meshgrid(-8:.5:8); Z = X+1; surf(X,Y,Z) I use Matlab R2009b. If it is impossible to plot this in matlab could you recommend me a software I could use. 回答1: If you don't mind a few for loops, something like this will work: clf figure(1) for g = 0:.2:2 for i = 0:.2:2 plot3([g g], [0 2], [i, i]) hold on end end for g = 0:.2:2 for i = 0:.2:2 plot3([0 2],