
VIM: More precise C/C++ code parsing solutions?

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-28 17:12:05
问题 Pre: I've been working in VIM for like a year already. Lots of great things: combinations, scripts. Whenever I'm editing something in a different editor, I feel sluggish/uncomfortable without VIM's navigation. The problem: The thing that really bothers me most of all is source code navigation using existing tools (ctags, cscope). Often, ctags can't find the declaration of a variable, cscope as opposed to ctags finds all definitions with the same variable name. Same craziness with call tree

Alternatives to Ctags/Cscope with Objective-c?

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-11-28 15:42:14
问题 Are there any alternatives to ctags and cscope with Objective-c support. This does pertain to cocoa development, so inevitably it seems I will be using Xcode (and probably should). I was just wondering what are my Vim options. Maybe there is some type of plugin system like eclim, but for xcode? EDIT So it seems that other than updating ctags to support objective-c, I'm out of luck. Does anyone know if cscope is the same? 回答1: a long time after this question, " playing " with vim, I wanted


ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-11-28 05:12:08
自用的vim配置信息 syntax on syntax enable "" 设置历史记录条数 set history=2000 "" create undo file set undolevels=1000 "" how many undos set undoreload=10000 "" number of lines to save for undo if v:version >= 730 set undofile "" keep a persistent backup file set undodir=/tmp/vimundo/ endif ""set wildignore=*.swp,*.bak,*.pyc,*.class,.svn "" 显示当前横竖线 set cursorline set cursorcolumn "" 设置退出Vim之后内容显示在终端屏幕,可以用于查看和复制 "" 好处:误删什么,如果以前屏幕打开可以用来找回 set t_ti= t_te= "" 设置在Vim中可以使用鼠标,防止终端无法拷贝 set mouse=a ""========================================== "" Display Settings ""========================================== "" ""

cscope or ctags why choose one over the other?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-11-27 09:56:34
I primarily use vim / gvim as an editor and am looking at using a combination of lxr (the Linux Cross Reference) and either cscope or ctags for exploring the kernel source. However, I haven't ever used either cscope or ctags and would like to hear why one might choose one over the other taking into consideration my use of vim as a primary editor. ctags enables two features: allowing you to jump from function calls to their definitions, and omni completion. The first means that when you are over a call to a method, hitting g] or CTRL-] will jump to the place where that method is defined or


蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-11-27 05:02:32
在Linux系统下进行开发的时间零零散散算起来也有将近一年半了,刚开始的时候用的最原始的VIM进行简单的代码编辑,那段时间让我熟练了VIM的命令、编辑模式切换,方向移动和命令模式下的常用命令,第一次认识到了VIM的强大。之后参与的项目开发,虽说使用的是Linux系统,但是应用代码的主要编辑工作是在Source Insight下完成的,VIM用的也就少,慢慢地用起来有点手生。但是内心对于VIM的那种简洁、直接和高效依然恋恋不舍,常常会温习VIM的命令和技巧,一直在找机会掌握VIM进行完成的项目开发。直到这个项目,环境、机会(天时、地利、人和)俱全,我进入了状态~~ 一、使用VIM进行项目开发之前的基础 Linux系统中shell基本命令、常用命令的熟练使用 Linux系统文件系统知识、概念的基本理解 能够使用VIM完成基本的文本编辑工作,熟悉三种模式和基本命令 现在的Linux发行版基本都已经装好了VIM,如果没有,那就需要自己进行安装,最好是VIM7.0以上版本,不过大多数发行版的源默认都是最新版本,除非是自己使用源码按照,就需要注意。 二、VIM的配置文件及推荐插件 VIM的配置文件:.vimrc,一般都是在用户的home主目录下,该文件决定了VIM启动时的基本环境和可使用命令、工具等,在VIM的使用中具有举足轻重的地位。网络上有很多大能的.vimrc文件提供参考、下载

Pin Emacs buffers to windows (for cscope)

佐手、 提交于 2019-11-26 10:29:33
问题 For my day job, I live in Emacs. Utterly. I also have become pretty dependent on CScope to help me find things in the code. Normally, I have 2 windows in a split (C-x 3): alt text And I use the right window for code buffers and the left window for the CScope search buffer. When you do a CScope search and select a result, it automatically updates the right-side window to show the buffer referred to by the result. This is all well and good, except