
C# math.pow cube root calculation

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-07 02:52:20
问题 How can I calculate a cube root of (0.015*(0.05*0.05)) ? I tried the following solutions: double result = Math.Pow(0.015 * (0.05 * 0.05), 1.0/3.0); and I am getting 0.03347 . The same calculation from Volframalpha: 0.015*(0.05*0.05)^0.33 gives 0.00207 . What am I doing wrong here ? 回答1: There are three concerns that I have. You are utilizing Math.Pow() in one part of your expression, however, you will want to use Math.Sqrt() in the first part of the expression which was later given during the

MDX SSAS - Max Date in Measure

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-03 14:00:25
问题 Just need to get MAX date in ALL my Measures in the Cube. For instance, DateID is a Dimention , [Measure].[First Measure],...,...,[Second Measure] . How to get list of MAX(DateID) from all Measures in my Cube. 回答1: The following will get you the max date value associated with each measure...but you will have to manually create a calculated member corresponding to each measure. WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Max Date - Internet Sales Amount] AS TAIL( NONEMPTY( [Date].[Date].[Date] ,[Measures].

HTML5实践 -- 使用css3创建动态3d立方体

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-03 08:08:58
  在今天的课程中,我将向大家介绍如何使用css3创建3d的立方体。大家可以通过下面的链接浏览实际效果,操作上下左右键,实现立方体的翻转效果。   demo地址:   demo下载地址:   下面我们开始介绍如何制作。   html: <div id="experiment"> <div id="cube"> <div class="face one"> One face </div> <div class="face two"> Up, down, left, right </div> <div class="face three"> Lorem ipsum. </div> <div class="face four"> New forms of navigation are fun. </div> <div class="face five"> Rotating 3D cube </div> <div class="face six"> More content </div> </div> </div>   上面的html中,class为face的6个div分别代表立方体的6个面,使用one到six的class名字对他们加以区分

How to render a 3d cube in LWJGL?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-02 04:54:08
问题 I can`t find a good tutorial on the web, about rendering a 3d cube in the Lightweight Java Game Library! I have been learning LWJGL for some time now. I know how to draw 2d objects. Could Somebody Help me? 回答1: Here is a lesson of a tutorial for "normal" OpenGL but in the bottom of the site you can find code for the tutorial lesson in plenty of different languages and libraries, including Java with LWJGL. To get the java code out of this jar you can open it with e.g. 7-zip and find the .java


给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-01-01 17:28:05
1,新建项目 2.导入hive指定数据指定表 3,新建model 第一步 第二步,增加外键关联 第三步,指定维度 第四步,选定度量值 第五步,自动合并,可以不选 4,新建cube 第一步,关联model 第二步,增加维度 第三步,增加度量,比如求和sum,最大max,最小min等 第四步,自动合并 没有自动合并,把7和28 两行删除 第五步,Advanced Setting 可以选择计算引擎mapreduce或者spark 第六步,kylin配置设置 可以从新买修改配置值 第七步,预览 4,build Cube action选择build monitor查看构建过程 来源: CSDN 作者: 卖男孩的小西瓜 链接:

How to plot a data cube in python

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-01 16:59:06
问题 I was wondering if there's a way to plot a data cube in Python. I mean I have three coordinate for every point x=part.points[:,0] y=part.points[:,1] z=part.points[:,2] And for every point I have a scalar field t(x,y,z) I would like to plot a 3D data cube showing the position of the point and for every point a color which is proportional to the scalar field t in that point. I tried with histogramdd but it didn't work. 回答1: You can use matplotlib. Here you have a working example (that moves!):

ssas attribute key cannot be found even though it exists and is not due to duplicates

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-28 16:31:28
问题 I was trying to rebuild my cube after making some changes the other day to the table/column names in the fact and dimension tables. The process cube action kept returning the following error message: The attribute key cannot be found when processing: Table: 'MyFactTableName', Column: 'MyDimensionKey', Value: 'SomeValue'. The attribute is 'MyDimensionKey'. The other answers to similar questions referred to attributes with duplicate values, and cases where the attribute value was null in the or

Kylin 在一点资讯的实践

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-28 10:14:34
在近期的 Apache Kylin Meetup 北京站上,我们邀请到了一点资讯的大数据平台高级工程师毛洪玥来分享 Kylin 在一点资讯的应用。本次分享由一点资讯 OLAP 发展历程和系统基础架构开始,以 Kylin 在一点资讯的业务需求和实践经验为依托,分享针对数据量较大的Cube如何提高查询响应速度,如何缩短构建时间,如何缓解 HBase 压力来提升稳定性,及使用过程中遇到的特殊数据问题与解决方案等。 发展历程 2016 年 9 月开始,一点资讯选择了综合性能优秀的 Druid 来承接大数据部门、算法部门和广告部门的多维分析查询需求。2017 年 9 月,接入刚刚开源的 Doris,承接明细查询和 SQL 分析业务。 至今年 5 月,随着业务增长和数据积累,冷数据占比增高,机器利用率降低。大部分数据月查询次数不超过 1 次,却需要长期存储,因而造成大量机器资源浪费。如何提高有限资源的利用率,支持维度高达 27 个,日志量达 1 T/天,查询周期长达 1 年的业务呢?经过一系列调研,一点资讯决定使用 Kylin 系统。Kylin 支持Hive、Kafka等形式的数据源,Cube存储及查询使用HBase,构建任务可以利用运行在Yarn上的MapReduce或Spark任务,这些都是一点资讯使用中的大数据组件,它们的存储计算均为PB级或以上级别,只需要再搭建轻量级 Kylin

Data Warehousing - Cube Cuboids

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-25 18:32:09
问题 Consider a cube defined on the following dimension hierarchies: {customer < customer_street < customer_city < customer_state} {supplier < supplier_city < supplier_state} {day < month < quarter < year} {product < product_line < product_category} The number of cuboids that contain the supplier and quarter attributes is: (a) 96 (b) 12 (c) 20 (d) 144 What is the answer and why? 来源:

How do I calc a total row using a PIVOT table, without UNION, ROLLUP or CUBE?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-25 12:37:10
问题 Can someone help out with calculating a total row at the bottom of this PIVOT table please? select *, [Drug1] + [Drug2] + [Drug3] + [Drug4] + [Drug5] as [Total] from (Select [id], [drug], [Diagnosis] from DrugDiagnosis ) as ptp pivot (count(id) for drug in ([Drug1], [Drug2], [Drug3], [Drug4], [Drug5]) ) as PivotTable I know I can do it with a UNION and have a separate query to calc the totals, but that will double the hit on the database. I have found examples using ROLLUP and CUBE, but these