
Microsoft's CodeView format specs

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-01 10:58:51
问题 I've been looking for a Microsoft document from the 1990's called CodeView Symbolic Debug Information Specification . It's referenced by Microsoft in their PE/COFF spec. Information about this document is sparse, and every lead I come across ends in a 404. Unfortunately I don't have any old MSDN CD's, which seemed to end the search for a few people. Does anyone have a copy, or know where I could find any related specs? 回答1: The one Matt Pietrek linked to, but which is not available at the

Microsoft's CodeView format specs

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-04 07:36:01
I've been looking for a Microsoft document from the 1990's called CodeView Symbolic Debug Information Specification . It's referenced by Microsoft in their PE/COFF spec . Information about this document is sparse, and every lead I come across ends in a 404. Unfortunately I don't have any old MSDN CD's, which seemed to end the search for a few people. Does anyone have a copy, or know where I could find any related specs? The one Matt Pietrek linked to, but which is not available at the original address anymore. - Note that this is one of the official CodeView 4 specifications, it doesn't cover